New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 242 - The Confession

Sophia was just sitting there, all confused at where this was all heading.

"Why did he reject them, you ask?" Kyle said and looked straight at Ali, "Should I tell her, or will you?"

"Don't you dare, Kyle," Ali said through gritted teeth.

Kyle wasn't affected at all, and tilted his head towards Sophia, "Do you want to know?"

Sophia looked at Kyle then at Ali, who appeared quite angry at Kyle and she shook her head, "No. This is Ali's private matter. He'll tell me if he wants to, but I wouldn't force him to."

Ali was relieved. Until Kyle opened his mouth again, catching him completely unawares.

"I would," Kyle said, "He rejected them because of you."

"KYLE!!" Ali roared, running over to him and pouncing on him.

Kyle merely avoided the arm grab, taking it into his hands and in a split second, now had Ali's face smashed on the desk, one arm twisted around his back while Kyle had another arm across the back of Ali's neck.

Bringing down his head to Ali's ears, but never breaking eye contact with Sophia who was now just frozen on her chair, Kyle said, "Now listen closely, you stupid fool. I gave you one week. One WEEK and what have you done?!"

Ali struggled but Kyle didn't break his hold on Ali.

"How the hell is Sophia ever going to know if you keep being so wishy-washy?! She has absolutely no idea what is in your mind and the way you keep tiptoeing around is seriously pissing me off," Kyle said in a huff.

"Look, Sophia. Ali is so in love with you that he's driving me crazy," Kyle said, making Ali that he held below him just freeze.

"So all I want to know now is, do you love him?"

Sophia's face was ashen white, her mouth gaping open, her brain slow in processing what was happening.

It was just too insane to describe.

Kyle let go of his hold on Ali then, who now didn't know what to do. Should he remain frozen on the table? Should he get up? Why did Kyle let him go then?! He couldn't even pretend to be held down now.

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Kyle brushed his two hands together, getting rid of some imaginary dust in his hands.

"There. Done," Kyle announced, "The rest is up to you, Ali."

Kyle then walked towards the door, intending to go out. As he put his hand on the doorknob, he turned to look behind him.

Sophia was still sitting like a statute on the chair and Ali was still stuck on the table. Kyle sighed and shook his head.

"Ali, this was the easiest part to get through but it had to be done, before you take the next step," Kyle said to the two unmoving figures, "Sophia, Ali is deathly afraid of what you're going to say. If you feel nothing for him, then just make a clean break. If you do feel the same, then both of you need to talk this out."

Kyle left then, closing the door firmly.

When the click of the door sounded, signaling that Kyle had gone out, Ali finally lifted his head. He didn't know where to look - ok, he did but he didn't have the courage to look yet. He closed his eyes, adjusted himself and sat on the chair that Kyle had vacated.

Finally opening his eyes, he saw Sophia just staring at him.

He banged his head on the table and mumbled, "Sorry about that."

"Is it true?" he heard her ask.

"Is what true?" he asked back, confused for a second.

She kept quiet, unable to ask. It sounded ridiculous to ask. Do you love me? How can anyone ask that?!

And why was Ali really so stupid not to be able to figure out what she was asking him?

Like, really?

So she just stared at him and he finally had the sense to look sheepish.

Rubbing the back of his neck that was actually slightly painful from Kyle's headlock, he sighed. Kyle was right. He needs to get this over and done with. Make it like when you take out a plaster. Rip it off in one shot.

"Yes, I rejected all 10 bride candidates the moment I realised I am in love with you," Ali said clearly, "I kept comparing them to you."

He looked down, clasping his hands together and started fidgeting in the chair, "I'm not telling you this to make you uncomfortable, or to blame you in any way."

Sophia's mind was reeling.

Ali was in love with her? He felt the same way? He did? Really?

Tears formed in her eyes then, as the feeling overwhelmed her completely. To find out that the person you love, loves you back was indescribable - especially when you were convinced he had no such feelings. When you had accepted it and pocketed it away.

The tears fell down her face and she could not help but sniffle a bit, causing Ali to look up. When he saw her crying, his heart broke.

"Oh my God, Sophia. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!! I never meant to make you cry!" Ali said desperately, rushing over to her side. He awkwardly took out his handkerchief and tried to dry the tears.

He dabbed at her cheeks, drying them, but the tears wouldn't stop and it kept falling, making Ali even more panicked, "Please, just ignore what I said. It's okay that you don't feel the same way. I just had to let you know. Please, please Sophia ... please stop crying."

Sophia saw the panicked look on Ali's face, and the worry in his eyes. The tenderness in his care just made her cry even more. She grabbed the handkerchief, her fingers touching his and without thinking, she held on to his hand.

She closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of his fingers under her own hand and the warmth of his palm on her cheek. Her heart was full.

Ali gulped.

Her cheeks and fingers were so soft. She looked like a delicate Fairy, just sitting there, her tear-streaked face only enhanced it, not diminish it. He cupped her cheeks and his thumb accidentally brushed by her lips.

He felt its soft plumpness and by instinct, his thumb caressed those full, pouty lips. It was soft and .. and ... before he even could process what he was doing, his lips were already on hers.

Sophia eyes flew open in shock, and was greeted with Ali's closed eyes as he kept on kissing her. She jerked back and at the same time, pushed him away.

Ali seemed to come to his senses then and his eyes mirrored the same shock that Sophia was feeling.

What did he just do?!

Horrified, he put his hands on his lips and took a step back, "Oh God. Sophia. I'm so sorry. I ... I didn't mean to ... no, I did mean to but ... oh God oh God oh God ..."*

Sophia pursed her lips. Yeah, sure, she had pushed him away but it wasn't that bad now, was it?

"I know I'm not such a great kisser, but do you seriously have to sound like it was so bad?" Sophia asked.

Ali stopped, and shook his head, "No, no ... it's not that. The kiss was great!"

Ali noted Sophia's face suddenly becoming bright red after that statement and he couldn't help but want to kiss her again. No wonder Sam was such a kissing monster ... Ali shook his head and actually hit the side of his head to get his thoughts back into order.

"It's ... well, other than the fact that I kissed you without your permission, it's actually forbidden for me to do so with anyone other than my wife," Ali said, looking down, suddenly finding his shoes very fascinating.

"Oh," Sophia said, understanding Ali's extreme reaction.

"Well, at least you stopped crying," Ali said with a sad smile as he looked at her.

His heart was heavy and sad. His confession had truly made it difficult for Sophia and this was something he had wanted to avoid. Yet, he knew it had to be done. Get it out in the open and let her go.

Would he lose her friendship? He was worried about that. Sophia is his best bud, but he couldn't keep on second-guessing himself. He also did need to free his heart so that he wouldn't keep on comparing his bride candidates with Sophia. It would just be a dead-end.

"Anyway, I'll be going now," Ali said, as he turned towards the exit.

He gave her one last look, and smiled, "You don't have to feel bad, Sophia. You're my best bud and I hope to always be that. But I understand if my confession made it difficult for you. Just know that I'll always have your back. No strings attached."

Ali took a deep breath and started walking towards the exit.

"I love you too, Ali," came the soft voice of Sophia behind him.

Ali stopped in his tracks.

Wait. No way. Did she just ...?

He turned and looked at her incredulously.

"Did you just ... did you just say what I thought you said?" Ali asked, fearing the answer.

Sophia looked at him in the eye and said clearly, "I love you."

With a great big shout of 'WHOOOP!!', Ali ran over to Sophia, went down on his knees and looked up at her.

"Really? Really really? You love me?" Ali asked again, not daring to believe it.

Sophia smiled shyly and nodded.

Ali put his arms under her armpit, lifted her up and hugged her tight, burying his face in the crook of her neck and inhaling her special refreshing 'cut-grass' smell.

"Oh God, Sophia. I love you. I love you so much," Ali was saying as he held her tightly to him.

Sophia let him hug her and she hugged him back, cherishing the closeness and masculine smell of him.

After several minutes, she then asked tentatively, her voice shaking a bit in nervousness, "But Ali ... what about your family?"

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