New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 249 - Infiltration (II)

Entering the building was easy.

Once he slipped in, Kyle accessed from his memory banks the blueprint of the building's inner layout. He then changed his clothes, put on a wig and shoes. Going out in the bright corridor with his dark ninja outfit would basically be screaming "INTRUDER!!".

As Kyle walked to the records room, he kept in touch with Kay who would swap the image with still pictures everytime Kyle walked by. He would also look down and face away from the camera in order to minimise any exposure.

Neither Kay nor Kyle took each other's skill lightly, but they also would not take it for granted. Though Kyle was confident that Kay would hide his tracks, he wouldn't be complacent.

Kyle reached the records room without any trouble.

This was actually only one of the rooms he had to go to. Kyle doubted that the information that he really wanted would be found here, but he had to try. He didn't want to leave any stones unturned. After all, 'Kylie' had died simply for saving some accounting records?

Perhaps there was something here that may be hidden as well.

? Two hours later ?

Kyle sighed, closing the last drawer.


So now he had to go to the other place.

The CEO's office.

Which had more security.

[Nothing here, Kay. Looks like Plan B then]

[I suggest you wait another hour, brother] Kay said, looking at the time [There are less people around at that time]

Kyle sighed and had to agree with Kay's suggestion. After all, she was the one monitoring the situation.

It would have been so much easier if all he had to do was just go in and get the information. If he met with anyone, he'd just knock them out.

Unfortunately, he had to go in, and out, without anyone even knowing.

Kyle decided to use the time to take a power nap. It would replenish his energy and help him gain focus again.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Kay, wake me up in 50mins]

[Okay] she answered, taking a sip from her cappuccino. It helped keep her awake. While Kyle slept, she would need to be fully awake to ensure that his location was secure.

She watched from her monitor as Kyle found a dark spot to lie down, and using the backpack as a pillow, he promptly fell asleep.

Kay sighed and tapped her fingers on the screen.

It was times like this that it hits Kay about the sort of burdens that lay on Kyle's shoulders. Living two lives isn't easy, and Kyle had it harder between the two of them. She was well aware of the fact that as the years pass by, Kyle got more and more stressed.

He didn't quite show it, but she could tell.

The Fight Club incident was just the beginning.

Whether Big Bro Nick knew it or not, but these missions really did help Kyle release the stress. Kay also felt that the stress build-up in Kyle was what created Ice. As Ice, he didn't have to hold back. As Ice, he could truly vent as he wanted - and from what she heard, Ice really wasn't someone you want being cross with you.

Kay placed some fly bugs near the door and window of the room that Kyle was sleeping in, which would beep if there were any movements. She looked at the other cameras just to make sure that everything was as it should be.

In a way, she felt like she was the unpaid help for the company that she was spying on. She laughed at that thought, then her hands stilled.

Her eyes narrowed as she zoomed in one particular part of the building.

It was brief, but it was there.

On high alert, Kay started tracking the possible routes and location of that blur she had seen. Her eyes darted across the various screens, while her fingers went from one keyboard to the other.

Kay was in the highly secure MIB cyber room, surrounded by the latest gadgets and tech as she monitored Kyle.

[Kyle. Red alert]

Kyle's eyes shot wide open immediately and he got up in a flash.


[Intruder in CEO's room] Kay reported.

Kyle cursed under his breath.



Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. That meant that none of the alarms had been triggered so Kyle need not abandon the mission. He noted the time. It had only been a 15-minute nap. Ah, it was still better than nothing.

Kyle went to work immediately, discarding any need for being quiet now. After all, the other person was already here, which means that there is a possibility he would trigger an alarm. Once that happens, security would be increased and Kyle would have even more difficulty to enter next time.

So, the only move available was to get to the CEO's room, knock the person out and get any possible information before leaving. Hopefully, the intruder will get the blame and Kyle can escape unnoticed.

With that thought in mind, Kyle moved quickly through the corridors. For the most part, he managed to avoid any of the security guards patrolling but for those that he couldn't, he took them out quickly.

All in all, he had knocked 5 guards unconscious and left them in an empty room. From the security details, Kyle only had 10 minutes to get in and out. Once the knocked out guards did not report in, the whole building would go into red alert.

[What's the intruder doing?] Kyle just as he reached the door.

[He managed to find the vault and is now going through some documents. Looks like he's taking pics of them]


[Southwest, approximately 30 meters. There is a desk in front of the intruder, waist high]

Kyle took out his slim knives from inside his shirt, then took out his face mask and put it on. Placing a hand on the doorknob, he took a deep breath and made his move.

He entered, threw the knives in the direction that Kay had indicated, rolled to one side while kicking the door closed and turned to face the intruder. He tsked when he noted that the intruder's reaction had been quick enough to avoid his knives and was in a fighting stance as well.

"Not bad," Kyle praised as he came towards the desk where the intruder and documents were.

The intruder didn't say a word, but went out the other side of the desk, a knife glistening in his hands.

Kyle observed the intruder in front of him.

He was dressed all in black, with the top part of his face covered with a bandana with holes for his eyes to look through, while his bottom half was covered with a face mask.

It looked like he was trying to be a ninja?

Kyle's mouth twitched at that.

From the body frame, the intruder couldn't have been more than a teenager. Perhaps this was a dare? Kyle shook his head at that ridiculous thought. What the kid was doing here was far too dangerous to be a dare.

An initiation?

That would explain the risk factor and the ... unusual dress factor. As he wasn't yet official, he wasn't worthy to wear the outfit. Thus, he made do with the shirt, pants, and headgear.

Kyle had to admit, this kid was pretty innovative. And brave.

Of course, having a 14-year-old boy calling another young boy, a "kid" was pretty funny. If the intruder could hear what Kyle was calling him, he'd probably vomit blood.

"We're here for the same thing," Kyle began slowly after making these deductions, "We'll get our things, and leave. There is no need to fight."

The other figure didn't respond but didn't attack either. By now, Kyle had reached the documents.

"I'll not disturb you, so you can finish your initiation test" Kyle said as he flipped through the documents. He noted with satisfaction the way the guy's eyes opened wide, indicating that his guess had been correct.

He obviously had a long way to go though, since he let that sort of emotion filter through.

[Kay, keep an eye out on the intruder. If he even twitches, let me know.]


Kyle took just a minute to flip through everything and commit it to memory. He then looked into the safe and noted there was nothing there of interest.

"Hope we don't meet again," Kyle said as he walked to the window.

Reaching behind him, he took out the ninja top and put it on. His pants were already dark, so he didn't need to change that. Kyle gave one last look at the intruder, who hadn't moved from his position and was simply staring at Kyle all this while.

"One tip," Kyle said, "Always be in a ready fighting stance, but don't be so tensed up when doing so. Otherwise, you'll just tire yourself out before the fight even starts."

Kyle slid the window open, swung one leg out then looked at hsi watch.

"Oh yes," Kyle said, as he looked at his watch, "You have 5 minutes to take what you need and leave. They're going to notice that some of their guards are missing and will raise the alarm."

Kyle grinned upon seeing the glare the intruder gave him. He gave a salute, then dropped down.

The intruder let out a gasp and ran to the window quickly, only to see that Kyle had opened a small parachute and was safely landing. Even the parachute was dark in colour, so one didn't really notice it as the moon was behind the clouds.

"Damn, that guy's good," the intruder said, "Annoying, but good."

Kay, who was busy watching the intruder, was in shock. She couldn't believe what she heard. She accessed the voice record of the nearby fly bug, and listened again. Kay started tapping her fingers on the desk then ran a few diagnostic tests.

Seeing the results, Kay was silent as she continued to watch the intruder finishing up taking snapshots of the documents before keeping it back into the vault. The intruder left through the window as well, but abseiled down.

[Brother, about that intruder ... ]

[What?] Kyle asked, as he started running towards home after packing up his parachute.

[It was a girl]

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