New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 264 - Cat-and-Mouse*

Kyle made to look at his watch, then said to Xing Han, "We have time. Shall we do some shopping and then grab a bite to eat?"

Xing Han gave him a look, replying, "Shopping?? You?? ... oh what the heck. Why not?!"

Kyle grinned and draped his arms over Xing Han's shoulders, bringing him close and then saying in a low voice, "We have a tail. Shall we have some fun?"

Xing Han flung his arm around Kyle's shoulders as well, grinning and replied with an equally low voice, "Bring it on."

They looked at each other, wriggled their eyebrows.

The first thing Kyle did was to bring Xing Han to a clothes shop. They went walking about until finally, Xing Han stopped by the clothes rack that had trenchcoats. Both of them looked pretty excited and bought one.

Kyle didn't wear it but Xing Han did, strutting and showing off to Kyle while he laughed. After that, they headed towards the nearest fast-food outlet. After getting their order, they chose a table and sat down. The girl following them had no choice but buy something as well, for she would stand out too much if she sat there without anything.

Kyle and Xing Han were eating happily and talking about nonsensical things, much to the girl's consternation. They had done all that to escape the fans and here they were, happily out in the open again? Though she had to admit, their disguise was pretty good.

Both of them had to have good disguises, though admittedly, the one that would require a higher level would be Kyle as he was the most eye-catching one. If his disguise wasn't good which would make one think twice, they'd only need to look at the person next to him. If it was Xing Han, then by default, the person would be Kyle.

They would only observe Xing Han closely if Kyle's disguise wasn't good. However, this did not mean that Xing Han's disguise could be bad either for if it wasn't good, then by default, they would assume the person next to him is Kyle (so no matter how good Kyle's disguise was, they would know).

In this case, both disguises were just perfect.

Just then, Kyle got up and headed somewhere. The girl fidgeted, wondering whether to follow Kyle or stay and watch Xing Han. She didn't think that Kyle would leave Xing Han but her mission was to follow Kyle.

If she did get up to follow him and he came back, then her actions would be obvious. But what if he was going to go do something else and Xing Han ... her face went into a frown. Why weren't the two acting like normal? Sticking to each other like glue?

While she was thinking, Xing Han got up and went in the opposite direction.

The girl's eyes went wide. She got up and looked towards the area Kyle had gone but he was nowhere to be seen. She turned and managed to catch a glimpse of Xing Han, his trenchcoat flapping as he walked, so she quickly ran after him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Just when she caught up with him, it turned out that the person was not Xing Han! Frustrated, she stomped her foot and put her hands on her hips. Thinking hard, she took out her phone and started fiddling with it.

Accessing the site of 'Sightings of Kyle', she quickly saw that the fake Kyle and Xing Han had headed towards the waiting area already. She took a gamble, thinking that these fakes would be going in the same place as the real duo.

There was a possibility that they weren't, but she had no other leads at the moment. She took a glance at the announcement screen, noting which flight was scheduled to leave at boarding gate that the fakes were at. She then accessed the booking area on her phone and bought a ticket.

She ran off to check-in.

A few meters away, hidden behind a pillar, Kyle watched her go off with a smile. Seeing her throwing a mini tantrum like that was kinda cute and funny, completely different from the sort of persona she had been showing while following them.

Kyle's head turned as he felt Xing Han arrive. Xing Han nudged his shoulder with his shoulder and said, "That guy must have thought he hit it lucky, getting a trenchcoat for free."

Xing Han's own trenchcoat was in his backpack now, while the stranger was happily wearing the one Kyle had been carrying. Getting such a good quality trenchcoat, who would refuse?

"What's next?" Xing Han asked.

"Nothing much," Kyle answered, looking up at the announcement screen, "Just follow my lead for now."

Xing Han shrugged.

"Sure, but why are you playing around with that girl anyway?" he asked curiously, "She's not really bothering us, right?"

Kyle smirked, "True. But I don't like being spied upon like this. Why make it easy for her, right?"

Xing Han didn't have any opinion on the matter but since it looked like it did to Kyle, he didn't say much.

Ordinarily, Kyle wouldn't really be bothered with a fan following them but the girl didn't look or act like a normal fan. She was much too skilled to be just a normal person, following their idol around - and added to that, there were no 'stars in her eyes' sort of thing.

She wasn't looking at him like someone she admired, but rather, like a target.

As he watched her go off in front, he tsked inwardly. She was so focused on her target that she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. If she did, she would have noticed that this time, she had a tail on her.

She obviously still had a lot to learn.

They followed her leisurely, keeping a safe distance between them. As they headed towards the waiting area, Kyle sped up a bit and Xing Han followed. He waited until she had cleared security and was just walking into the waiting lounge when he and Xing Han started walking beside it.

The entire waiting lounge partition wall was of glass, so she could clearly see Kyle and Xing Han laughing and talking as they walked by. She stared at them, as they went on walking ... past the waiting room lounge of that flight and headed towards the waiting room lounge two 'doors' away.

She quickly headed back out, telling the security that she would be right back.

She saw as Kyle and Xing Han stood outside the waiting room lounge and looked at their watch before heading to the bathroom just opposite of it. Seeing them disappear inside, she quickly went to the waiting room lounge that they had stood outside and noted the flight. There was just enough time for her to buy the ticket and check-in.

She looked in frustration at the ticket that she had already bought and gritted her teeth. Tearing it, she threw it into the nearest dustbin and quickly went to get the new ticket.

Fifteen minutes later, she came running back and out of breath, she finally entered the waiting room area which was now open. Her eyes scanned the entire place and did not see Kyle or Xing Han. Her eyes narrowed.

No, it couldn't be.

She checked again and still, no Kyle or Xing Han.

Just then, she heard a knock on the glass wall of the waiting room lounge. She turned instinctively, and to her horror, saw that it was a smiling Kyle. He was waving at her, then at the torn pieces of a ticket in his hands and blew her a kiss.

Xing Han gave her a salute.

She ran to the glass wall and watched, with fury, as they entered the earlier waiting room lounge.

Everyone in that waiting room lounge watched in shock at the girl who suddenly started screaming, cursing someone.

Xing Han turned a bit, upon hearing that scream, then back at Kyle who didn't appear fazed at all.

"Was it a bit too much?" he asked.

Kyle shook his head, "Hardly."

With that, they were the last to board the plane.

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