New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 266 - Instant Noodles

Kyle and Xing Han decided to take it easy for the day to read up the reports on the two restaurants that they were to check out. It was already 8pm and were enjoying the peace and quiet.

Unlike the commotion in the last place, they managed to arrive, leave the airport and reach the hotel easily. It wasn't just because they were still in disguise, but by the fact that Kay had successfully brought down the website 'Sightings of Kyle'.

For preventive measures, she had also placed a few thousand focused crawlers* online to specifically target any sites that had such a function. Kay had also dispensed with the 'politeness' policy, which essentially would have made the crawler be 'polite' and not overload the website. The point of the focused crawler was to bring down the website, so Kay wanted the crawler to do so.

Lucka and the others had also gone back to whatever they were doing. They had dispensed with their disguises and split up at the airport as they went on to their separate destinations and missions. Xing Han was a little sad to see the handsome him change back to Lucka, though he did take several pictures together with him for memories sake.

While Xing Han was going through the company files, Kyle was actually flipping through the information on Sayuri. He already knew about the companies so he didn't bother with them at the moment. What was more interesting was that little tail of theirs.

'Sayuri Hinata. Birthday, 2 August XXXX, making her 14 next year. An only child and sole heir of Hinata Companies. Parents died in an accident when she was 5 years old. Raised by grandparents, unmarried uncle is her guardian and current CEO,' Kyle mumbled to himself.

The files also had details of her school life and achievements. Elite school, top-of-the class etc. Obviously, one of those high-achievers, like him. There were no details about her martial arts and her need to follow him, which only pointed to one possibility.

The Hinata Family must be part of the hidden Ninja Clan.

Kay would not be able to obtain any details of that anywhere, so the only person he could ask would be Master Shifu. At that moment, Kyle started thinking of that ninja girl he had met from the previous mission. Could they be the same person?

Kyle brushed it aside. It couldn't be. It would have been too much of a coincidence.

As Kyle put down the files, he noted that Xing Han at his laptop, doing some work. Kyle was beginning to feel a bit hungry, so he decided to check out what could be in the fridge.

"Hey, Kyle," Xing Han said as he was busy typing away at his laptop.

"Hmmm?" Kyle responded, his head buried in the fridge at the kitchenette.

The possibility of there being food was slim as he never left instructions for it to be stocked. So all he saw were the usual overloaed-with-sugar soft drinks, unable-to-drink alcohol and not-desirable chocolates.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

If only there were some instant noodles, he'd scoff them down in an instant. The tom yam flavour would go down so well right now. Add in some chopped vegetables and ... his mouth was already watering thinking about it.

Or maybe curry? With an egg added. Perhaps even Country I's instant fried noodles or that really spicy flavour from Country K to explode your head. All sorts of variety and flavours of those instant noodles that he would eat so often in his past life just filled his head.

Kyle shook his head.

Focus. Focus. Healthy eating ... my body is my temple, it must be filled with good things. Only good things. His eyes glazed over as he remembered how good that piping hot instant noodles were. He swallowed his saliva again.

Even the Rock had cheat days, right?!

Since his reincarnation, Kyle had been determined to live life to the fullest - in the sense of being the best and always doing the best. It wasn't just working hard in his studies and learning things, but it also included being fit and eating well.

However, there were times when the 'old Kylie reared its head and wanted junk food. Instant noodles were one of them. Comfort food, it was. The cravings rose again.

"KYLE!" Xing Han finally shouted, miffed, "Are you even listening to me?!"

Xing Han was miffed. How could his BFF be so engrossed with looking into a fridge that he couldn't even hear him??

He stomped over to Kyle, who now closed the fridge door.

"I seriously need some instant noodles," Kyle said, his eyes looking so sad and pitiful that the anger in Xing Han just melted.

Xing Han rolled his eyes, sighed loudly and said, "It's one of those days, huh?"

Kyle nodded.

Xing Han then laughed, slapping Kyle on the shoulder.

"Alright, come on," Xing Han said indulgently, "Let's go. Remember. Only two flavours. That's it."

Kyle put up four fingers and Xing Han shook his head, "Two."

Kyle gave his puppy eyes to Xing Han. Xing Han narrowed his eyes, put his hands on Kyle's cheeks and brought his face close, staring right into his eyes.

"Two. T.w.o. TWO," he repeated firmly.

Kyle pouted.

Xing Han wasn't moved.

This was one of those rare moments when Kyle acts like a normal teen and Xing Han actually relished being the big brother for once. The abnormally disciplined and matured guy became utterly helpless and weak when his cravings for the instant noodles hit its peak.

It was as if the supreme efforts that he puts into following his strict diet and routines become equally strong when it came to his weakness. Kyle had already told Xing Han to be the 'bad guy' and make sure that he never went overboard during these times.

At first, Xing Han had not been strong enough to resist Kyle's puppy eyes or pouts. With Kyle's appetite, he would wolf down several bowls of it at one go and then suffer the next day. Both Xing Han and Kyle would feel equally guilty then, so Xing Han resolved to be stronger and Kyle ... well, Kyle helped that resolve by promising him extra pork chops if he succeeded.

Now, it was much easier to be firm. Not so much due to the pork chop promise but because Xing Han found it funny, and satisfying, to scold Kyle. It's not often one manages to feel superior to Kyle, so he would often cherish the moments and feelings.

Grabbing Kyle's hand, Xing Han said consolingly, "Two flavours but you can have two of each as it's been a long time since the last time you ate it. There's a convenience store just across the street from here. There should be some."

Kyle's face broke into a grin, let go of Xing Han's hand and hugged him from the back. He placed his chin on Xing Han's shoulder and said, "You're the best, Xing Han! The BEST! My BFF!!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Xing Han said as he walked to the door, with Kyle stuck to his back, "And let go, Kyle. You're heavy!"

Kyle gave Xing Han one last squeeze before grabbing his black hoodie sweatshirt and put it on. He was the first one out, excitedly shouting at Xing Han to hurry up. With a sigh, then a laugh, Xing Han ran to catch up.

At the convenience store, people couldn't help but stare at the two boys that had run in. The first actually slid to a stop, his strikingly handsome face looking around quickly before heading towards the dry food section with a breathtaking smile that just made everyone's heart, beat a little faster.

The second one that arrived slightly later, stopped with a stomp, doubling over a bit with his hands on his knees as he gasped to catch his breath. Once he did, he got up and took a basket, while saying angrily, "Kyle! Slow down! Those noodles aren't going anywhere!"

That sentence got people's lips twitching, holding back laughter. It was completely unexpected. Just then, the first guy appeared, his arms full of instant noodles packets and a carton of eggs.

"My preciousss!" Kyle said, as he ran towards the cashier.

Xing Han looked at the basket he was carrying, then at the excited Kyle and sighed. There were obviously more than two flavours there. Looks like the craving was bad this time. Xing Han quickly went to counter to settle it.

"No," Xing Han said firmly, pushing aside three packets of instant noodles as the cashier was about to ring them up.

"Yes," Kyle said, taking one and putting it into the cashier's hands.

"Kyle, behave," Xing Han repeated, taking the packet back.

Kyle held onto the cashier's hand with one hand, taking the packet with the other and put it back into her hand, while looking at her with his puppy eyes.

"Please ring this up for me," he said, "Ignore the other guy as I'm the one paying."

Xing Han grabbed Kyle's wrist and took the packet away, growling, "Don't listen to him. He's training so he can't eat too many junk food. The ones you've rung up is enough."

The poor girl didn't know what to do other than just stand there, blushing, as the two argued. The customer is always right but there were two of them saying opposite things. She was just there to ring up the items!

Kyle gave her his Million-Dollar Watt Smile, making her knees go all weak, "You wouldn't deny me this little thing, would you?"

The girl, mesmerized, shook her head as her hands went to scan the item.

"Would you let him eat that and have him lose this?!" Xing Han suddenly roared, pulling up Kyle's sweatshirt to reveal those mouth-watering abs.

The girl's eyes widened, quickly pressed the 'total' key and said, "That would be $18 please."

Kyle pushed down Xing Han's hand and growled, "That's playing it dirty."

Xing Han scoffed, "As if unleashing your charm on the cashier isn't?"

The two continued to bicker as they paid, took the bag and walked out. The cashier was busy fanning herself, thinking that what had happened was just too surreal.

All over some instant noodles?!

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