New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 286 - Trying Again

"Remember, information first," Nitocris reminded Kyle, while sipping on his red wine as he watched the whole process.

Ice went and poured cold water on the unconscious guys then said to Nitocris, "Big Bro, choose the one for me, please?"

For some reason, hearing how polite Ice was, the remaining two moles were ready to cry. Like students who didn't want to be called, both were looking everywhere but at the people in front of them. Even though the bondage that tied them forced them in certain positions - including having to face their tormentors - it didn't mean their eyeballs couldn't move.

"That one," Nitocris answered.

Since both had been looking elsewhere, they didn't know who it was that the King had chosen. Ice didn't help either, for he just walked inbetween them, pushing them aside a bit then sat down cross-legged. He looked at the guy on his left, then his right.

"You sure, Big Bro?" Ice asked sweetly, smiling with his eyes twinkling.

"Yes," Nitocris answered, swirling the wine in his glass, his eyes seemingly bored, "Make it last longer this time."

Ice rubbed his chin, looking very serious as he said, "I'll try, Big Bro."

"Don't try. Do," Nitocris demanded, his voice deep and commanding.

"Yes, Big Bro," Ice answered seriously, then placed his hands on the top of their heads.

Their eyes bulged wider. Didn't the King choose one? Why was he holding both of their heads then?

What they did not know was that Nitocris had actually pointed to both of them, allowing Kyle free control. Just the reminder about what they needed had to be given.

"It's quite simple," Ice said, "I will ask one question. If I don't hear an answer I like, I will cause you unimaginable pain. If you say something I do like, then I'll cause the other the pain. If both say something I like, you get a free pass. Pass from pain, that is."

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"Do you understand?" Ice asked.

Both nodded but the moment they did that, Ice hands went directly to their throats, squeezing hard until their eyeballs went to the back of their heads from the lack of air. Just as they were about to pass out, Ice let go then hissed, "I said, do you understand?"

One nodded, while the other croaked, "Yes"

Ice gave the one who didn't answer, a punch to the nose from the bottom to up, breaking it. The angle of the punch caused more pain than if he had hit from the side, and some fragments of the broken bone seemed to smash into his head.

Finally understanding what Ice wanted, the guy managed to open his mouth and say, "Y..s.."

Ice patted both of their cheeks, saying, "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Then he cocked his head to look at the broken nose guy, "Though perhaps it would be harder for you to talk now, huh?"

Ice brought his face closer to the guy, gently stroking his neck while saying "I'll leave you be ... for now. Wait for me and I'll get back to you real soon."

The guy, who could beat up 10 men at one go, shuddered from that one sentence and the sudden killer aura that spilled out from Ice. He felt it go straight into his soul, and images of Ice in flames as he stared at him filled his mind. He promptly fainted.

Ice scrunched up his face and looked at Nitocris, putting his hands up in the air, saying, "I didn't do anything! Are these the quality of your men nowadays? Fainting left, right and centre. "

"Hmmm," was the only response from Nitocris.

Even from that distance, Nitocris had felt the killer aura and was slightly affected. What more the person that was subjected to it fully, and at such close range. The fact that he merely fainted and wasn't frothing at the mouth was already an indication of how strong he truly had been.

Not that it could withstand Ice, of course.

Kyle turned to the other guy, who had also felt the killer aura. Before Kyle could say or do anything, the guy became a mountain of information. Much to Kyle's consternation.

? Two hours later ?

"Had enough?" Nitocris asked as Kyle pursed his lips.

After getting the information that they needed, Kyle continued his experimentation on the two guys. If his ancestor, Kato Danzai could make 20 people believe he had swallowed a cow, then making these two believe that Ice was actually the devil shouldn't be too hard, right?


Put too much into the illusion, then the mind can snap. Just like what happened with the first guy. Put too little, then the belief may fade in time. Ensuring that the fear and belief to be firm without breaking the mind was difficult and a tad delicate.

There was even beads of sweat on Kyle's head as he sat there on the ground, not caring about the stench of urine and poop that came from the guys beside him. He was going to throw away the clothes anyway. One long shower would get rid of the rest.

"Can't do anything anymore," Kyle said with a sigh then got up, wiping his forehead, "How the heck does Father do this?"

Only in front of Nitocris does Kyle refer to Master Shifu as such. In his heart, Master Shifu was his father even though he was Patrick's son biologically.

"If I get any more moles, you can have them. Just try and try again," Nitocris said encouragingly.

Nitocris got up, having found the entire process absolutely fascinating. To see that the three bodies were entirely intact yet dead, was truly a new thing. He was used to seeing how people screamed and writhed under his knife, their pain satisfying to see and hear.

This wasn't as satisfying but it was interesting. Just seeing them scream from absolute fear while Kyle did nothing but just sit there and look at them, while occasionally touching them in some spots. Nitocris still prefered the old method, but he wasn't adverse to new methods. As long as it got the job done.

Nitocris walked out, and Kyle obediently followed. His beloved jacket, untainted from all the filth, was carried carefully.

The cleaners that came afterward felt a fear in their hearts that they could never erase.

Seeing blood and gore was one thing ... but this. This was straight from the deep mysteries of horror. Three buff men, completely untouched but dead. Their faces frozen in abject terror, making the cleaners believe that the men had literally, died from fear.

Just what had they seen? Just what did Ice do??

After that, word spread. The rumour about Ice being the Devil Incarnate solidified. His gaze was enough to literally kill you.

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