New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 300 - Observing

Kyle took Xing Han's hand in his own, playing with it and seemingly admiring Xing Han's hands with his head down. In reality, he was watching the couple and reporting to Xing Han what they were talking about.

Well, one side of the conversation at least.

Only Cornelius was facing them while the lady was not. The table that Xing Han had chosen was the last one in the carriage, so the wall was behind Kyle and Xing Han.

This way, they could be assured that the targets, if they came, would be in front of them. Either to their left or directly in front. In this case, they were directly in front.

Kyle didn't quite like the fact that Cornelius seemed to be looking at them a bit so Kyle smiled sweetly at Xing Han as he took the hand he had been holding and put it on the right boob, saying, "This one is feeling lonely."

The waiter that just came practically dropped the starters on their table and dashed off, cursing his luck for being on shift right now.

Kyle and Xing Han stopped playing once the waiter left, and Kyle was sure that Cornelius stopped looking at them.

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" Xing Han observed.

"Hmmm?" Kyle replied distractedly, "More or less. Hold on, I need to talk to Kay."

Little Kyle's face scrunched up at that, looking at Kyle, but he didn't ask any questions. He turned back his attention to the game and absentmindedly munched on the tortilla chips that were the starters.

[Kay, have you found anything yet about what he's doing at State SS?] Kyle asked. He knew from the ticket that he had lifted from Cornelius, that that was their stop. It was two stops after Kyle's.

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[Not much, other than meeting someone. I've also asked Big Bro Nic but there's nothing stirring in the underworld. So it's nothing illegal, I suppose]

[Not illegal in Big Bro Nic's sense] Kyle mused [But doesn't mean nothing is wrong]

Nitocris was only concerned with things that affected his business. No child trafficking, no drugs without his approval, no guns without him getting a cut - things like that. Kidnapping, torture, murder and the lot were not his concern unless it was to his people, or by his people without his knowledge.

[Who is that someone Cornelius is meeting?]

[Unknown. The name was never mentioned] Kay stated.

[The way he's so careful and all] Kyle said with a frown that he hid by snuggling up to Xing Han's neck [makes me wonder about him. He's not as dense as he appears to be. He's not normal]

Even when talking to Kay, Kyle didn't let up on his 'acting' as the clinging and loving girlfriend. However, he was a bit too absorbed in his talk with Kay and observing Cornelius that he didn't think twice about the sort of things he was doing at the moment. He was simply taking it for granted.

Xing Han, on the other hand, was freaking out a bit.

Despite the fact that he knew it was Kyle, it was still hard not to have some sort of reaction because it did not look like Kyle. His brain was telling him one thing but his eyes were saying something else. It was fine when they were talking as Xing Han could associate the person in front of him as Kyle when they did so.

However, at this point in time, Kyle as being very quiet. He didn't say a thing, and he was too busy playing around with Xing Han to get people distracted that it made HIM distracted.

First, it was the harmless playing of the hands. Then, his hands were kissed - from the fingers, then to the palm. After that, 'she' got closer to him, snuggling up and burying 'her' head on his shoulders. That was fine enough until he could feel the lips on his neck and then a cool breath on his ear.

At this point in time, Xing Han finally, truly, understood what Kyle meant by saying that french kissing could cross the line between them. Right now, they weren't really doing anything and it wasn't like he was getting any sort of reaction ... but it certainly did feel different.

Xing Han jerked back and heard Kyle laugh.

"I win," he said softly, "You're taking over Valentine's Day for me next year."

"Damnit Kyle," Xing Han hissed, "You were cheating!"

"Alls fair in love and war, baby," Kyle replied, still laughing, "And V-Day is certainly war indeed."

[Kay, check out this name - Sheng Xian] Kyle said suddenly [Cornelius seems agitated when he said that name]

Just then, their meal arrived and Kyle disentangled himself from Xing Han, saying after the waiter left, "Cornelius appears to be connected to Sheng Xian, so I've asked Kay to check him out"

Xing Han nodded, as he started to eat.

Kyle handed the burger to Little Kyle and noted that he as trembling a bit.

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked, putting down the plate and looking at him in the eye, "Are you worried about your stepdad? Look, he doesn't recognise you at all. He hasn't looked here since the time he entered."

Kyle held his little hand, patting it while trying to reassure him.

Little Kyle nodded, then shook his head and turned to look at Kyle.

He looked like he wanted to say something, but was hesitating. Kyle was patient and simply waited.

Finally, Little Kyle took a deep breath and he said in a soft voice, "Please. Don't let him take me to Uncle Xian."

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