New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 331 - First Assembly Speech

Thus, with Kyle not in the picture, it meant that the speech normally given by him after the Principal, fell on Beatrice's shoulders.

This was the second reason why Beatrice was nervous.

She felt it was ridiculous, though, because speaking to the students was something she had been doing ever since her appointment. Yet, each time, she would find herself getting butterflies in her stomach and her heart beating fast.

She should already be used to all of this, right?

Beatrice looked out at the crown again and patted her chest.

"Just imagine them naked," Sam said suddenly.

Beatrice turned to look at him in shock and Sam smiled. Something he did quite often since Samty (Samuel + Betty. Horrible couple naming, but it somehow just stuck).

"It's said to alleviate your nervousness when having to do public speaking," Sam explained.

Beatrice blinked rapidly, her face slightly red and Sam laughed a bit under his breath at this, "Okay, maybe that technique is a bit too advanced for you."

He indicated the crowd with his chin and said, "Focus on the people that you're familiar with. Choose at least three that are situated around so that it would be obvious. They won't know that you're looking at them unless you stare too intently, of course. Move your eyes around as well, rotating differently between those that you chose."

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"This method works if it's a familiar setting. When it's a new place, choose faces that you can identify with," Sam continued, "For the ones that are very close, do not look at their faces but at their chest, because you'd be more nervous otherwise. Don't look at those that aren't listening or looking at their phones. Their inattentiveness will only fluster you further. Focus on those that give off a positive vibe."

Beatrice looked at Sam with wide eyes.

Never before had Sam actually spoken so much and he was giving her such valuable tips on public speaking.

"Thank you, Samuel," Beatrice said to him and he gave her a smile, nodding.

"You'll be fine," he said and though Beatrice was still ultra nervous, those simple, confident words calmed her down immensely.

Sam walked off then and she looked at his strong back leaving, sighing a bit.

What a pity.

She turned back to look at the crowd from backstage, using that time to go through the notes for the speech.

The Hall quietened down once Principal Godric walked to the podium. He stood there, majestically imposing (in his mind) as he faced the crowd. Another year and things were running smoothly, making Principal Godric extremely happy.

"Welcome back, returning students and to the new students, welcome to Sakura Academy!!"

Huge round of applause and even whoop whoop whoop could be heard.

Principal Godric grinned even wider.

He started off with the usual 'summary of last year' events and the end-of-the-year exam results. He congratulated those that did well and for those that had failed, not to give up and soldier on. The teachers were always here to help.

"Now, as I am sure all of you are aware, we are missing one person today," Principal Godric said solemnly, looking down at the podium.

People gasped, thinking the worse from the stance that Principal Godric was making. He took a deep breath, his face all sad and said, "It's such a pity. Such a promising young child ... "

"Nooooooo!!" a scream suddenly pierced the air.

" ... to have fallen so sick just before school begins," Principal Godric finished, not fazed a bit by the sudden outburst and the obvious agitation of the students.

"But, he'll be back next week, all fine and dandy!"

"Principal Godric!!!" some of the students were shouting and some even waved a fist at him.

Principal Godric just grinned and said, "Was that bad of me?"

"YES!" was the resounding answer.

"Well, next time, wait until I finish before interrupting," he replied with a grin.

The students groaned.

Principal Godric was getting worse at teasing them.

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