New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 340 - Fan Club

When Xing Han saw a car arrive at the front gate, he didn't have time to take note of Nitocris any longer. He squealed happily, causing Nitocris's eyebrow to shoot up. Oblivious to this, Xing Han dashed passed Nitocris and rushed to the door.

Flinging it open, he excitedly called out, "Kyyyyylllleeeee!!!" as he ran off.

Nitocris watched him go, pursing his lips, a bit unhappy. Seems like the puppy needs a lot of training in the future ... or at least, that bundle of energy has to be directed somewhere else. Nitocris harumphed as he started thinking of a few things.

Kyle was getting out of the car when he heard Xing Han. He grinned as Xing Han came and glomped on him.

"Are you ever going to stop doing that?" Kyle asked in amusement.

"Never ever ever ..." Xing Han began, "No, wait. Probably when I'm too old and feeble to do so."

Kyle laughed as he went to the boot of the car and took out their bags. Kay came out gracefully and pouted at Xing Han.

"Only Kyle?" she asked, putting on a sad face.

"Angel Kay!" Xing Han hugging her tight and then swung her around.

"Be careful," Kyle said, "You may have gotten taller now, but you're still round and unstable."

"OUCH," Xing Han said, putting down the laughing Kay, "It just means there's more of me to love!"

"Fluffy Xing Han," Kyle said, walking past him as he carried the suitcases in each hand.

"At least you know," Xing Han said, taking one suitcase from him, "But I don't plan to remain fluffy forever."

"It's fine if you can't," Kyle said, "What is important is that you're healthy."

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"How can you be healthy if you're also fat?" Xing Han pointed out.

"Well, being slim isn't possible for everyone, actually. It all depends on the body frame, metabolism and so forth," Kyle said as they walked into the house, "Your body type may actually require twice the work other people would need to maintain a certain weight. In the end, you may suffer as you're controlling your food so much."

"As long as you have your vegetables and fruits, exercise often and avoid oily food once in a while, I believe you'll be fine. Don't smoke or drink excessively either," Kyle said, putting down the suitcase.

"Big Bro Nick!" Kyle greeted Nitocris as he saw him in the living room.

Nitocris merely looked up and nodded an acknowledgment. Xing Han scowled silently beside Kyle, ignoring Nitocris and then said to Kyle, "Come on, let's go up and put the bags away first."

"Just leave them here," Kyle said, "These are the just the stuff for school. We don't need anything since our stuff is here as well."

"Oh, ya. True," Xing Han replied, putting down the bag.

They arranged it to be at the side near the door, so as to make it easier when they leave on Sunday. Xing Han was silently cursing though. He had wanted to pull Kyle away as quickly as possible before ...

"Kyle," came that darn annoying voice.

"Be right back," Kyle said.

Kay noticed the scowl on Xing Han's face and she patted his back, saying, "Come on, let's go to the kitchen and see what sort of snacks Auntie Rheia made for us."

Xing Han's face brightened up a bit at that, and followed Kay obediently.

"Yes, Big Bro?" said Kyle as he came over.

Nitocris put down the newspaper, folded it and placed it on the coffee table.

"Nothing," he replied with a drawl, getting up.

Kyle rolled his eyes and sighed, "You did that just to mess with Xing Han, didn't you?"

Nitocris turned his head a bit, showing his smile, then walked off without saying a word.

<Seriously> Kyle thought to himself as he walked to the kitchen <Those two are like little kids whenever they meet>

? Sakura Academy ?

"This looks like Sakura Academy," Kyle said, looking left and right, then took a deep breath, "It certainly smells like Sakura Academy ..."

Kay laughed and smacked him on the shoulder, "What nonsense are you spouting now?! Smell like Sakura Academy??"

Kyle laughed, spreading his arms around him and asked, "Come on. You find it strange too, don't you?"

Kay was walking beside Kyle, and they were heading towards classes. Yes, there was an obvious difference. They had been back since last night but the buzz wasn't as big as it used to be. It's not that she was conceited, but it was a fact.

Normally, everywhere they went, there would be people staring, pointing, whispering and the such. She had learned to tune it out and it didn't bother her at all now unless people were being more obvious than normal.

However, now, it was rather ... tame? Yes, there were people who were looking and such but it wasn't the same.

"That's because they're now the Protectors of Kyle!!" announced Xing Han proudly, puffing his chest out.

"What are you talking about, Xing Han?" Kyle asked as he turned to face Xing Han.

Xing Han was giving a very silly smile and then proceeded to tell them about what happened during the First Assembly.

"Then, like a King delivering his speech to rally the troops, I stood up and shouted, 'Protect Kyle!!' ... my shout stirred their feelings and the whole Hall erupted in chants to protect our one, our only, Sakura Academy Treasure!!" Xing Han exclaimed, his face all excited.

Kyle's mouth twitched while Kay was busy hiding her giggle under her hand.

"Wow, that's great, Xing Han," Kyle said, "But that doesn't explain this situation."

"Hold your horses, I'm getting to that," Xing Han huffed, "You need to know the background first, right?"

Taking a deep breath, he blinked, "Where was I?"

"Sakura Academy Treasure," Kay supplied, a twinkle in her eyes.

"Ah yes. Kyle, our Sakura Academy Treasure," Xing Han said nodded, "After that, the students started a movement."

"A group, so to speak, that will be in charge of ensuring that you're safe and protected. There are rules and regulations on how to treat you and what to do when someone violates that said rule."

"Membership to this group is not easy and strictly filtered to ensure that only the true-blue appreciators of Kyle are members."

[Sounds like a fan club to me, brother]

[Indeed] Kyle agreed [Though I'm surprised it's only formed now]

Kay laughed at that and replied [Trust me, brother. You have had fan clubs even in Primary School. Not this organised though. I supposed this is your first official one? Maybe you should endorse it or something?]

Kyle snorted.

Xing Han to turn to face Kay, his eyes narrowed as she was still laughing.

"Sorry," she said apologetically, "It's not what you said. I was just thinking ... anyway, what's this group called?"

"I already told you. Protector of Kyle!" Xing Han exclaimed.

[Oh Dear Lord] Kyle lamented [That's so lame]

"And Sarah here, is the President!!" Xing Han announced, "She came up with the brilliant idea and it just rolled so quickly."

Sarah cringed when both sets of Smith twin eyes landed on her at that moment.

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