New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 402 - Eating Vinegar

Nitocris saw red.

His hand gripped on the phone so hard that the screen cracked and he watched as the screen slowly went dark.

He clenched his jaw so tightly that if one was there to see him, one would be able to see the muscles straining underneath his cheeks.

A part of him wanted to throw things but he refrained. It was too much like his father and he loathed to do anything that reminded him of that piece of trash.

Instead, he made do with smashing the phone onto the table. After all, it couldn't be used anymore. It didn't quite abate the frustration in his heart but at least, it let off some steam.

The worst thing was, it was his own little brother. If it had been anyone else, he could have captured the guy, tortured him slowly and then feed him to the sharks.

Of course, he wouldn't really do that but it was certainly a nice thought.

Really, he wouldn't.


Nitocris glared at the broken phone.

The picture flashed through his mind again.

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Just what the hell were these boys thinking? Why on Earth do they always like to play around like that?! It was bad enough walking in on them the other day, and this time, it was immortalised in a picture for the whole world to see?!

And that stupid hand ... his little puppy was holding onto Kyle's stomach. What the fuck was that all about?! Why is his little puppy so touchy-feeley with Kyle?!

More importantly, Nitocris wished his little puppy would be that touchy-feeley with?him.

This is bad. Very, very bad.

He's already missing his little puppy so much and now? Now, he had to be tortured by the thought that his little puppy was ... was ...

Nitocirs pressed the intercom and barked, "Iris, get me a new phone and two tickets to Country M. Tonight."

"Sir?" came the shocked voice of his secretary.

"What? Are the instructions not clear?! Do you not understand English?! Just do it!" Nitcoris shouted, causing Iris to jump.

Iris put her hand on her chest, feeling it beat really fast in fear. She had only started work last month and this was the first time she had heard him shout like that. Even though he was all the way in his room, behind a closed door, she could feel his wrath and coldness.

She shivered.

Her boss was really a dashing and deathly sexy guy. Like any normal woman, she had entertained the foolish dream of hooking up with him. From what she had heard, he didn't have anyone, so she thought of trying her luck.

Wasn't this why she had worked so hard to be a secretary? To be the one closest to the boss was a good way to the top quickly. That's basically the dream of most secretaries (in her mind, of course).

Right now though, that thought was far from her mind.

"Yes, Sir! Right away, Sir!" she shouted back, standing at attention for some reason.

Inside the room, Nitocris stared at the intercom and thought his new secretary had a screw loose somewhere. Whatever. As long as she got the job done.

She was an efficient secretary and he needed a 'normal' person to handle the 'normal' stuff at the company. This way, he had a basic cover-up. No one in their right mind would think someone like Iris worked for the underworld.

"Also, get Yuri and Zack ASAP," Nitocris said, ending the call.


Yuri and Zack stood at attention, waiting patiently while Nitocris was busy staring at his broken phone.

Yuri and Zack were Nitocris's right (and left) hand men. Basically, the 2nd in charge.

It might sound strange to have two people who were 'second' in charge but these two were unique. They were identical twins that couldn't be told apart. In short, they acted like one entity.

They looked the same, sounded the same and to further mess up people's minds, they wore exactly the same clothes.?They answered to either name and never revealed who was who.

The only time you would be able to know which twin it was, was when you are fighting with them. Their style of fighting was slightly different. Or, to be more accurate, their method of killing was different.

Yuri likes a clean stab to the heart (with minimal amount of blood produced) while Zack liked the messier way of slice the stomach open (splitting it open and having the guts spill out).

So, obviously, by the time you could tell them apart, it's too late because you're either dead or dying.

The only person who could tell them apart was Nitocris.

They had no idea how, but it was the main reason why they decided to follow Nitocris. They have never regretted the decision. He was the only one that understood them and thus, they were loyal to him.

Right now, they were looking at Nitocris who was staring at a broken phone. his usually cold face appearing quite angry and upset at the same time.

He didn't even look up when they entered, even though he was the one that summoned them to be quick. They didn't mind at all. They waited patiently until he was ready to address them.

Nitocris finally looked up at asked them one question, "What is the situation at Country M?"

Unlike Iris, there was no confusion on their faces or their voices as they answered.

"No new information, Boss," said Yuri.

"And no new movement," continued Zack.

"So they are keeping low? Do they know we know?"

"Unlikely," Yuri said.

"We've been monitoring their mole here and he hasn't made any move yet," assured Zack.

Nitocris was silent, staring at them and they felt their backs starting to get drenched with sweat. What was with their Boss today? His aura was particularly oppressing today.

"I am going to Country M tonight," Nitocris declared.

"Boss?!" they shouted in shock, "You can't!"

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