New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 417 - Not An Easy Prey

Jaxon saw his friends approaching and he was relieved.

The pain that he was under seemed to abate a bit and he quickly pushed aside Xing Han that had loosened his hold. Jaxon was in such a rush to get to his friends that he stumbled and fell, hitting his face on the floor.

His friends rushed over to him then and helped him up. Jaxon mumbled a few things to them, something that neither Kay nor Xing Han could hear over the blast of the music. As his side was to them, Kay read their lips and her low opinion of them hit rock bottom.

Jaxon complained about how her clumsiness caused him his injuries and that Xing Han had deliberately injured his shoulder. The worst thing was him describing how her a*s had felt in his hands.

Looks like a broken finger was not enough.

From the way they were listening to him, then started staring back at her, made it obvious what they were thinking and what they'd do next.

As if she would let them.

There were four of them, not counting the injured Jaxon.

All came towards them, which Kay guessed it was them trying to be imposing and menacing. Kay scoffed inwardly.

They weren't even a millionth of Kyle's imposing manner. To Kay's eyes, they were like pretentious kids trying to act tough ... and failing miserably.

"You hurt our friend," one of them said in a low voice that Kay thought he was trying to be threatening, "So you've got to pay."

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Kay shrugged, "Sure. How much? The hospitalization costs wouldn't be too high."

The guy licked his lips and shook his head, "There are many other ways for you to pay."

Kay rolled her eyes while Xing Han bristled, "Shut your mouth, you ... you ... degenerate! And what's with this licking of lips huh? Huh? Don't you know there are these things called lip balm? What? You think you're too macho to use them? Pffffft."

The four blinked, not believing what they were hearing before they all started roaring with laughter, "Oh look. A clown. Quite entertaining. You can watch then, while we have our fun."

"Watch what? You making a fool of yourselves?" Xing Han scoffed.

"Can you believe this?" one of them said looking at the rest before turning back to Xing Han, "You injured our friend as well, so you need to pay as well."

"Pah, not a problem," Xing Han said, taking out his wallet, "How much do you want? A thousand? Two thousand?"

For a moment, they hesitated. That was a lot of money the guy was willing to fling at them.

Then, they looked at Kay and at each other. Such rare high-quality goods right in front of them, and only that clown beside her as a threat ... it wasn't a hard decision to make, really. All of them conveniently forgetting that there was one more person that had been with her.

Then again, even if they did remember, they would have dismissed it. What could one extra guy do when there were so many of them?

Making a decision that they would regret for the rest of their lives, they shook their heads.

"I don't think you get it. We don't want money. We just want to have some fun."

With that, one of them reached out towards Kay. She avoided that arm easily, and taking it, twisted it behind the guy's back and pushed him forward, making him smash into his friends.

They looked at Kay, who was standing there unperturbed. It hit them right where it hurts: their ego.

So they rushed at her all at once, even though they thought it was overkill.

However, to their surprise, and embarrassment, she managed to easily avoid them and somehow get them to be pushed away instead. Each time it happened, a part of their body was hurt terribly but they couldn't see how she had hit them.

It was only then that they realised that she was not an easy prey.

Still, they were confident that with their numbers, she would be overwhelmed soon enough. Despite the pain of each hit that she had landed on them, they weren't incapacitated.

What's more, they had friends coming up behind her. She, and the clown, would be subdued soon enough.

Unfortunately, Kay truly was unaware of the danger approaching her from behind.

This was because she was too focused on the threat in front of her. She was taking?extra care not to really want to hurt them despite the fact that they disgusted her, as they hadn't done anything yet. She didn't think they deserved it. Also, she didn't want the clubgoers around them to be injured accidentally.


Kyle was watching everything from the balcony.

The moment he had seen that douchebag touch Kay, he had gotten up and stood at the railings. He kept telling himself to calm down and to just watch. His fingers, however, were itching to throw something at Jaxon.

Seeing how she handled Jaxon made Kyle smile.

Two girls came by his side then, stood beside him and started some small talk. Kyle barely registered what they were saying, but he managed to keep up a conversation, albeit rather absentmindedly.

What he didn't realise was that even that inattentiveness made the girls' hearts palpitate. They thought his aloofness was more charming and they got closer to him. There was just something about this sexy, indifferent guy that just called out to their primal instinct.

That sense of power emitting from him, that was simmering underneath, was mouth-watering. He didn't need to do anything and he attracted people to him.

His aura sung to them and played them like a violin.

They were talking amicably when he turned towards the girl on his right and gave her such a killer smile that she felt she was going to melt right there and then.

"Could you look after my jacket for a while?" he asked, gently as he brought his face close, whilst indicating the jacket that was on the chair behind them.

The girl nodded, barely registering much other than seeing that gorgeous face so close to her.

His smile never left his face as he thanked her, gave her a kiss on the cheek and then jumped over the railing.

It took her several seconds to realise what he had done and she quickly looked over the railing. The girl that had been on the other side had screamed a bit, and she was already looking over the railing.

What they saw made them blink rapidly.

He had landed on his feet, like some sort of superhero. As if he had just jumped a few steps rather than a floor high. He was crouched down a bit, as if that softened the landing before he got up.

Even from that height, they could sense the power that emitted from him as he faced towards the dance floor.

Their eyes followed where he was facing and finally realised some sort of drama was going on there. They gulped and said a prayer.

For those poor souls who were on the dance floor.

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