New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 423 - Acting Out

Once Kyle entered back the main part of Z, he took a deep breath and let it out.

That was close. Very, very close. Way too close.

He had known from the reports that Randall was a very possessive person, and from this, he could also see how obsessive he is. Kyle had never underestimated Randall when he was doing the mission, and had done all that he possibly could to erase his tracks ... and yet, he still found him?!

How insane was that guy?

Kyle got a headache just thinking about it.

Kyle went to get his jacket back, and saw with amusement how the girl was really taking care of the jacket. She had folded it neatly and had placed it on her lap, guarding it as if it was some treasure. (Well, to be fair, it probably was to her).

He sauntered over, and gave her his usual 'make-you-swoon' smile (a.k.a. Million Dollar Watt Smile) and thanked her.

"As thanks, I'll pick up your tab for today," Kyle said generously as he put on his jacket (making the people around groan in disappointment).

Seeing the girl pout a bit, Kyle tilted his head and asked, "Something wrong?"

She shook her head, and a flush crept up her face.

"Actually, the bill has already been paid," she said and Kyle assumed she was blushing because she was feeling embarrassed at having to tell him that.

However, was she blushing because she was embarrassed for him since he now had to either offer something else (or awkwardly walk away) ... or was she embarrassed because it made it seem like she wanted something else in return?

After all, if he had tried to go and pay, and was told that it was already settled - he could have walked away, right?

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Did she actually want something else but was now too shy to be so bold to seek a reward?

"Oh," Kyle said, smiling and thinking she was rather cute when blushing like that. Made him want to tease her more. Just what was it that was on her mind?

Leaning close, he then asked, "So, is there another way I can show you my gratitude?"

She blushed even further, having that drop-dead gorgeous face so close. She couldn't speak but nodded instead.

"What is it?" Kyle asked softly, looking at her with an amused smile.

She still couldn't say a word, but instead, her eyes fell onto his lips. When she saw that he had caught her doing so, she blushed even more and took a step back, gulping, wishing the floor would open up and swallow her right now.

Just what had she been thinking?!

She put her hands over her cheeks, feeling them warm from the blush that was now making her entire face very pink.

Kyle reached out and grabbed her by the back of her neck and he brought his face closer as he pulled her to him and placed his lips on hers.

Softly at first, as he simply gave her a few light kisses on the lips. When he felt her returning the kiss, he immediately plunged his tongue into her slightly open mouth, going in deep and exploring that delicate cave seriously.

He brought his other hand down to her waist, bringing her closer to him. Partly to make it easier to kiss her and partly to hold her up as he had felt her go down a bit, as if her legs were losing strength.

Finally, after what seemed like ages to her, he broke the kiss and there was a thin sliver of saliva connecting their lips for a moment.

She looked up dazedly at him, her breath uneven as he gave her one final peck on the lips and said,?"Payment for your help."

Kyle then turned and left.

The girl just stood there, her eyes glazed as she touched her slightly wet lips. Her friends around her were just staring at her, hardly believing that hot scene that had happened right in front of them.

As for the girl ... well, that had been her first French kiss, and she did not regret it one bit.


Kay rolled her eyes at Kyle when he arrived.

"Did you really have to do that?" she asked.

"Do what?" Xing Han and Kyle asked simultaneously.

Kay turned towards Xing Han, her face full of disdain.

"He just played tongue tango with a poor, unsuspecting girl earlier," Kay replied.

She had seen the whole thing from their room, that, coincidentally, had a clear view of the place Kyle had gone to. She had been keeping an eye on him the moment he stepped out, for she had been worried about him.

Looks like it had been nothing if he could start playing around like that.

Kyle just grinned at her and licked his lips, "She was asking for it. I was merely obliging."

Kyle sat down and Xing Han pounced on him, pinching both of Kyle's cheeks, hard.

"Who are you and where did you put my best friend?!" Xing Han growled, "Back home, you wouldn't even touch a girl, let alone kiss her!"

Kyle laughed and ruffled Xing Han's hair, not minding the pain from the pinching of cheeks.

"Ah, but that is back home," Kyle replied with a smirk.

Xing Han let go of Kyle's cheeks and pouted, "Do you mean to say that you're going to be ... like this when not at home?"

Kyle shook his head, taking a glass of water and drinking it before replying, "Depends on what you mean by ... 'this' ..."

Xing Han glared at him and snarled, "Acting out like this!"

Kyle laughed again, dismissing Xing Han's attempt at being tough, "Well, I am searching for the one, aren't I? And we are here to have fun and pick up girls, aren't we? So I'm not going to be all up-tight like I would back home."

"It's unlikely that I'll ever see these girls again, so a little bit of fun here and there wouldn't hurt. So long as the girls are willing participants, of course," Kyle explained.

Kyle smirked, "And that girl was definitely willing."

"Shameless," Kay said to him, throwing a cushion.

Kyle caught it then sighed, leaning back on the chair.

Truth be told, even he didn't know why he had done that. Ordinarily, he would have just given her a sexy smile or something, say a few suggestive words and walk away, pretending not to have known what she was silently asking for.

Yet, this time, he just did.

She had been inexperienced, and just that slight touch of his tongue had made her all weak.

It wasn't like Randall, who was just as aggressive and passionate in returning the kisses.

Kyle sighed again, closing his eyes and leaning back against the chair.

Kay and Xing Han, upon seeing this, wisely kept silent and let him be. They knew from his stance that something was bothering him but he wasn't ready to talk just yet.

Kyle, on the other hand, was just getting a headache and was under a lot of stress thinking about Randall. That, and the stupid mindblowing BJ.

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