New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 316 [Special Episode!] Zale And Little Han

On a typical day in the guardian's realm…

The guardians convened with a serious and troubled expression as they watched Little Han play with a tiny little fairy in his plushie playground.

"This means trouble for us…" Sylvain rubbed his forehead as he worriedly looked at Little Han.

"I do not think I can handle it…" Celeste also shook her head as her eyes darted at Little Han.

"I don't want this too…" Amihan also voiced her unwillingness.

"But if we do not do our patrols, the Overseer will punish us…" Ignis remained as rational as he could but still, his eyes were full of reluctance to part with the happy little creature rolling around the plushie playground.

"Gaaaah!! Stressing about this makes my handsomeness diminish by a drop!!! But I don't wanna leave my handsome godson as I patrol!!! And I can let any of you take advantage of getting close to my handsome godson when I am out!!!" While the first four were still calm, Zale the water guardian was close to throwing a tantrum.

The other four look at him whining like a child, their brows twitched and all of them let out a defeated sigh.

"Well… let's make this work, one of us should stay in the realm and look after Little Han while the other four will do the daily patrols. Then we will rotate until all of us are finished with the Overseer's task." Celeste took the lead and finally suggested for them a viable way.

"But the question is, is everyone able to take care of an infant on their own?" She looked at them with a wary look.

"I can, I mastered changing his diapers!" Ignis proudly declared.

"Of course, I can too… no question about that! I even figured out how to operate the heating stove to prepare his milk and meals!" Sylvain lazily seconded.

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"I mastered how to carry him properly…" Amihan's fluffy head bobbed up and down, showing determination on her face.

"I can do all of that! What's more, I am the closest to him in terms of appearance!" Zale proudly pumped his chest as he answered.

"..." The other four cast him with doubtful looks.

"C'mon I can do it! Really!" Zale felt their gazes and tried to defend himself.

"Sigh… Fine… now starting tomorrow we will be doing the rotations. Now we will just draw lots to decide our sequence!" Celeste waved her hands and created wooden sticks labeled with numbers. She placed it in a box and ordered everyone, "Pick your number…"

"Lala~~~ Lalala~~~" Zale was happily humming some inaudible melody as he carried Little Han near the bathing area.

"My godson, are you excited? We're going to bathe in the pond!"  He lifted Little Han up in the air excitedly.

Little Han seemed to like the sensation of being lifted in the air as he stretched his plump hands and feet like he was flying, "Aye!!!!"

"Good! Good!!! This is your first time swimming so Godpa will guide you into the pond! Don't be afraid of the water because handsome Godpa is here beside you, ok?" He conversed with the little guy cheerfully.

Little Han grinned happily, while he replied in a clumsy way, "Aye! Gobbpa!"

"Alright then! Let's go!!!" Zale stretched his hand up in the air as they marched forward.

"Oooo!" Little Han also mimicked his Godpa Zale as he was carried on his other arm.

After a while, they reached the guardian's sparkling pond. It was literally sparkly because the water was so clear that it could perfectly mirror the mystic skies of the realm.

Around the pond were countless smooth and colorful pebbles that added an additional sparkle to the pond. But if Eli and Leon would see these, they would probably be shocked with their jaws dropped silly because these shiny pebbles were the supreme grade mana stones that were rare in Prasinos!!!

The moment Little Han saw the beautiful pond his eyes widened excitedly as he became curious about the sparkly things around the pond, "Wahh~~~"

"You like it too? Hahahaha!!! As expected of my godson!!! Our tastes were similar!!!" Zale laughed heartily as he put Little Han on a cushioned picnic mat he conjured out of nowhere and proudly told Little Han what this pond actually is.

"This is where I and your other godparents bathe when we like it… tho it's not as if we need to bathe. We are just here for the experience!! And of course, the reason why this is beautiful was that it was designed by me!"

Little Han seemed to understand everything he said and clapped his hands happily as Zale told him how he designed the place. He looked like a little fanboy, clapping happily on every end of Zale's sentence.

"Hahaha!!! You little bun, you know how to make your Godpa delight you huh?" Zale gently patted his fuzzy little redhead tenderly as he realized how the child reacts to his stories.

"Jihihihi!" Little Han squealed in delight as he closed his eyes and enjoyed his Godpa Zale's pats.

"Come let's swim!" Zale pointed towards the pond as he carried Little Han into his arms.

"Kyaaaa~!" Little Han flapped his hands excitedly as Zale slowly let him touch the waters.

Splash! Splash! "Jihihihihi!!!" Little Han seemed to have fallen in love with being in the water that he happily played into the pond while Zale patiently used his water controlling powers to prevent him from violently inhaling or swallowing water and drowning.

His magic made it so that Little Han had an invisible platform where he could crawl and roll around the pond but not let him go deep.

"Alright… it's time for us to go… your godma Celeste will scold me if you stay in the water for too long…" Zale clapped his hands after some time and lifted Little Han out from the water. Then with his magic, he dried Little Han and carefully changed his clothes.

"Mmmbooo…" As Zale took him out and dressed him, Little Han seemed to have been dissatisfied that he had to stop playing in the water. His cheeks puffed as he pouted sulkily, looking at his godpa Zale like an aggrieved little puppy.

"Sigh... why are you looking at me like that? Do you want your godpa to be hit by godma Celeste's lightning? Do you want to get sick?" Zale carried him close to his chest and gently talked it out with Little Han.

"Eeeeeehhh… boo…" Little Han was still dissatisfied but he did not threw tantrums. Instead, he just looked at Zale aggrievedly until Zale felt uncomfortable.

In truth, he very much wanted to spoil Little Han and give in to what he wanted, however, Celeste strongly advised him to not let him be on the water for too long, because even if Little Han was an extraordinary child, his physique was still that of a human, and so he could be sick when they are not careful enough.

When they came back to the plushie playground, Little Han was still pouting and he immediately crawled to the corner of the plushie playground hiding on a pile of plush toys.

"This…" Zale was now helpless because he did not know how to coax Little Han to lift up his mood.

"Hmf…" Little Han looked at him aggrievedly again then turned to bury his little body again on the fluffy toys. Zale felt a pang of guilt in his heart and was now in a bind.

How to make the little guy cheerful again???

"Let's try giving him yummy food…" Zale immediately went to the cooking area while leaving a water fairy to look after Little Han.

"Let's see…" He looked at the cookbook that was left behind by Celeste for the four to follow when it was their time to look after Little Han.

However, after a minute or so… his head seemed to have overheated, "Gaaah!!! These recipes looked so complicated!! Is there something I can do with simple methods?!!!"

He peeked his head over to see if Little Han was doing well, only to see that he was happily playing with the water fairy, but when Little Han looked in his direction he pouted again and turned his little chubby body around.

"This little guy…" Zale felt helpless and shook his head. But as he did his eyes darted to the modern earth's mini-fridge.

There was a colorful post on the fridge saying, "For Zale… take what's inside… I know you don't know how to cook! Just heat it up for 5 minutes - Sylvain."

"Sniff… Sniff… buddy you really look out for me~~" Zale almost cried when he read Sylvain's note, when he opened the fridge, there were three sets of baby food for Little Han's day meal.

He took the one and heated it as instructed, then took it to Little Han.

"Little Guy, stop sulking, common… Godpa Zale even cooked for you… can you not be angry with me?" He took a spoonful of the fragrant baby food and coaxed Little Han to eat.

Little Han was still sulking but when he heard Zale's weak voice and as he smelled the fragrance of the baby food, he slowly crawled forward and took a bite from Zale's food. Then he took another until his face became cheery as he ate whatever Zale would offer him.

Zale was delighted when Little Han finally responded, and so that was the tale of how Zale made up with the sulky Little Han!

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