New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 319 [Special Episode!] Celeste And Little Han

"My little bun~~~" Celeste hugged Little Han the moment he woke up and expertly carried him to shower him with cuddles and kisses.

"Gobma…" Little Han buried his sleepy head in Celeste's bosom trying to get more sleep.

"Aiyooo did the guys make you tired when they look after you? Aiyooo what made you feel so tired?" Celeste asked him teasingly, but as she did this her hands were already working on changing Little Han's diapers.

"Hmm... Let's eat first then Godma will help you bathe…" Celeste carried Little Han to the table and placed him on her lap. Then she brought Little Han the spoon and let him eat as the guardians knew that Little Han likes to try to eat on his own, especially during meals.

"Ummyyy~" Little Han happily ate the food that Celeste gave. Just like Sylvain, she had no problems in making food for Little Han as she really did her research before the little one entered the realm.

"Right? Godma cooks well right? Eat a lot of healthy foods and don't be picky. You'll grow faster and soon your Mother and Father will be delighted upon seeing you healthy!" Celeste kissed Little Han on his cheeks as he encouraged him to eat more.

"Aye…. mommi… daddi!!! Aye!!!" Little Han responded happily.

"I heard that you did a lot of fun things with your godpas… they didn't spoil you did they?" Celeste asked.

"Non non…" Little Han shook his head making his chubby cheeks wiggle adorable.

"Hmmm hmmm… are you sure?" Celeste asked, although she knew that Little Han's communication means were limited, she read in the book that having a conversation with a child would help his development.

"Non non…" Little Han shook his head again as if he wanted to assure Celeste that the three male guardians did not spoil him… that much~

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Alright… after this we will be taking a bath! You like the bathing pond that your Godpa Zale made right?" Celeste continued to talk to him while he finished his meal.

"Washy washy!!! Aye!!!" Little Han became more excited and so he tried his best to eat fast, so much that his chubby cheeks puffed up more like he was a little squirrel.

"Slow down… eat carefully…" Celeste wiped Little Han's face and gently reminded him to not eat with haste. "Godma will wait for you patiently so no need to rush alright?"

"Aww…" Little Han felt a little sad because of Celeste's reminder but still, he obediently followed her instructions. He looked like a little puppy whose ears drooped in sadness when his master reprimanded him.

After the meal, Celeste led Little Han to the bathing pond as she promised. But unlike Zale, Celeste used bubble soap as Little Han played around with the water. With the bubbles floating in the pond and up in the air, Little Han became more cheerful during the bathing time.

Then Celeste rinsed him with clean water and dressed him with a nice kiddie version of a white polo shirt with a cute black bowtie. She also paired it with dark brown shorts with mini suspenders. Little Han looked like a little gentleman with his outfit!

Before they came back to the plushie playground, Celeste looked at the pond and waved her hands once. Instantly the pond returned to its original state, clean and clear!

"Oooooh!" Little Han was amazed by his Godma Celeste's magic. Delighted, he clapped his hands as he looked at Godma Celeste with amazement.

"Hahaha… In the future, you will know magic too, but of course, that is when you grow up healthy and good!" Celeste could not help but let out a chuckle. Having Little Han in their usually boring guardian realm was really a breath of fresh air.

Perhaps it was because it was their very first time to have this kind of close relationship with a human, or it may also be because Little Han was an extremely likable child, joy would always fill their hearts whenever they interact with him.

"Alright… now since you played for three days straight now is time for you to start learning something… hehehe…" This time, Celeste's eyes flashed like she had prepared something for Little Han.

Her laugh looked like she planned for something sinister and Little Han was immediately creeped out by her reaction, "Eeeeek…"

"Well, you are still an infant technically so I can't teach you some hard stuff yet…" Celeste smiled at Little Han's reaction and she teasingly touched his nose making him perform a cute frowning expression.

"We will start by playing with these…" Celeste gently put Little Han down on the plushie playground as she used her magic to take out popular interactive learning toys for children.

Building blocks with numbers and letters printed on all sides, there were also some toys with different shapes that Little Han could insert on a corresponding slot of the shape.

"Weeeeee!!" Little Han immediately got excited when he saw new-looking toys. He had been playing with plushies for the longest time and seeing the toys brought out by Celeste had certainly made him full of energy.

"Hahaha you like it that much? Come, Godma will show you how to play these…" Celeste beckoned Little Han to crawl nearer to her as she taught him the basic shapes.

"This is a circle…" Celeste took out a circular block and made Little Han touch it. She read in the books that when teaching children, she must make it as interactive and engaging as possible for the child. Letting him touch the block will stir his curiosity over new things as she introduced the name of the shape.

"It only fits in this slot… because its shape is a circle." She then pointed at the shaped slot and pointed to the corresponding slot for the circle.

"Wickle…." Little Han blinked curiously at the circle toy and looked at the slot then at Celeste innocently. Immediately, Celeste's heart melted as she witnessed Little Han's puppy-like eyes try to figure out the new thing he was introduced to.

Filled with gentleness and patience, Celeste encouraged Little Han to try to put the circle on the slot. "Try it… see if it fits!"

Little Han looked at the circle block once again and looked at the slot to which Celeste had pointed. After a few seconds of pause, he finally leaned down and stretched his hands to put the circle block onto the toy slot.

Tack… Tack…

Celeste watched Little Han as he clumsily tried to put the circle into the slot.

"Waaah!!!" Little Han cried out in happiness when he finally managed to fit the toy into the slot. He looked at Celeste with a big sweet smile on his face.

"You did it!!" Celeste clapped gracefully as he reinforced Little Han's self-esteem. Then she took another toy and introduced it to him slowly, letting Little Han learn as much as he could while he was playing.

"This is called a square…"

"This is a rectangle…"

"This is a triangle…"

"Then this one resembles the shape of the star!"

It was particularly amusing for Celeste to see Little Han frustrated when he found it hard to deal with the star shape.

"Hmmmp!" Little Han pouted hard as he tried to forcefully push the star block into the slot when he was inserting it the wrong way.

Celeste could even see that his face was already glowing red from his failed attempts to get the star shape into the slot, "Ahahaha! You can do it, my little bun!"

"Aweeeeee…" Little Han frowned to focus and tried to figure out what he should do next. He put his finger into his chin, like a little kid thinking deeply. It took him a full minute for his eyes to finally turn lively as if he had thought of an idea.

Then with the next attempt, Celeste observed how he tried to twist the start on the right angle where all of the points of the stars align.


Finally, the start slot was finished by Little Han's own effort, "Iyayyyyy!" He sat up and clapped in victory. He looked so proud of himself for overcoming the hurdle and did not forget to look at his Godma Celeste to receive her praises.

"Good job my godson!! You did well in figuring it out on your own! Now… Godma has a price for you!!!" Celeste then took out a cookie jar with her magic and took out one soft cookie for Little Han.

"This is a soft cookie for you… you have to only consume this much so that it won't affect your health. But I hope you like it!" Celeste gave the cookie to Little Han whose eyes turned wide and his mouth almost drool upon having a sweet-smelling snack.

"Kookieeee!" Little Han shouted with joy as he received the cookie and pinched a small piece with his hands then he slowly brought it to his mouth to taste. "Ummyyyy!!!!!" He squealed in delight.

"Jiheeheee~~~" He happily pinched another small portion and took it towards Celeste.

"Ah… you want to give me one too?" Celeste was extremely touched and amused.

"Aye… gobma… wuv!" Little Han replied with his charming cute smile!

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