New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 411 Silent Treatment

The next day.

Eli joined Leon and the rest to hear of what happened the other night.

However, in the end, they were not able to come up with a solution other than staying vigilant and stalling the Pope from discovering the matter.

"Is it really going to be like this? Then if that's the case, it would be inevitable for us to prepare for another war!"

Seeing that even Eli had no other way but to confront the matter head the High Priest became anxious.

"We really have no solution on the matter… developing a mind-altering potion will also take time and it will not be possible given this situation." Kayden who was also called in to consult if there could be any other solution also explained.

"As long as we do not know what the Pope's intentions were, we cannot be sure what lengths he would be willing to go just to get the identity of the Paladin." Mishael commented.

Eli frowned deeply, thinking about ways to stall the process of the Pope's most drastic action to read people's minds.

Suddenly, an idea came to her but she hesitated to tell it.

Emperor Valentin had been observing Eli's reaction and did not miss the flash in her eyes, "Young Eli, do you have something on your mind?"

Eli was startled by Emperor Valentin's question, but seeing everyone look at her curiously she sighed and told them what she thinks,

"I was thinking of staging a situation where the paladin would appear the moment the Pope and his envoys set off on their way to the Empire. It is much better if we can make it so that the Paladin's appearance was far from the Empire…"

"But that means that you would make yourself a bait outside the Empire! What's more, you cannot be absent for so long because eyes have been on you in this tournament." Keren objected worriedly.

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She kept hearing Eli's name these days whenever she heard other people talk about the happenings in the tournament. This only meant that her moves were being noticed despite not being one of the delegates but only a mentor.

The others also frowned upon the idea.

"Eli, Captain Keren is right. It is not that your idea is bad, it is just that it would be hard to execute. Now that you have a very crucial role in the tournament you cannot afford to leave for a day or two.

Besides, it is not like a day or two would be enough for the Pope's interest to divert. You have to stay in that region for at least a week in order to make the Pope waver and follow your tracks."

Eli looked at them and sighed heavily,

"But this is the only option I could think of. If we can not make him think that the person he was looking for was not in the Empire, then we will really be doomed.

Also, it is not the only thing I had in mind. Instead of them coming at us, we have to think of a way for our party to come on their land instead.

Since all of our suspicions fall toward the Vanderford Continent and the Holy Island, then that must be the place where the enemy was hiding."

"So you mean, we have to both trick the Pope and find a way to go to Vanderford and the Holy Island at the same time?" Emperor Valentin's eyes darkened.

The others also realized how brilliant Eli's idea could have been if not for the complications it would entail for her to do.

Leon looked at Eli and saw that she had no fear in her eyes. Rather he could find a trace of determination in her midnight obsidian eyes as she was telling what was on her mind.

He was taken aback.

"We will talk about this another day… there's still a few weeks before the Pope's movement anyways. Who knows we can come up with another solution." Leon took Eli's hand that had been clenched into a fist and suggested to the people in the room.

Only then did the men realize that they might have been too hasty.

"Alright, I'll also find time to discuss the matter with the grandmasters. The more heads thinking about it, the more the chances of us finding a better solution." Emperor Valentin also adjourned the meeting.

"Let's meet again three days from now. We will also try to find information on our end." High Priest Enoch also understood that it is really no good in rushing over the matter and so they set off.

Leon stood up and took Eli by the hand.

The rest opted to no longer follow. They looked at the couple and sighed, there are really too many complications in their relationship.

Kayden looked at the couple's back and shook his head. He deeply hopes that the two would talk to each other properly and overcome the obstacle in the best way possible.

Eli and Leon walked silently until they were alone.

Eli did not know but she felt something was wrong with Leon ever since the meeting ended. She looked at Leon's side profile only to see that there was no ripple of emotions on his face and that his grip was as gentle as ever.

She opened her mouth to speak, but seeing Leon wordlessly taking her by the hand to the teleportation array to the cottage, she decided to go against it.

'He probably does not want to talk here in the castle.' She concluded.

'Or he is probably tired… he did not get a wink of sleep last night…'

But even as they teleport, there was a suffocating distance being created between the two that made Eli anxious. She could not pinpoint what was wrong but there was something that seemed to be brewing between them.

Eli felt a little helpless. This was the first time she experienced this in their relationship.

'Leon seemed to be in a bad mood. How do I navigate through this?' She frowned.

Finally, they were in the familiar living room. The silent atmosphere and the empty plushie playground added to the tension between them. That was because Little Han along with Roxy and the rest were still at the Forgeworn Residence.

At this moment, Leon let go of Eli's hand and still did not speak.

Eli could not take it anymore and faced Leon, scrutinizing his face. Only then she noticed that his face was actually full of conflicted emotions, seeming to be bottled up inside.

"Leon… what's wrong? Talk to me," Eli took Leon's hand which was only hanging blankly on his side.

But the other party did not react. Only frowning and closing his eyes.

"Are you tired? Have you had breakfast? I can whip up something for you in just a moment."

"Oh, I'll prepare the bath, if you want to refresh yourself while I make you something to eat."

"You had a sleepless night… so it has to be something light, lest you could no longer keep yourself awake."

But even as Eli busied herself, Leon still did not move on his spot. Eli had already filled the bath and had already put the water to boil for coffee or tea, yet Leon was still frozen in the same spot.

The frown on Eli's face deepened, and there was a brewing displease growing in her heart. However, she knew very well not to lash at Leon today, because she knew what he had been through the night.

Therefore, she takes deep breaths to calm herself down, telling herself to be patient.

Then she approached Leon and took his hand, she gently dragged him to the room.

"Whatever is wrong, we can talk about it after you take a bath. You still need to rest right after…" She softly said as she coaxed him to take the bath towel from her hand and enter the bathroom.

Finally, Leon took a quick glance at her and silently went to the bathroom.

Only when Eli heard the faint sounds of water inside did she sigh in relief and proceeded to the kitchen again.

When she was done, she opted to bring the set of breakfast to the bedroom. Leon probably had no energy to go back to the kitchen.

When she reached the bedroom, she saw that Leon was already done.

He was sitting on his bed wrapped in a loose fluffy bathrobe.

The morning light shined on his lonely countenance, making him look like a fallen angel blankly staring at a distance. His red blood hair was still wet, and drops of water glistened as they fell into his exposed shoulders and neck.

"Your breakfast is ready. I'll dry your hair while you take it…" Eli quickly put the food on the bedside table and busied herself with getting a fresh towel.

But when she turned around, Leon still did not move. His face darkened, and the food was still untouched.

This time, Eli finally snapped, this silent treatment was killing her and she couldn't take it anymore.

"Leon Andrae De Seirende, what is wrong with you?!!"

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