Night of the Divorce! A Proud Lady Was Forced to Marry the Emperor's Uncle

Chapter 301 - 301: Curing The Poison

Chapter 301: Curing The Poison

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

When Jiang Peihuan entered the room, she noticed that Cheng Yang had also followed her in. She immediately frowned, “Cheng Yang, I really don’t have the time to deal with you today, you…”

“Master, are you distressed about the cold poison inside King Cheng’s body?”

Upon hearing Cheng Yang’s words, Jiang Peihuan furrowed her brows but still gently asked, “How do you know about the cold poison inside his body?”

“It’s written in the medical book.”

While speaking, Cheng Yang handed a medical book to Jiang Peihuan.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Peihuan instinctively looked at the book. She then realized that this was the book that Xiao Nanye had once sent her, though she had never had the time to read it.

Taking the medical book from Cheng Yang, Jiang Peihuan carefully read its contents. By the end, her eyes reflected her internal struggle.

“Queen, is there a cure for the Master’s poison?”

While Jiang Peihuan was reading, Han Feng didn’t dare to disturb her. However, when she closed the book, he couldn’t help himself anymore.

Hearing Han Feng’s words, Jiang Peihuan nodded, “According to the medical book, there is indeed a way to counteract the cold poison inside Xiao Nanye, but I’ve never seen such a method.”

Noticing the puzzled expressions on the faces of the others, Jiang Peihuan continued, “The book mentions that to counteract the cold poison, one must use poison against poison. We should gather poisonous scorpions, snakes, centipedes, and similar creatures, and then place Xiao Nanye amongst them.” “But these are all highly venomous creatures. How can we leave the Master among them?”

“Huan Er?”

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At this moment, the soft voice of Xiao Nanye from the bed reached their ears. Hearing his voice, Jiang Peihuan instinctively turned to him.

“Xiao Nanye, are you awake? Do you feel discomfort anywhere?”

Upon hearing Jiang Peihuan’s question, Xiao Nanye shook his head. He then looked at her and softly said, “1 heard what you just mentioned. I think it’s worth a try.”


Before Jiang Peihuan could speak, Han Feng, with evident disagreement in his eyes, exclaimed.

Hearing him, Xiao Nanye gave him a cold glance, “Even if I get bitten to death, it’s me who dies, why are you so concerned?”

Han Feng was speechless.

Seeing hesitation in Jiang Peihuan’s eyes, Xiao Nanye continued, “This medical book comes from the Medicine King Valley. Given that this method appears in it, there must be some feasibility to it.”

“But as mentioned in the book, we need highly poisonous creatures. Where can we find them so quickly?”

“Queen, I know someone who has them.”

Before Jiang Peihuan could finish speaking, Han Feng quickly interjected. Seeing her puzzled expression, he continued, “Young Master Chu has them.”

An hour later, Jiang Peihuan and Xiao Nanye, along with others, went to the previously mentioned mansion.

Not only was Chu Heng there, but Rong Mo was present too.

Upon seeing Cheng Yang, Rong Mo’s expression changed instantly.

“Rong Mo, 1 didn’t come for you today, but to learn medical techniques.”

Hearing Cheng Yang’s words, doubt filled Rong Mo’s eyes. Seeing this, Jiang Peihuan stepped forward, whispering, “What Cheng Yang said is true.”

After saying that, Jiang Peihuan looked at Chu Heng, recounting Xiao Nanye’s situation and then continued, “Han Feng mentioned that Young Master Chu has these poisonous creatures, so?”

“I indeed have these creatures, but they’re my pets.”

Upon hearing the word ‘pets,’ Jiang Peihuan’s eyes flickered.

“Forget it. King Cheng’s life is more important. Follow me.”

With that, Chu Heng headed inside the house. Seeing this, both Jiang Peihuan and Xiao Nanye followed him.

Upon entering the house, Chu Heng pressed something on a painting on the wall, and the wall in front of them automatically slid open.

Chu Heng led the way, with Jiang Peihuan and Xiao Nanye following closely behind.

As soon as they entered, Jiang Peihuan felt a cold sensation, and there was a peculiar smell in the air.

As they moved further in, Jiang Peihuan heard a rustling noise. Looking in the direction of the sound, she saw a sight that even her brave self found chilling.

There were several pits in the ground, each filled with various venomous creatures, including scorpions, snakes, centipedes, and other creatures Jiang Peihuan had never seen before. Seeing all these, Jiang Peihuan couldn’t hide her discomfort.

Cheng Yang, on the other hand, screamed out loud.

Hearing her scream, Chu Heng glared at her in displeasure. “I told you not to come, but you insisted. If you scared my pets, I might just throw you in with them.”

“Are you a devil?” Cheng Yang shot back, glaring at him.

Chu Heng approached Cheng Yang, but she quickly grabbed Rong Mo’s hand for protection. “Rong Mo, save me.”

“Enough, stop fooling around,” Rong Mo admonished. With his intervention, both Chu Heng and Cheng Yang quieted down.

When Rong Mo was born, Chu Heng and Cheng Yang did not make a sound.

All eyes turned to Jiang Peihuan and Xiao Nanye.

After a moment, Jiang Peihuan softly said to Chu Heng, “Young Master Chu, please allow me to take some of these creatures.”

“No problem. Take whatever you need,” he replied, “But be careful. If you get bitten, it’s not my responsibility.”

“Queen, let me handle it,” Han Feng immediately volunteered.

However, Jiang Peihuan declined his offer. Facing Han Feng, she said, “No need, 1 have a method.”

In front of everyone, Jiang Peihuan applied a medicine on herself, then wore gloves and used tongs to handle the creatures. She placed the venomous animals into a wooden barrel. Once she had collected enough, she sealed the barrel.

An hour later, the venomous creatures were emptied into a large bathtub.

Seeing Xiao Nanye preparing to undress, Jiang Peihuan was visibly torn. However, Xiao Nanye seemed calm. He reassured her, “It’s alright, don’t worry.”

Jiang Peihuan only nodded in response.

Stripping off his outer clothes, Xiao Nanye was only in his undergarments as he stepped into the bathtub.

Upon sitting down, a look of pain immediately crossed his face. After a moment, Xiao Nanye gripped the edge of the tub tightly, yet he didn’t make a sound.

Jiang Peihuan sat beside him. Seeing the expression on his face, her eyes were filled with concern. She couldn’t say or do anything; all she could do was sit silently and wait.

At first, Xiao Nanye held onto the tub’s edge with just one hand. Later, he clung to it with both hands, veins protruding from the back of his hands.

Jiang Peihuan clutched a handkerchief tightly, not daring to make a sound.

Yet, noticing Jiang Peihuan’s worried gaze, Xiao Nanye managed to whisper with a gentle smile, “Huan Er, please wait outside for me..”

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