
Chapter 100 [Nightmare Demonstration]

"You want to lead the troops around you?" General Lackbolt frowned.

"Correct. I'm not asking to exert my influence or authority.

It's a practical need. The Nightmares that my soldiers possess are extremely powerful." Helix explained.

"If I don't control the troops around us, it will endanger the lives of your men.

As a result, we cannot use them, our chances of victory will lessen, and we'll sustain more casualties."

General Lackbolt narrowed his eyes at Helix.

"Are you asking because they're too powerful or because your soldiers lack experience controlling them?" He asked.

Tyrene tried to interject, but Helix stopped her.

His words were standoffish and directly contradicted Helix's message.

However, the question was valid, and Helix understood what he was to convey.

"I'm sure you hear that line often." Helix replied.

"I do." General Lackbolt affirmed.

I believe it's best to prove it to you.

Can I have some of your time?

We'll need to travel to a secluded location far from the camp." Helix requested.

General Lackbolt narrowed his eyes again.

"You understand that this demonstration will take half a day, correct?

We're set to start fighting tomorrow morning. That ask is far too great."

Helix nodded in understanding.

"I understand. However, Nightmares are critical to the success or failure of this operation." He reasoned.

"Therefore, I ask that you trust me and give me command of one hundred men so I can navigate them during the battle."

General Lackbolt placed his palms on his eyes and rubbed his temples.

His frustration and anger were reaching a boiling point.

Helix nudged Tyrene for support.

Understanding the strategic intention, she spoke up.

"General Lackbolt. I served as the general for the Alzerian Royal Army for twenty years.

I've been a certified grandmaster for fifteen years, and I hold a Level of 217." Tyrene began.

General Lackbolt's eyes widened, and he stared into her crystal blue eyes.

He was reminded that people with greater qualifications than himself surrounded the obscure boy that lacked qualifications.

"During my years, I have overseen the training of hundreds of Nightmares.

For that reason, I feel I'm qualified to speak on the subject." Tyrene reasoned.

"In my professional opinion, this boy's assertion is an understatement, and I'd stake my reputation on it."

"What!?" General Lackbolt roared in disbelief.

"Yes. I firmly believe that our team alone can prevail against the Stalkwalker under this boy's leadership." Tyrene affirmed with a serious gaze.

The man's eyes trembled.

He was overwhelmed with so many conflicting emotions he couldn't think straight.

The notion a team of nine fighters could defeat a Colossus felt arrogant to the point of offensiveness.

While he wanted to yell, he would face humiliation if it was true.

Lastly, there was hope that the group could defeat the monster as a trump card and save him from ultimate defeat.

"General Lackbolt. We aren't asking you to relinquish any authority to us.

We are under your command and therefore are requesting your permission." Helix clarified.

"In an ideal scenario, you would let us wear down and injure the Colossus at our full strength.

Your troops would box in the enemy to ensure that it could not escape.

Then you could lead a charge into the battle once it's weakened and land the final blow.

With that strategy, you only gain even if we all die. Do you not?"

General Lackbolt's eyes glided to the left in thought.

"That would be ideal." He grumbled under his breath.

"Are you that confident in success?"

"Of course." Helix replied with a mysterious smile.

"Hmmm." General Lackbolt muttered in thought.

"Perhaps it would be worth the time to at least send someone to witness these Nightmares."

Helix waited patiently.

"What are their skill sets?" The man asked after a moment of contemplation.

"Two are legendary-grade natural disaster Nightmares." Helix replied with a slight smile.

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"One creates cyclones, tornados, and floods with water and wind-type magic.

The second creates earthquakes that can break the land in a 250-meter radius."

"WHAT!?" General Lackbolt cried.

"Why didn't you start with that, boy!?"

"Trust is important, General Lackbolt." Helix replied with a calm tone.

"Having hazardous Nightmares is a liability if we don't use them in a way that aligns with the strategic qualities of battle.

An earthquake may injure the Stalkwalker heavily, but the gains are meaningless if the soldiers cannot attack it afterward."

General Lackbolts eyes glided to the left again in thought.

"Therefore, we need to be involved with the strategic planning of the operation and have the delegated authority to influence soldiers." Helix continued.

"My team is here under your leadership to participate in this battle.

Our goal is to aid you under the request of Kozen's king, not subjugate the Stalkwalker."

General Lackbolt was charmed by the boy's reasoning.

At first, the young man was obnoxious, arrogant, and demeaning to him.

However, if Helix was as powerful as he claimed, he was modest and respectful to a strong degree.

"Hmmm. Will allow you to take part in the operation's strategic planning after accessing the Nightmares' validity." General Lackbolt announced.

"However, I do not have the time to go to a location that can be destroyed.

Can you give me contained demonstrations that allow me to see the Nightmares without causing major damage?"

Helix nodded.

"Yes. My soldiers have incredible control over their Nightmares.

We can create a demonstration of any size, in any location of your choosing."

General Lackbolt narrowed his eyes at Helix.

"Considering these are [natural disaster] spells, that's a bold claim." He replied suspiciously.

"Please give me a moment." Helix replied with a light chuckle.

General Lackbolt studied Tyrene's expressions while waiting for Helix to return to the tent.

"Why do you follow this boy's command?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"You'll see soon enough." Tyrene chuckled.

Five minutes later, Helix returned with Marie, Charlotte, and Riley.

The three stood before General Lackbolt in epic-grade battle gear provided by Tyrene.

Their bodies stood erect, and their hands were behind their back to show discipline.

Helix chuckled when he saw how difficult the gesture was for Charlotte, trying her best not to burst into laughter.

"General Lackbolt, this is Marie Skybolt, my second in command." Helix announced.

The beautiful redhead nodded her head in respect.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Marie claimed with a firm expression.

She had the aura of a commander that demanded respect.

"General Lackbolt. Nice to meet you." The man replied with an impressed smile.

She nodded her head again.

"This is Charlotte, who is my strategic fighter. She has a mythical-grade fire-type Nightmare known as [Exodus Blaze].

While she's a support mage in battle, she's my strategic trump card." Helix announced.

Charlotte's face became rosy at his official compliments.

"I… Uh…." She muttered awkwardly.

Charlotte gave a sidelong glance to Marie while thinking back to what the young woman did.

She bowed her head and gave a greeting only a split second later.

"... Am Charlotte Kline. It is nice to meet you." Charlotte said with an awkward smile.

General Lackbolt chuckled under his breath.

He could tell that the strategic [trump card] was not as disciplined as the others.

Geniuses are often eccentric people, so he didn't discount her.

"General Lackbolt. Nice to meet you, Charlotte." He replied.

"Lastly, this is Riley Singer. She leads the support for my team and is of tantamount importance." Helix announced.

"Her Nightmare is powerful in defense and offense, making her indispensable for many roles."

Riley bowed her head.

"It's an honor to meet you, General Lackbolt.

I hope my service here is of great aid to you and your troops." She said with a sweet voice.

General Lackbolt was stunned by the kindness emanating from the young woman.

"I-It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Singer." He replied awkwardly.

He wasn't star-struck or flushed with love at first sight.

General Lackbolt was embarrassed because his gruff attitude did not feel right to reply to someone like her.

If he treated her kindly as a child, he would be humiliated if she were as strong as was claimed.

"I'd like for us to make a demonstration here." Helix requested with a mysterious smile.

General Lackbolt gave Helix a bewildered expression.

"Here?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. The demonstration will show the control my soldiers have over these calamity-grade Nightmares." He replied while bringing his hands from behind his back.

In his hand, there was a long, white candlestick.

"While the demonstration will be small, I believe it will demonstrate the [nature] of the Nightmares."

General Lackbolt narrowed his eyes.

"What do you want to do?" He asked suspiciously.

"We're going to play with this candle." Helix chuckled.

He touched his neck and pulled out a folding table from his item storage.

"That's all. Can we do that?" Helix asked with a mysterious smile.

General Lackbolt turned to Tyrene, who gave him a nod.

"Boy, if you burn down this tent or do anything similar, I'll see you hanged." He warned.

Tyrene narrowed her eyes and gave the man a murderous gaze.

He shivered in response.

However, it wasn't like he couldn't warn him when his life was at stake.

"That's fine." Helix chuckled.

General Lackbolt's eyes widened.

Helix ignored him and put the candle on the table.

It had a large back and stood without a candle holder.

"Charlotte, if you'll please." He requested.

Charlotte gave him an excited grin and stood before the table.

"[Flicker]." She whispered.

The candle's wick lit on fire.

General Lackbolt's expression contorted.

While having the control to ignite a candle wick was impressive, it wasn't special.

He was trying his best not to make judgment calls and frown, but it was hard with his personality.

"Riley." Helix said while motioning to her.

Riley nodded.

"[Whisper]." She ordered calmly.

The candle went out.

General Lackbolt's eye glazed over.

"[Desert Heat]." Charlotte continued.

A small gust of heat enveloped the candle and gently melted it without bubbles.

General Lackbolt's eyes snapped to attention.

Her fluid level of control was insane.

The candle melted in a pool on the table.

"[Gentle Breeze]." Riley followed up.

The wax cooled as a light breeze washed over it.

"[Domain]." Charlotte whispered.

Gravity pushed down against the slightly cooled wax, flattening it on the table.

"Marie." Helix requested with a motion of his arm.

Marie nodded and put her hands on the table.

"[Ripple]." She whispered.

Light vibrations shook the table, and a ripple went through the wax.

It looked like a leaf touching still pond water.

Another smaller ripple trailed each gently.

General Lackbolt watched in amazement as the candle wax made a perfectly uniform thickness.

The demonstration hypnotized him.

"[Desert Heat]." Charlotte continued.

The wax melted again.

"[Tornado]." Riley continued.

"[Fire Dance]." Charlotte added.

A small heated tornado developed on the table.

It sucked up the wax and kept it from melting.

"You've got to be kidding me!" General Lackbolt cried out.

He could take the demonstration any longer.

The tornado gently created a new candle on the table!

It was thinner and perfect in its proportions.

Helix chuckled when he saw the man's reaction.

Once the candle was completely formed, Charlotte released her Nightmare.

A gentle breeze remained on the table.

"[Shatter]." Marie whispered.

"[Zero]." Charlotte followed.

The candle exploded into a million pieces.

General Lackbolt cried out in surprise when it happened.

However, before he could say anything, his ability to speak disappeared.

Millions of candle fragments were floating!

"[Wind Dance]." Riley whispered.

The fragments started gently moving together again.

However, it wasn't a torrent of wind.

Riley was motioning her hands like a conductor, and the countless pieces of wax were beautifully dancing in the air.

Helix chuckled when he saw General Lackbolt's slack-jawed expression.

Finally, Riley brought the pieces together and swirled them in a circular motion.

"[Fire Dance]." Charlotte whispered with a grin.

The wax melted again, and the tornado created the candle again.

"[Gust]." Riley said with a playful smile.

The candle tipped over and fell on the table.

"[Selective Vibration]." Marie followed up with a warm smile.

A rip went through the table.

It vibrated the candle softly.

The vibration [popped], and the candle stood up again when it reached the tip.

It didn't land perfectly.

"[Wind Dance]." Riley chuckled after seeing Marie's puffed-out cheeks.

"She's bothered that her vibration didn't lift a candle from a lying position?" General Lackbolt cried under his breath.

Helix gave the man an amused expression.

Lastly, the candle lifted off the table and gently moved back into Helix's hand.

The tent was dead-silent.

After a minute of perplexion, General Lackbolt broke out of his mental labyrinth.

He looked around to see everyone looking at him, waiting for his reply.

When the man locked eyes with Helix, the young man gave him a slight smile.

"It's like that, but instead of a candle, it's an enemy.

And instead of gently placing them whole after they melt or shatter into a million pieces, we let them die."

After a moment of stunned silence, the tent erupted into laughter.

General Lackbolt panned his gaze around the room, staring at their laughing faces with a shocked gaze.

His gaze landed on Helix, holding the same candle, with the same shape, as he did before.

It was so surreal that he felt that he was being deceived into a magic trick.

However, he felt the light breezes and the heat in the room.

He witnessed everything with his full attention.

It was frustration and confusion beyond comparison!

He felt like Helix had thrown him into an ocean of psychological soup and stranded him there.

"General Lackbolt?" Helix asked.

The group was waiting for him to speak for two minutes.

"Huh? I… Uh…." The man stuttered.

"That… was… real, right? You weren't just playing with me?"

The room erupted into laughter again.

"I assure you, that wasn't fake." Helix chuckled.

"Don't forget that you're in the presence of the Winter General of Alzeria.

Another combat grandmaster has taught us as well."

General Lackbolt's expression crumbled, and his face turned bright red.

"While these are calamity-grade Nightmares, we have learned how to control them with the finesse of elemental magic."

The general wasn't even listening again.

His face was flushed with embarrassment, and his neck creaked slowly in Tyrene's direction with the fluidity of a rusted cog.

"Y-You're the legendary Winter General?" General Lackbolt stuttered.

Tyrene gave the man a mocking expression.

"Why yes, as a matter of fact, I am."

Power stones and grammatical errors = more content. :)

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