
Chapter 102 [Our Love Letter To Elise]

"Listen up! Men! Women! Soldiers, Surgeons, and Mages!" Helix yelled to the restless waves of troops.

A sound wave hit the crowd instantaneously.

There was 1200 army personnel, and they were standing on magic circles that amplified his voice.

The troops and doctors were confused because they couldn't see the person speaking.

Moreover, the voice belonged to a young man they had never heard before.

Ripples of statements like [who's speaking?] and [have you ever seen him before?] passed through the troops like wildfire.

"My name is Helix Hellsgate Margrave!

I'm a Knight leading a team of three grandmasters, three experts, and four soldiers with calamity spells!

With our firepower, our chances of victory have multiplied greatly!" He roared.

Excited murmurs passed through the crowd as they heard the news.

"Most of you do not know what a calamity spell is, so we'll show you!" Helix yelled.


The young woman nodded while stepping up in front of the crowd of soldiers.

Her golden hazel eyes were fierce, and her beautiful blonde hair swayed in the light autumn breeze.

"[Desert Heat]!" Charlotte roared.

An overbearing wave of heat passed through the 1200 soldiers.

The audience was standing in an area nearly a kilometer in size.

However, the blast of heat reached even the furthest person in the back.

The heat was extraordinarily overpowering, and if it weren't for her order to pass through the audience instantaneously, people would die of heatstroke within a few minutes.

Gasps for breaths and light screams passed through the crowd like a tidal wave until it reached the back.

Even at its weakest, people experienced a sweltering dry heat at the end.

"Did you feel that? That unbearable heat just reached a distance of nearly a kilometer!?

This is a weak, diluted demonstration of a calamity spell!" Helix yelled with a bold voice.

Groans passed through the audience.

Many people felt bitter because a spell had blasted them without warning.

"I know many of you are bitter about experiencing that.

However! Imagine the firepower this woman will do to that Colossus if this is a weak spell!

She is not your enemy; she is your ally!" Helix announced.

The murmurs in the crowd turned from bitterness to confusion.

"Do you know what that means?

If she can hit a solid kilometer area with a spell, you don't have to stand close to that Stalkwalker!

It means that her presence increases your chances of survival exponentially!

Your family's chances of staying alive and waking up next to their father, mother, and partner have increased!

Are you still bitter about what you've experienced?

Or do you now understand what it means to have this woman on your side!" He roared.

Everyone was whispering and confirming what they had experienced.

Then there was a small spark.

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A single yell of support.

Then the entire kilometer-sized group of army personnel erupted into cheers and roars of excitement.

"Ah! Much better!" Helix remarked with a satisfied grin.

The cheering continued.

"Now that you understand the gravity of that term, I'll reiterate my previous statement!" Helix announced.

"You have four allies on your side that have calamity spells!"

The crowd fell silent again, and people started checking with the people around them to ensure they heard his statement right.

A few moments later, a few cheers set the army ablaze with enthusiasm and excitement.

"Not only that!" Helix yelled.

p "We have a 5-star general, three grandmasters, and three experts joining you.

Each of them has a level of 150 or higher, and one has a level of 217!"

The crowd detonated with screams and wild applause.

Everyone was hugging and patting their neighbors on the back now that they knew reinforcements of a high caliber were helping them.

"That's right! We will help you brave men and women destroy that fucking monstrosity!" Helix yelled with a passionate blaze in his eyes.

"Who's ready to level that monster and send a brutal message to the Mad Queen!?"

Battle cries exploded through the audience.

The war drums started thumping.

Hearts started pounding.

Blood started boiling.

Even the people in his group were swept away in the madness and excitement of the event.

His partners' hearts were set ablaze, and their passion for Helix grew.

"My team and I are here to ensure that you and General Lackbolt will land a decisive blow on this beast!

We're here to ensure that you will make the King and the people of Kozen proud today!"

Helix gazed upon the roaring crowd with a fiery look in his eyes.

"But we need your help! So quiet down and listen to what we need to seal our victory!"

The crowd quieted down at the drop of a hat, and everyone listened with bated breath.

"In just a few moments, we will begin work on traps in the area, setting up battle and supply lines, and establishing a communications network.

We need two things from you!

First, we need your help accomplishing these tasks.

Second, we need your unbridled bloodlust and rage!"

Cheers and laughter ripped through the crowd like the summer breeze.

"Why do we need your rage?

Why do we require your bloodlust?" Helix asked.

"This creature had the audacity to threaten your homes, family, and country!

We need your anger and passion to ensure that everything we do leads to the most ruthless and decisive victory in history!"

Battle cries swept through the field once again.

Every soldier, doctor, and logistics expert had resolve and determination in their eyes.

"Once our preparations are over and we're ready to unleash the fury of Kozen on this beast, we will need your cooperation!" Helix continued.

The crowd calmed down again, but the excitement in the atmosphere made it difficult to contain one's emotions.

"We have four people with calamity spells!

These brave soldiers will cripple that freak of nature!

They will bring it to its knees!

They will make it cry in pain and anguish for messing with the wrong people!

And most of all…."

Helix paused and panned over the audience to look into the eyes of countless soldiers.

"They're going to line you up to unleash hell upon it!"

The troops devolved into a frenzy.

Their mouths spewed fire.

Their lungs breathed smoke.

"To make that happen!" Helix yelled.

"We will need to ensure that you brave soldiers do not get caught up in the natural disasters that will soon rip this beast to shreds!"

The crowd quieted down to listen.

"For that reason, General Lackbolt has shared his command with us!

Together, united, we will lead you to victory!

Together, united, we will slay ourselves a Colossus ...."

Helix paused for dramatic effect, and the crowd waited for him with bated breath.


Battle cries exploded through the crowds, and the atmosphere became intoxicating.

The bloodlust oozing from the soldiers was palpable and drove people into a war fever madness.

Those that were nervous became strong.

Those who were strong became invincible.

And those who already felt both were now gods.

"Once again! My name is Helix Hellsgate Margrave!" He yelled.

Cheers exploded from the throngs of troops upon his name.

"Let me introduce to you the allies you can depend on to help you achieve victory!

This is Marie Skybolt! She has a Nightmare that can create an earthquake 250 meters in diameter!"

Thunderous applause met the young woman.

While she was nervous and shy around Helix, she was confident and strong as a leader.

She stood tall with the aura of a goddess of war.

"She is my second in command!

Most of you cannot see her, so if you do, make sure to let everyone know who she is!

If this war goddess asks anything of you, make sure to follow through with passion, and she will guide you to victory!"

More applause followed.

No matter how strong Marie was in the face of leadership, she had never faced this level of support.

It made her nervous and she wanted to blush in embarrassment.

However, her appearance was calm, collected, and confident on the outside.

"This beautiful woman requires no introduction because she just rained that wave of fiery death upon you!" Helix chuckled.

Laughter spread through the audience.

Those who originally looked at Charlotte as a demon were now star-stuck.

She grinned and soaked in the devious attention she was receiving.

"As you know, her Nightmare brings fire and death to the battlefield.

Not only that, she brings the weight of the world down upon her enemies with gravity.

With her power, we will bring this colossus to its knees and submit to the authority of humankind!"

Wild cries, cheers, and roars burst through the audience like a broken flood gate releasing water.

Charlotte gazed upon the crowd with passion.

She was strong and felt that way for the first time since arriving.

"If you see her, listen to her words!

If she jokes with you, it's okay to laugh!

She may be a goddess with ruthless power, but she's a human just like you!" Helix yelled.

Whistles shot out of the audience.

"But! Whatever you do, don't piss her off." He chuckled.

The troops burst into laughter.

"This woman is named Riley Singer!

You will soon discover that she is the nicest person you've ever met!" Helix announced.

"And the most deadly!"

They detonated with laughter and applause again.

"Riley brings love and kindness to humans, but this Stalkwalker will only know her as a walking natural disaster!

She unleashes tornadoes and floods upon this world, and when they're combined, they create something more devastating—a cyclone!"

Yells and excitement passed through the crowd.

"If you see her, show this goddess the kindness and respect she deserves!

Start now by telling her how beautiful she is!" Helix demanded.

The crowd roared with laughter.

Then kind compliments and remarks flooded her, and her face turned bright red with embarrassment.

"Excellent! Please stop now. She's received enough for today, so please don't give her one later.

She's a goddess of war, after all!"

Cheers rang through the kilometer area, attracting the attention of everything in sight.

Helix introduced Tilo, who would be leading trap development.

Then he introduced Elsa as the leader of medical operations.

"Lastly! This woman right here is all you need for victory!" Helix roared.

The crowd fell silent, and the soldiers waited for his next words with bated breath.

"This woman is your ally today!

She is here to guide you to a decisive victory!

Her name is Grandmaster General Dame Tyrene Mastney, but to the world and history books, she goes by a much more common name…."

Helix panned the audience to ensure that everyone was listening.

"The legendary Winter General Tyrene!"

The entire kilometer area gasped with shock.

Then, after five seconds of silence, the battle cries rocked the soundwaves.

The noise was so deafening that any opposing army would crumble and submit.

Helix gazed upon the audience one last time.

"We are the team helping you fight and earn your place in history!" He roared.

"Now, let's kill ourselves a Colossus and send our poison love letter to the Mad Queen!"

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