Nine Yang Sword Saint

Chapter 179: Getting Through the Infernal Trial Mission, Leaving!

Chapter 179: Getting Through the Infernal Trial Mission, Leaving!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Yang Dingtian hugged the sword in his hand as a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

“I might just know how to pass through these five thunder rooms and how to complete this infernal trial.” Yang Dingtian suddenly got a little nervous.

“Big guy, I accept the infernal trial mission.” Yang Dingtian said.

“Are you sure?” The three-headed giant asked.

“I’m sure.” Yang Dingtian replied.

“The special infernal trial mission has now begun, please pass through all five rooms of the thunder palace and complete the mission within half a quarter of an hour. ” The three-headed giant said.

Right after the giant finished his sentence, the entire Five Elements Hall lightened up. Following that, the lights of the other four elements palaces dimmed, only leaving the door of the thunder palace lit up.

“May the trainee please advance immediately, we will erase all extra traces inside this secret realm once the given times is up.” The three-headed giant warned.

Yang Dingtian got a huge shock because this meant that it was too late for him to change his mind. He would get obliterated after seven minutes, even if he just stood on the spot and did nothing. Not only that, the doors of the other four element’s palaces were already closed, the only way out of here was through the thunder palace, there were no other choices.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yang Dingtian held the youngling sword and walked to the front door of the thunder palace, he reached out and pushed open the door.

Inside it was all black like hell, dangerous like hell. The only way to pass through was by wisdom, not qi. All he had was seven minutes, if he succeeded, he would get to leave with extremely grand rewards and could awaken his master. But if he were to fail, his life would end, gone forever.

“Let’s go!” Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and took the first step into the hellish dark thunder room. At the same time, the lights of the thunder palace entrance behind him suddenly extinguished and closed, the only way left was to advance.

After entering, Yang Dingtian quickly took out the earlier used Night Owl Strange Blade from the ring of storage and quickly bundled it together with the youngling sword. By doing so, the two swords added up to a height of more than three meters.

“Crack...” Yang Dingtian used all his strength and managed to stab the newly assembled sword into the ground. Then, he quickly put on a pair of insulated shoes and gloves. After this, he held his breath and waited for the arrival of the powerful thunder.

The three-headed giant said that this infernal mission relied on wisdom, not on qi. At an open environment on Earth, thunder usually struck on taller conductors. Therefore, Yang Dingtian tied the giant sword together with the Night Owl Strange Blade to form a long sword of more than three meters and then inserted it into the ground to divert the energy of the thunder to the ground. It was equivalent to the concept of a thunder rod.

The height of Yang Dingtian was about 180 cm, far below three meters, and he was wearing insulated shoes. So, according to the principles of Earth, the thunder couldn’t get to him. However, this was not Earth, it was the chaotic continent. Over here, the laws of science on Earth were not necessarily realized. So it could be said that Yang Dingtian was gambling with his life now.

It was completely dark, and there was total silence inside the room; the only clear sound was the heartbeat of Yang Dingtian. The anticipated super powerful thunder was still not coming, tormenting the waiting Yang Dingtian. Yang Dingtian was like a prisoner waiting for a verdict, his heartbeat was racing faster and faster, the feeling of suffocation seemed to cause a burning pain every time he took a breath.

If the thunder boss continued to not play by the book like this, then there was only one ending for Yang Dingtian, a complete decimation.


A loud bang took place in the room, a huge flash of thunder squats as if they were to tear the sky and overturn the mountains. Yang Dingtian completely lost his vision, just like getting struck by the bright aurora of an exploded nuclear bomb.

The last thunder was way more power than the first one Yang Dingtian experienced when he first entered the room. He would immediately turn into ashes if a thunder of that caliber were to hit him, even the Nine Yang Mystic Meridians would be useless.

“Roar, Roar, Roar, Roar...”

The extremely lethal thunder just kept on coming one after another, as though it had no end to it. Fortunately, everything was going as Yang Dingtian had expected, all the thunderbolts struck on the long sword. The youngling sword and Night Owl Strange Blade seemingly became completely transparent after being hit by those huge thunderbolts, radiant and incomparably gorgeous.

As for Yang Dingtian, he stood behind the sword and was safe and sound, not a trace of thunder touched his body. However, Yang Dingtian was completely blinded at this point as there was only light in the entire room, and it was extremely bright. The thunder was striking for half a minute and didn’t seem to be stopping, but only seven minutes were given for the whole mission.

Yang Dingtian decided not to wait for the thunder to stop, as he must continue to advance. Since he had completely lost his version, Yang Dingtian extended his hand and walked forward carefully as he moved to grab the sword.

This required great courage because the electric current on the sword was completely insane at this point. Although Yang Dingtian was wearing insulant gloves, it was only effective to a certain extent. Once a single bit of thunder entered his body, it was more or less over for Yang Dingtian.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath to slow down his racing heartbeat, and then took a few steps forward, reaching out for the sword.

“Phew......” Yang Dingtian body trembled fiercely because the long sword was actually trembling furiously, in joy! Yes, Yang Dingtian could feel that it was cheering in joy, as if these countless strikes of fierce thunderbolts were making it very comfortable, trembling with joy.

Moreover, not a single bit of electricity got into Yang Dingtian’s body because all the current had been diverted to the ground.

“What a weirdo,” Yang Dingtian thought in his mind.

Next, Yang Dingtian had to use all his power and push forward with the two swords stabbed in the ground. This was because there was no way he could let the two swords leave the ground; otherwise, the current would get into the body of Yang Dingtian. As a result, he had to make sure that the sword could continue to divert the current to the ground.

So just like that, Yang Dingtian advanced forward while pushing two swords, causing long deep cracks on the ground. He managed to reach the door of the second room and entered the second room of the thunder palace.

“Pow, Pow, Pow!” The thunderbolts were even more terrifying, as though huge blocks of the wall crashing down from the sky.

“Pow, Pow!” Two more thunderbolts followed, but both of them still landed on the sword, causing no damage to Yang Dingtian. Even so, the level of the thunderbolts was really terrifying, it was like the end of the world.

And just like that, Yang Dingtian pushed two swords and passed through the second, third, fourth, and fifth room.


Three minutes later, Yang Dingtian came to the sixth door of the thunder palace.

He had completed the so-called infernal trial mission in only half of the seven minutes prescribed. As for the thunder in the last few rooms, Yang Dingtian had completely no idea of the scale of it. He simply closed his eyes throughout, and his ears were completely inaudible due to the deafening thunderbolts.

Yang Dingtian felt a little weird after passing through; he felt a little ridiculous and, at the same time, a little lost. The previous trials had tortured Yang Dingtian thoroughly, the countless wounds, uncountable times hanging on the edge of death.

But he was completely unharmed in this thunder palace, the palace that was deemed as a complete cheat. It was hard to believe that he just breezed through the so-called infernal trial mission without any injury, in fact, not even much effort was needed.

Therefore, this infernal trial mission was truly sickening. Without wisdom, even a master or grandmaster wouldn’t stand a chance. As for those with wisdom, even an enlightener could pass smoothly.


The moment Yang Dingtian’s hand touched the sixth door, everything stopped. The endless thunders and deafening sounds were all gone. The light was restored in the room, and Yang Dingtian seemed to be lying among a clear blue sky, an extremely pure and comfortable shade of blue.

The trial should be over, Yang Dingtian immediately tried to reach out to the soul of master Dongfang Niemie within his mind, looking forward to hearing the voice of his master again. Sadly, the outcome was disappointing. The happy mood of Yang Dingtian started to fade away, was it because he wasn’t struck by thunder? That was why he couldn’t recall the soul of his master.

“Trainee, you have passed all the trial missions, the reward is on the door, please leave immediately, we will be clear all the foreign traces in the secret realm, please leave immediately!”

The voice of the three-headed giant suddenly appeared while Yang Dingtian was in a state of being upset. Even though they were five rooms away from each other, the voice of the three-headed giant still sounded as though he was speaking right next to his ears.

Yang Dingtian looked at the gate and indeed realized two items floating. One of them was the thunder talisman, a transparent jade card that had a small spark of electric current while retrieving it. The talisman was still at an infant stage at the moment, and it looked vulnerable and cute.

But once it would grow to a certain level, it would shock the world. Therefore, when Yang Dingtian took it in his hands, his heart skipped a beat and found it hard to breathe for a slight moment. This was the thunder jade talisman we were talking about, the whole world would probably add up to no more than five of them, or even less. When it would reach a certain level, it would definitely become a cheat code. If you were to kiss the electric jade gently, there would be a slight sense of numbness on the lips, a pleasant feeling of itch.

This talisman seemed to be a living thing, just like the youngling sword. When Yang Dingtian kissed it, it discharged a wave of electric current, which taught him a lesson, just like a little baby waving his tiny little pink fist. This thunder talisman should be placed into the ring of storage with care, as it was really too fragile now.

Next was the thunder element scroll. Now, it was thunder mystic skills. The current Yang Dingtian was a five star Great Mystic Martial Master, it was the time for him to learn mystic skills. He was actually excited and worried at the same time about his first mystic skill secret scroll because he wasn’t able to get hold of any powerful mystic skill secret scrolls while drifting around like this. There were many powerful mystic skill secret scrolls in the Cloud Heaven City, though, but they no longer belonged to Yang Dingtian now.

However, nobody could have expected that the first mystic skill secret scroll that Yang Dingtian possessed was an incredible thunder element one. In this world, people who possessed thunder mystic skills were more rare than thunder element monsters. Regardless of the location, performing a thunder element mystic skill was sufficient to shock everyone, regardless of the power of it.

Yang Dingtian had a strong urge to immediately start learning mystic skills while holding onto the secret scroll, but he quickly gave up this tempting thought as the secret realm was about to clear the area and remove all traces of outsiders. He would completely disappear from the world if he were to be swept away by the secret realm, and there was no room for reasoning in this place.

Yang Dingtian placed the thunder mystic skills secret scroll in his arms and opened the door in front of him, where it was the sea bottom! The blue waters were swaying, countless underwater creatures were attracted to the light over here. This was the true definition of a deep-sea, tens of thousands of meters deep, perhaps there isn’t a sea of such depth on Earth.

Yang Dingtian had been here for more than a hundred days, and he was finally able to get out of here.

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