Ninja World: I’m Not a Human Being!

Chapter 249: 249

Chapter 249: 249

Art, created at the moment of explosion, is a fleeting beauty.

Although Deidara doesn't look serious, he tends to be calm and thoughtful when fighting, and there's only one situation where he can lose his mind - and that's when he feels that his art is despised by his opponents.

Such as now.

Kisame made a mockery of Deidara's explosive art, which made the "young artist" furious. On impulse, he resorted to the strongest killing move he had and used a violent explosion to bury Kisame.

However, just when Deidara thought angrily that he accidentally killed his employer and lost his job

Under his incredible gaze, Kisame, who was at the center of the explosion, just raised his hand slightly, and a strange devouring force was emitted from his palm, instantly absorbing the flames and shock waves generated by the explosion.

"What did you do? How did you do it?"

Deidara came back to his senses, and when he saw the unharmed Kisame, he hurried to him and asked with a look of surprise.

"It's just a little trick." Kisame said lightly, and walked over.

"Then... did I pass your test?" Deidara felt that the man in front of him was unfathomable, and his tone unknowingly brought a bit of awe, as he asked nervously.

"Well, you're barely qualified." Kisame thought for a while, nodded, and recognized Deidara's ability.

Deidara hearing that has a happy expression on his face, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"However, before the official release of the mission, I have one more question for you."

Kisame walked to a large stone and sat down on it, he then stared at Deidara, and asked, "What do you think of Onoki's death?"

'Why did he suddenly ask this question?'

Deidara was stunned for a moment, then folded his arms and snorted lightly: "You mean that annoying old man? He died well, now no one can control me anymore, I'm very happy, eh."

"Really, you are not lying, right?" Kisame narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Not at all!"

Deidara firmly denied it, but everyone could see that he still had deep feelings for the dead Onoki. Perhaps because he was a little impatient to be asked by Kisame again and again, he frowned and asked, "Where are you going with this?"

"Then I'll just say it."

Kisame cleared his throat and explained his "identity" to Deidara, "Actually, I am a Jonin from Kirigakure, the Land of Water. My immediate boss is the one who killed Onoki, Tsunade."


When Deidara heard that, he was shocked and surprised.

"Are you surprised? Let me tell you the truth, it was Tsunade-sama who saw your talent and potential, and praised your explosive art, so she sent me to Iwagakure to get you out. Also, she decided to take seal the four tails into your body, so that you will become the four-tails Jinchuriki, and master it's power. In this way, you can combine it's power with your own explosion and develop a greater art."

Taking advantage of Deidara's shock, Kisame continued to seduce him with words.

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Diedara became silent.

"Deidara, Tsunade-sama has high hopes for you. It is enviable to be favored by the Goddess of ninjas at such a young age. However, if you don't want to agree, it doesn't matter, Tsunade-sama asked me not to force you."

While talking, Kisame stood up and turned around to leave.


Just when Kisame's figure was about to disappear, Deidara shouted and chased after him. He then asked loudly, "Why did she choose me? Since the Sixth Mizukage knows that I am Onoki's student, isn't she afraid that I will take revenge on her after I gain power?"

Kisame's mouth curled up, as he turned around and spread his arms, and said: "As we all know, Tsunade-sama is a very broad-minded woman. Of course she knows that you are Onoki's student, and she has also considered that you will attack her. But more than these things, Tsunade-sama cares more about is that an artist with outstanding talent and should not be easily buried. This is Tsunade-sama's greatness."

He bragged about Tsunade's image, she was just his tool anyway, good or bad was arranged by him at will.

Kisame made the young Deidara stunned again.

Because of his research on the art of explosion, not only was he not understood by the villagers, he was also kicked out, and he was so depressed that he couldn't even get enough to eat. However, in Kirigakure, thousands of miles away, the legendary Goddess of ninjas saw his artistic talent and enthusiastically sent an envoy to extend an olive branch.

Thinking of this, Deidara couldn't help feeling flattered, and also had an inexplicable yearning and longing for Tsunade, who had never met before.

"So, what's your answer? I'm running out of time, I'm going back to Kirigakure now."

After Kisame played a hard-to-find trick, seeing that the time was almost up, he asked again.

"...Okay, I'll go with you."

Deidara made this decision without hesitation for too long. After he agreed to Kisame, he said with a look of anticipation, "Actually, I have always been curious, what does the ninja who can kill that old guy Onoki look like? Besides, I've already been kicked out by the fourth Tsuchikage anyway, so I am not a ninja from Iwagakure, so I might as well join Kirigakure. As long as it allows me to continue my art research."

"You can rest assured. Your art can only truly realize its value in the free and enlightened land of Kirigakure." Kisame patted Deidara on the shoulder and promised.

"That...before I leave, I want to say goodbye to my two friends, is it okay?"

Deidara said suddenly, but as soon as he said that, he quickly added, "If it doesn't work, forget it, take it as if I didn't say it, eh."


Kisame nodded happily. He knew that Deidara's friend was Onoki's's granddaughter, Kurotsuchi and Akaichi.

Although Deidara seems to go his own way and doesn't care about anything except art, in fact, this guy still values friendship and will not easily betray his companions.

This is also an important reason why Kisame decided to recruit Deidara.

So, the two returned to Iwagakure together.

Deidara stopped and rubbed his hands together to create a sparrow-sized clay bird from the mouth of the palm of his hand. Under his control, it flew into the village.

About ten minutes later.

Kurotsuchi and Akaichi, who received Deidara's message and ran out of the village.

"What's the matter, you can't stand it anymore, and wants to come back? Do you want me to help you to plead with the Tsuchikage, after all, he is my father."

Kurotsuchi thought that Deidara was finally willing to admit his mistake, and teased with a smug look on her face as soon as she came up. However, when she found Kisame standing behind Deidara, she pointed at the other party and asked Deidara suspiciously, "Who is this person?"

"He? He is the messenger of Tsunade-sama, the Goddess of ninjas."

Deidara answered with a proud look, and said proudly, "Tsunade-sama saw my artistic talent and invited me to join Kirigakure. I'm here to say goodbye this time, and you should never come here to see again. Don't miss me, okay. Well, that's it."

"What did you say?"

Kurotsuchi was unable to digest what she heard just now, and did not react for a while, she stood still in shock.

"Deidara, are you really going to leave us?" Akaichi asked stupidly while wiping his nose.

At this moment.

"Kurotsuchi, Akaichi, come back!" A deep male voice suddenly came from behind the two little ones.


Deidara was startled, looked at the source of the sound, and couldn't help but change his face.

He saw a burly man with a height of more than two meters, a big nose, a big beard, and a red ninja combat uniform walking out of Iwakagure with a serious face. Every step he took on the ground was like an earthquake, making a thumping sound.

This person is the son of Onoki, the fourth Tsuchikage.

'How did this guy get here?'

After Deidara saw him, he was deterred by the other party's momentum, and subconsciously took a few steps back, showing fear.

In the face of this daunting fourth Tsuchikage, Deidara had a very guilty conscience. In addition, he has now decided to defect from Iwagakure and joined the hostile Kirigakure. If the other party finds out about this, he is afraid they will not let him leave easily.

"Didara, is what you said to Kurotsuchi true? You want to join Kirigakure, and you are invited by the sixth Mizukage Tsunade? Answer me!"

After he strode over, he protected Kurotsuchi and Akaichi behind him, and then looked down at Deidara condescendingly, frowning and questioning.

However, although he was asking Deidara, his eyes locked on to Kisame's form. In his eyes, this person is obviously a spy of Kirigakure. He doesn't know what rhetoric has been used to deceive Deidara and made him run away.

Fortunately he arrived in time.


Under the harsh questioning, Deidara panicked for a while, and his voice trembled. But the next second, a big hand pressed on his shoulder from behind, signaling him not to be afraid.

"Fourth Tsuchikage, you must have heard what Deidara said just now. His talent was not valued in Iwagakure, and he was even expelled from the village by you, and almost starved to death in the temple outside. Fortunately, Tsunade-sama, the Goddess of ninjas in Kirigakure, is willing to take in Deidara and sent me here to pick him up. From now on, Deidara is a member of Kirigakure, and he does not need to answer your questions."

Kisame looked at him, said so, and then wanted to leave with Deidara.


The Tsuchikage roared angrily, rushed up without saying a word, and punched Kisame.


With this punch, his entire right arm turned into a solid rock, greatly increasing its hardness and weight. A powerful punch that was enough to knock all the enemies in front of him, flying.

Earth release: Eock fist.

However, in the face of the unstoppable punch, Kisame did not dodge or evade.


Kisame opened his five fingers and wrapped around the incoming fist lightly, no matter how hard the latter tried, he couldn't pull it back. The Tsuchikage's expression became extremely frightened in just a few seconds.

"Who are you?"

He stared at Kisame and asked in disbelief. The man in front of him definitely has the strength beyond the Kage level.

"You do not need to know."

Kisame said lightly and released his five fingers. With a slight push, the Tsuchikage was hit by a huge force and retreated more than ten meters. Finally, he knelt down on one knee and barely stabilized his body without falling down completely.

This scene made Deidara, Kurotsuchi and Akaichi gape in shock.

"Remember, take good care of Iwakagure and the Land of Earth, and live your life honestly, and you will naturally get peace. This is Tsunade-sama's advice to you."

Kisame said and took Deidara to leave the place quickly.

After one day.

Kisame returned to Kirigakure, and went straight to the Mizukage office for the first time, and found Tsunade who was immersed in processing documents.

"You still know how to come back?"

Tsunade sensed Kisame's aura, raised her head as she frowned and threw the pen in her hand on the table, and folded her arms around her chest, "Where have you been these past two days?"

"If I remember correctly, you're just Mrs. Mizukage in name, not my real wife. So, even if I'm fooling around outside, you shouldn't care, right?"

Kisame smiled slightly, and while talking, he opened the refrigerator in the office and took out a bottle of drink from it. Then he sat down on the sofa, with his legs crossed.


Tsunade clenched her fists hard, but although she was angry when she saw Kisame, she is not in the mood to fight him, so she stood up and opened the door without saying a word.

"Wait. Even if you're mad at me, just listen to me, okay? Mizukage-sama with a big heart?"

Kisame stopped Tsunade, glanced at her broad chest, and went straight to the point, "I went out this time and rescued a mother and daughter of the Uzumaki clan in your name. You shouldn't ignore them, right?"

Tsunade was stunned when she heard that.

Her grandmother, Uzumaki Mito, is not only the wife of Senju Hashirama, but also the first Nine-Tails Jinchuriki of Konoha. Many of Tsunade's ninjutsu skills, including the Yin seal, were learned from Uzumaki Mito.

Tsunade knows that all along, the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan, like Uzumaki Mito, Uzumaki Kushina, and more, have made sacrifices for Konoha and his allies, the Senju clan.

It's a pity that the Senju clan did not protect their allies well, so that the Uzumaki clan suffered the tragic fate of being exterminated.

Tsunade was full of guilt for this matter.

Therefore, as Kisame expected, when she heard that Kisame had rescued a mother and daughter of the Uzumaki clan, she really showed a concerned look.

"Where are they?" she asked, staring at the Kisame.

Kisame explained the plan in a few words to her, and then released Uzumaki Haruna and Uzumaki Karin from the Box of Ultimate Bliss.

Tsunade at a glance the rows of shallow tooth marks and scars on Uzumaki Haruna's arms and thighs. Although after Kisame's treatment, there is no serious problem, but it still looks shocking.

With a sense of guilt, Tsunade received the mother and daughter.

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