No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 169 UMBRA-MANA

Chapter 169  UMBRA-MANA 

[A little bit before]

"Accept this Convergence Amulet," the professor directed, presenting me with the delicate pendant.

The amulet itself is a complex silver pendant, adorned with interlocking geometric patterns.

The Convergence Amulet operates on the intricate principle of Mana Resonance, intertwining the mana signatures of mana beasts and their owners.

As a mana beast comes into contact with the amulet, its unique mana imprint is intricately etched into the amulet's enchantment matrix, capturing its abilities and emotions.

Simultaneously, the amulet attunes itself to the owner's mana flow, aligning their magical frequencies. Constructing a Resonance Matrix, the amulet acts as a bridge between the two mana signatures, forging a symbiotic link that allows a mutual exchange of mana and influences. This link not only enhances abilities but also enables a profound emotional bond, where intentions, emotions, and instincts are shared.

Strengthened by positive interactions, the feedback loop between owner and mana beast solidifies this partnership, creating a harmonious collaboration that harmonizes strengths, abilities, and emotions.

"Now, channel your mana into the amulet and maintain the connection with your...familiar," the professor instructed.

"Understood," I affirmed, closing my eyes and allowing my mana to course through the amulet.

"Excellent," the professor's tone carried a hint of approval. "Keep in mind that the amulet acts as a conduit, strengthening your connection with your familiar."

I focused on upholding the link, sensing the flow of energy through me and into the amulet. A comforting warmth enshrouded me as the connection solidified.

"Now, mentally project the command you intend to communicate to your familiar," the professor guided.

A command... what should it be?

Blaze's essence is intricate, considering his unique path. It's hard to pinpoint a skill that we both share... but perhaps speed?

I fixated on the concept of speed, gradually sensing a peculiar alteration in the mental tether connecting Blaze and me. It wasn't reinforcement; instead, it felt like a segment of our connection was being... erased.

"Smokeball?" I summoned his name within my thoughts, yet there was no response, no echo of his presence.

Despite still feeling his weight on my shoulder, there was an odd sensation that he wasn't there at all. I opened my eyes, and a perplexing reality unfolded before me.

It wasn't that the world had vanished; rather, it had been replaced by an expanse of darkness. No, it wasn't the realm of darkness either. This was something entirely distinct...

Yet, the greenhouse remained structurally unchanged. The only difference was that everything within had been replaced by shadows—shadows of each individual element, stretched out before me. It was as though they lay sprawled upon the ground, casting their inky forms across the space.

Amidst this eerie transformation, the greenhouse stood silent and still, almost as if frozen in time. The intricate details of every plant, the interplay of light and shadow that once danced across the leaves, now found representation solely in these elongated, inky forms. It was as if the very essence of the living beings had been distilled into these shadowy replicas.

The air held a palpable sense of suspension, as if reality had been put on hold. My breaths seemed to echo within this uncanny space, almost resonating with the ethereal quality of the shadows themselves. I moved forward, treading carefully among the elongated forms, the tactile sensation of solid ground beneath my feet a reassuring contrast to the spectral display before me.

As I ventured deeper into the greenhouse, I realized that each shadow was not just a mere replica. They seemed to pulsate with a faint energy, an undercurrent of existence that mimicked the original forms. The edges of the shadows rippled ever so slightly, as if acknowledging my presence and reacting to my movements.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Strangely mesmerized, I reached out to touch one of the elongated shadows. As my fingers made contact, a peculiar sensation washed over me—a subtle tingling that seemed to originate from the point of contact and spread through my veins. It was a sensation that was difficult to describe, one that straddled the boundary between the physical and the ephemeral.

From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Blaze's shadowy form, perched upon my shoulder just as he had been before. I extended my hand towards him, and his shadow seemed to lean in response, merging with my outstretched fingers for a fleeting instant. The sensation intensified—a surge of energy that coursed through me, resonating with the shadows around me.

And then, as quickly as it had begun, the sensation subsided, leaving me standing amidst the shadowy imprints in the greenhouse.

The world around me seemed to waver, as if unsure whether to revert to its former state or to linger in this surreal existence of shadows.


With an abrupt sound of impact, my legs buckled under me, and I tumbled onto the ground. A hand extended towards me almost instantly, and I stared at it with a bewildered and expressionless visage.

A swarm of thoughts seemed to buzz at the back of my mind, like thousands of ants had suddenly congregated there.

'What just happened!? Are you alright? are you okay, princess?' Blaze's voice resounded urgently within my thoughts.

I shook my head slightly, taking in the faces and surroundings that had returned to their normal state. The inexplicable phenomenon had come and gone, leaving behind a profound sense of confusion.

It's not that I didn't comprehend... well, it's not that I couldn't understand what had occurred, but rather, I struggled to fathom how it had come to be.

"What transpired? Are you alright, Hilton?" Professor Harris maintained a composed demeanor as he offered assistance to help me back up. Despite his offer, I declined and managed to stand on my own.

'Smokeball, did I do anything?' I questioned within my mind.

'Wha-' Blaze's response was cut short.

'Answer the question,' I mentally urged, glancing around to find curious and perplexed faces fixed upon me.

'No, you simply stood there with your eyes closed and did nothing,' Blaze replied.

Alright then, everything seems to be in order.

Assured by Blaze's confirmation that I hadn't inadvertently caused any disruption, a subtle exhale of relief escaped me.

"Thank you, Professor. I believe I'm well now. I was taken aback by an unfamiliar kind of skill... it felt as if I became a bit swifter and more restless," I explained, mustering a faint smile.

"It's understandable. Such occurrences can happen when one encounters an unfamiliar influence from a mana beast," he acknowledged, then continued, "Step back, as next in line is the first prince." With his instruction, I stepped away, making room for the prince to take his turn.

"Hey, are you alright?" The nerdy kid inquired, and I nodded in response before moving towards the back of the space.

'Now, can you please explain what transpired? I didn't sense anything unusual; our link just vanished suddenly, and then you seemed frozen for a couple of seconds before falling...' Blaze's words raced at a pace even faster than his flying speed.

'I triggered a skill that I wasn't meant to,' I chuckled inwardly, accessing the system panel as I did so.




(Notification muted)

[Ren Chris Hilton]

Age: 16

Race: Purebred Phoenix

[Level 2: Flame Adept]

[3 Star Mage In Human Terms.]

Current Progress.

Intelligence: 9/10

Strength: 50/100

Mana: 70/100

[Next Level: Scorchmaster]

[2000/15000 Exp]

(Level up unavailable!)

Elemental Attributes: Fire

Advancements of Elements: Lightning

Unlock New Advancement: (Open)

Contracted Beast: One

Spirits: None

Skills: [24 skills.]

Learn New Skills: (Open)

Store: (Open)



'Open Skills,' I commanded silently, causing the panels to shift.

Before me, the comprehensive list of skills I had acquired lay displayed—twenty-four in total.

'You also gained experience points...' Blaze remarked, drawing my focus to the discreet notification setting.

I didn't want to hear the incessant sound of bell chimes every time experience was added, as it had become quite bothersome. Hence, I muted the system, though it unfortunately silenced all notifications collectively.

This means I don't receive alerts whenever I acquire a new skill, which is rather convenient. After all, I'm not interested in learning about potentially useless skills without even trying them out.

List of skills:

1) Body Strengthening

2) Fireball

3) Inferno Bolt

4) Elemental Vision

5) Fire Spear



And the list continued until my eyes settled on the one I had been searching for.

24) Umbra-mana

'Is it what I suspect?' Blaze's voice carried a note of caution.

'Indeed it is,' I responded, a mix of emotions swirling within me, the experience thrilling yet somewhat bewildering.

I barely contained the urge to burst into laughter.

Umbra-mana, in simple terms, is... well, nothing other than a Quick Transportation Skill, a power exclusive to the Winged Pardus. And intriguingly, it's not a skill that can be transferred to an owner through a Convergence Amulet.

It's somewhat amusing to witness how Blaze's current form defies the basic laws of nature to such an extent.

'I'm not quite sure how to react to that,' Blaze confessed with a shrug.

...Shadow step, huh.

Perhaps it's time we considered acquiring an amulet of our own.

With the prince's turn concluded, the gathered onlookers appeared somewhat taken aback by his unexpected competence.

'Hey, remember that bit about him killing someone? Care to elaborate?' Blaze reopened the topic.

'Well, he's responsible for it,' I responded, my gaze directed at the red-haired prince with half his face concealed by a mask. He maintained an air of cold detachment for a fleeting moment as I continued, 'He's the individual behind the deaths of all three rulers from the Kingdoms that were once part of the peace treaty.'

'But you mentioned he was supposed to be executed,' Blaze inquired in a composed manner


'While I never mentioned the execution taking place,' I clarified as I closed the system panels, 'Riksar intervened before the executioner's sword could find its mark.'

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