No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 180 Morning scuffle!

Chapter 180  Morning scuffle!

"Mnhh," I groaned as I reluctantly peeled myself from the warmth of my bed. My body moved with the grace of a sleep-deprived soul, each movement a testament to my resistance against the intrusion.

'Get up, Princess! Someone is relentlessly pounding on the door,' Blaze urgently informed me.

"Why don't you open it, then?" I grumbled, flinging a pillow in his direction. The soft cushion sailed through the air, landing harmlessly beside him.

'You want me to shift and then answer the door like this?' Blaze taunted, playfully inching towards the door.

"Stop!" I snapped in exasperation, and with a sigh, I swung my legs over the side of the bed. The rumpled bedsheets, disheveled from my hasty departure, cascaded to the floor with a soft rustle.

The incessant banging on the door ceased, leaving behind an eerie silence that seemed louder than the previous commotion.

I groggily shuffled across the room, my eyes half-shut against the intruding daylight. I paused beside Blaze, who was still in his cat form.

'Rise and shine, Princess,' his voice reverberated in my mind, laced with amusement.

Opening the door, I was met with an unexpected sight—a silver-grey haired girl in a blue-lined robe, none other than Raven. She stood there, frozen in place, like a deer caught in headlights. In one hand, she clutched a big bag, and the other hovered awkwardly in the air.

The early morning light filtered into the room, casting a soft glow on her rosy cheeks. Her normally composed demeanor was shattered, replaced by an endearing flush that colored her features.

"What's happening?" I asked, my voice still hoarse from just waking up, a tinge of confusion in my tone.

"S-sorry, I-i...." Her words stuttered and her face heated up further, deepening the crimson hue of her cheeks. The bag she held seemed to weigh her down as she fumbled for an explanation.

'Well, it's not like she gets to see a man like this...' Blaze couldn't resist teasing, and his laughter resonated in my thoughts. 'A piece of art~~,' he added with a mischievous tone.

As Raven stood there, seemingly unable to look away, I suddenly realized the reason for her flustered state. A quick glance confirmed it: I wasn't wearing anything on my upper torso. My body was exposed not only to Raven but also to the dormmates who peeked from the staircase, their eyes widening in surprise.

Half-naked and exposed to the dormmates' prying eyes, I found myself in the kind of situation one might expect to encounter in a dream—or rather, a nightmare.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'But you are unhinged,' Blaze commented.

'What did you want me to do, blush?' I retorted sarcastically.

'Booring~' Blaze turned around and strolled back into the room.

Meanwhile, Raven's blush intensified, if that were even possible, as she stammered, "I-i... came because... yesterday, did I forget to tell you the time?" Her gaze remained locked somewhere on the floor, her embarrassment palpable.

"Time?" I finally managed to find my voice, feeling somewhat flustered myself. It took a moment for her words to register. Ah, yes, the time we had decided early in the morning to meet. I must have overslept and missed our arrangement.

Blaze, on the other hand, was having a field day inside my head, thoroughly enjoying my predicament. 'Well, you've certainly made an impression, Princess,' he teased.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... interrupt anything," Raven said quickly, her voice laden with guilt.

I could feel the dormmates' gazes becoming more insistent from the staircase. This situation had spiraled from embarrassing to mortifying in record time. I needed to put an end to this awkwardness.

"Wait here," I told Raven before quickly grabbing a nearby shirt and pulling it on. With slightly more composure, I opened the door wider, addressing the dormmates. "Nothing to see here, folks. Just a little morning mix-up. Carry on."

'Quite respectful,' Blaze commented.

My roommates, understanding the situation, quickly retreated back up the staircase, and I even heard a few disapproving clicks of tongues.

With the onlookers dispersed, I turned back to Raven, who still looked like she wanted to melt into the floor. "Sorry about that," I said with a wry smile. "You can come in now."

I ushered Raven inside the room, gesturing for her to take a seat wherever she felt comfortable. She hesitated for a moment, her gaze exploring the surroundings.

While I headed into the bathroom to freshen up, I picked up my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. When I returned, I noticed that Raven was still looking around the room, her curiosity seemingly unabated.

'Wow, you're not even concerned that she might cause harm,' Blaze remarked, trying to slip in a hidden complaint.

'You're here,' I replied matter-of-factly.

Blaze fell silent.

I decided to make things more comfortable and dragged a chair from near the desk. "Sit here," I invited her.

"Y-yeah," she's....wary.

"I'll freshen up, you can wait right?" I asked.

Raven nodded hesitantly. "Of course," she replied softly, still appearing a bit uncertain.

As I wrapped up my morning routine in the bathroom, I couldn't shake the feeling of surprise and curiosity about the unusual start to the day. I finished washing my face and returned to the room where Raven was waiting.

And Blaze was on her lap...

"H-how, he just jumped on my thighs!" She flinched as she saw me... I clearly saw her petting him.

"Yeah, he's quite affectionate with pretty girls," I said as I picked him up off her thighs.

Raven's face flushed even brighter as she stammered, "I-I didn't know he... liked girls."

I chuckled, understanding her surprise. "Yeah, he's a bit of a flirt," I replied, picking Blaze in my arms. "Don't take it personally; he's like that with everyone."

Blaze, seemingly unperturbed, purred contentedly in my arms, his tail flicking lazily.

With a small push, I threw him back a bit far on the bed.

'You are not coming,' I said in my mind as he hissed at me... day by day, he's acting more like a street cat.

"Let's go now," I asked as I walked to the door.

Raven nodded hesitantly. "Yes, let's go."

We walked down the stairs as everyone was looking at us while they were having breakfast.

It's my first time that I see them all eating together while.....I am still here, mostly I wake up late.

"Oh, sit, I'll serve—" Mrs. Penny moved fast, but I immediately said.

"No need today. I have a date... I'll eat outside," I said casually as I made Raven follow me to the door.

"Oh my~ have fun, then," she said as I saw a few people exhaling all at once like they were relieved.

"Hm?" And my eyes went towards Raven, who stood there looking at me like an owl in confusion.

"Let's go," I opened the door for her as she practically stormed out of there.

We made our way out of the dorm.

As we walked away from the dorm, I finally said, "So, where are we heading?"

Raven glanced at me and replied, "We're headed to Bargain Alley."


"Well, that came out of nowhere." I looked at the sky, the day had I nodded, her gaze wandering around the surroundings. We walked in silence for a while before she asked hesitantly, "Um, Ren....."

"What?" I asked.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Her question seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Well, that came out of nowhere." I looked at the sky, the day had just begun, and it was no more than 8 o'clock in the morning. It was a clear day, and the sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink. For a moment, I found myself lost in the beauty of the morning sky, as if reminiscing about something long past.

"S-sorry, I just asked something weird," she stammered.

I tore my gaze away from the sky, my expression softening. "No, it's fine. It's just that the question caught me off guard. To answer your question, no, I don't have a girlfriend...why ask?"

"I...." She took a break before looking forward,"-thought that you were quite relaxed with girls,my bad."

Well I get it, I don't get flustered that quick as I've...never thought of her that way.

We continued walking, the streets gradually becoming busier as we approached Bargain Alley. It was a bustling marketplace, a labyrinth of narrow streets and crowded stalls. The air was filled with the scent of various herbs, spices, and other exotic aromas. Colorful canopies stretched above our heads.

As we strolled through the lively alley, Raven explained her mission. "I need to pick up some rare herbs and ingredients for our upcoming potion class. Professor Night mentioned that Bargain Alley is the best place to find them."

I nodded in understanding. "Alright, lead the way. I'll help you find what you need."

As we continued through the bustling Bargain Alley, our attention was suddenly drawn to two figures emerging from a side street. They wore hooded robes that, at a glance, appeared to be of exceptional quality, giving off an air of opulence amidst the colorful chaos of the marketplace.

Their steps were deliberate, and their presence commanded attention. My mana-sensing abilities tingled as I recognized their distinct mana signatures. One was unmistakably Aron, the first prince of the Hestia Empire, and the other was none other than Cecelia.

"Look there!" exclaimed Raven as she pointed at a pot.

Inside, a modest yet vibrant lily plant thrived.

"Well, let's go," I responded, indifferent to Aron's presence.

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