No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 184 Call me Cecelia.

Chapter 184  Call me Cecelia.

[Ren Hilton's POV]

Year: 1738

Date: 2nd

Month: Embera

Time: 9:00 AM

The sun cast a warm glow through the classroom windows as I rose from my desk, signaling the end of the lecture. The chatter of students filled the air, and I couldn't help but wonder about Cecelia as I exited the room.

"Do you think she'll show up? Wasn't she occupied with Aron in the bargain alley?" Blaze inquired, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

Well, she'd better show up... as I have a few questions for her.

As I made my way towards the cafeteria, the bustling hallways of the Academy surrounded me. Students hurriedly moved about, some engrossed in conversations, others focused on their own thoughts. The lunch break had begun.



System Notification [Muted]


The host has been ensnared by a Curse.

Curse: Fate

Caster: Nature

Current Impact: 6%

Cure: None



But amidst the daily routine, there was something amiss. The weight of the curse upon me continued to grow, a looming shadow I couldn't ignore.

"Haven't noticed? Dude, students are altering their paths just to avoid you," Blaze pointed out, his voice echoing through the hallway. It was true; most first-year students either changed course or paused when I approached, their expressions ranging from unease to trepidation. They didn't speak or engage, but it didn't bother me.


The journey through the corridors led me to the cafeteria's entrance, where a vibrant atmosphere awaited. The aroma of freshly cooked meals filled the air, and the hum of students enjoying their lunch break surrounded me.

And there she was, a blue-haired girl sitting on the chair close to the second table in the third lane, wearing a blue robe that blended with the Academy's colors.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"She really came, huh?" Blaze mused, his voice now filled with intrigue.

She had to. It would've been a pain for her to stay behind and eat with Aron. When I asked her out for lunch, she agreed as if avoiding her employer was second nature.

"Can't blame her; that dude's a real douchebag," Blaze added, his resentment toward Aron still evident.

Reaching the kitchen counter where the cook, Martha, was busy preparing the day's meals, I greeted her. The clatter of pots and pans created a rhythmic background.

"Hey," I said, my voice cutting through the kitchen's hustle and bustle.

Martha, a stout woman with a warm smile, looked up from her work. "Ah! Cute boy! What can I do for you today?"

"Just... one of those special cakes," I replied, my tone filled with anticipation. 'Two servings of Principal's special, please.'

"Oh my, how'd you know -" she began to say something like, 'Oh dear, we can't give you that; it's not available for students,' but I simply placed a silver coin on the counter, catching the glint in her eye as she nodded in understanding. Without further words, she got to work, and the tantalizing aroma of the cake began to fill the space.

The cake was a rich chocolate delight, topped with a thick layer of creamy frosting and garnished with a sprinkle of powdered sugar. Its presence on the tray was tantalizing, and my anticipation grew as Martha's hands moved with expert precision.

As I collected our food and headed back toward Cecelia, Blaze couldn't resist asking, 'Why the detour to the kitchen, princess?'

"Just see," I said, walking up to Cecelia, who, for some reason, was looking down at her hands. She undeniably attracted more than a few pairs of eyes, their curiosity evident in their fleeting glances.

"Looks like you're someone who keeps their word," I mentioned as I took a seat opposite her. However, I stopped midway, looking at her with a dumbfounded expression, unsure if my presence was welcomed...yet.

"I can sit here, right?" I asked, noticing Cecelia's stunned gaze, her eyes locked onto the cake.

"Y-yeah, I was waiting for you," she stammered, her voice carrying a mix of surprise and relief.

'What's with this way of talking?' Blaze questioned, as I considered taking a more assertive approach in this conversation.

"Did you eat anything?" I asked, to which she looked at the plates on her table, remnants of a meal she had indulged in before my arrival. It seemed she had already eaten.

"Well, I-I'm sorry... I thought you wouldn't come, and I-I..." Her voice began to falter as she tried to explain, her blue eyes glancing up at me with a hint of vulnerability.

"Well, that just means I'm right on time." I pushed a tray of cake toward her, a warm smile curving my lips as anticipation danced in her gaze.

"Maybe we can at least share a dessert," I suggested, placing my tray in front of me and looking at her with an inviting gesture, my eyes filled with warmth and curiosity.

'She ate food alone, even when you said it would be a lunch date. Isn't that already rude?' Blaze pointed out, his voice filled with a sense of observation.

I noticed Cecelia's eyes shifting between me and the plate simultaneously, her expression resembling that of an owl, caught between surprise and the temptation of the dessert before her.

I picked up a spoon from my plate and took a bite of the cake, its exquisite taste immediately flooding my senses, reminding me why this cake was meant exclusively for the principal, a well-kept secret.

"Still, I'm glad you came," I said without making eye contact, keeping my gaze focused on my plate as I savored the cake, the warmth of the moment growing.

With a slight pause, she asked, "You aren't angry?"

"Me? Why?" I questioned, finally raising my gaze to meet hers, my eyes carrying a mixture of curiosity and understanding.

'Why are you—agh, I don't care, do whatever you want,' Blaze's observation continued, his voice tinged with a hint of indifference.

"I... shamelessly ate when this was supposed to be..." Her voice trailed off at the end of the sentence, her voice revealing a sense of unease.

"A lunch date?" I asked, looking up at her as she remained fixated on the cake, her voice tinged with self-doubt.

"Y-yeah, that... date," she finally completed, her voice carrying a mix of embarrassment and determination.

"Mrs... Senior," I addressed her with respect, a slight nod accompanying my words, acknowledging her status and the unspoken complexity of her situation.

"Hmm?" She blinked a few times until the word sunk in, her gaze shifting from the cake to me, her eyes reflecting curiosity and uncertainty.

"Senior," I repeated, acknowledging her status in a formal tone, the weight of respect carried in my voice, a subtle signal of my understanding.

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, you mean... Just call me Cecelia," she said with a hint of embarrassment, her voice softening as she revealed a more personal side.

"Very well, Cecelia," I replied, savoring another bite of the cake, my eyes reflecting a mix of politeness and genuine interest in the unfolding conversation.

Blaze in, 'Well, this is getting interesting. Ren, you're showing some unusual courtesy today,' his voice carried a playful tone, an observation of my behavior.

I shrugged, not wanting to delve into explanations. 'Sometimes, it's just good to be polite, Blaze,' I replied, my tone casual but my actions intentional, as I attempted to create an atmosphere of comfort and understanding.

"I thought you'd like this cake, and I think it's better that I didn't come earlier, as it would've been a waste for me to wait for you to taste this and give me your reaction," I added, my words carrying a sense of consideration and thoughtfulness, revealing my genuine intention behind the surprise.

Cecelia finally tore her gaze from the cake, her eyes meeting mine as she spoke. "Thank you for this, Ren. It's... a lovely surprise," her words carried a sense of gratitude, her eyes reflecting a genuine appreciation for the unexpected gesture.

I nodded, offering a genuine but fake smile, my lips curving in a way that appeared friendly yet maintained a certain level of mystery. "You're welcome, Cecelia. We can still make the most of our lunch," I replied, my tone casual.

"Yeah," Cecelia replied, her eyes brightening as she picked up her spoon and dug into the cake. The moment she took her first bite, a sound of ecstasy escaped her mouth.

"Mnghhh!!!!" She let out a delighted squeal, her voice carrying the raw pleasure of tasting the exquisite dessert.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Cecelia's enthusiastic reaction to the cake. It seemed my choice had hit the mark.

"It's that good, huh?" I teased, my voice was light and playful, a hint of amusement lacing my words.

She nodded, her mouth still full of cake, and managed to mumble, "You have no idea," her voice carrying a sense of delight and surprise.

"Well, it looks like this lunch date is off to a great start," I remarked, finishing my own cake.

"How'd you—!!!!" She choked on the cake, surprised by my comment, her eyes widening in astonishment.

"Take this!" I got up and handed her a glass full of water, my actions swift and considerate, seeking to alleviate her momentary discomfort.

Cecelia took it and gulped down the water in one go, her expression gradually returning to normal as the glass met the table once again.

"Haa..." She gasped for air, a sense of relief evident in her demeanor.

"You okay?" I asked cautiously, my voice reflecting concern and a desire to ensure her well-being.

Cecelia nodded, her expression gradually returning to normal. "Yeah, I'm fine," she reassured me, her voice carrying a sense of gratitude for my prompt assistance.

A long pause settled between us, a moment of silence that allowed us to collect our thoughts and savor the atmosphere.

"Hey..." She went silent after calling me, her voice carrying a note of curiosity and anticipation, her gaze fixed on me.

"Ren Hilton, first-year student," I introduced myself, finding it quite funny that I hadn't done so during our first encounter, my words spoken with a sense of openness and transparency.

"Oh... Ren Hilton, huh? I'm Cecelia Willow, a second-year student," she introduced herself, her voice holding a trace of formality that gradually transitioned into a more personal tone.

"Well, I knew it," I remarked, glancing to my left at a specific group of students who were observing us—Aron's lackeys. Their presence was a reminder of the complex dynamics within the Academy.....which is actually nothing but..... overkill.

"You're quite famous around here," I commented, my words carrying an air of observation and understanding, a recognition of the peculiar circumstances that surrounded me.

"Can I ask you something?" Cecelia questioned out of nowhere, her voice carrying a sense of curiosity and vulnerability, her eyes fixed on me.

"Of course, Cecelia. Feel free to ask anything," I replied, not curious about what she wanted to know.

"Umm, okay, I meant to ask why? Why did you talk to me?" She asked, her words spoken with a sense of hesitance and a desire for understanding, her gaze searching for answers.

Now, this was the moment where I could either sink or swim, a pivotal point in our conversation that held the potential to reveal our true intentions and motivations.

"I guess... I just pitied you," I admitted, choosing my words carefully, my tone carrying a mix of honesty and empathy, a desire to be forthright about my initial feelings.

"Hmm, well, I guess that explains..." she began, wearing a self-deprecating expression, her voice carrying a note of resignation and acceptance of her situation, her eyes reflecting a hint of sadness.

"But!" I interrupted her, my voice taking on a more assertive tone, a desire to clarify my perspective and intentions, a willingness to reveal a deeper layer of my feelings. "It was also because I was curious," I said, my words carrying a sense of intrigue and a desire for knowledge, a recognition that there was more to her story than met the eye.

"Curious?" She raised a brow, her voice reflecting surprise and a hint of curiosity, her gaze now fixed on me with a newfound sense of interest.

"Yeah," I affirmed, my voice unwavering, a sense of determination evident in my words. "I saw how Aron treated you, and I couldn't help but wonder why you put up with it," I explained, my words spoken with a sense of empathy and a desire to understand her perspective, my eyes locked onto hers with unwavering sincerity.

Cecelia looked at me, her expression a mix of surprise and something else I couldn't quite place, her eyes carrying a sense of vulnerability and a glimmer of hope.

"You're the first person who's ever asked me that," she admitted, her voice softening, a sense of gratitude evident in her words, her eyes reflecting a genuine appreciation for my willingness to inquire about her situation.

I shrugged, feeling strangely vulnerable, my words spoken with a sense of humility and a desire to bridge the gap between us. "Well, I believe it's not fair to judge someone without knowing their story," I replied, my tone carrying a sense of understanding and a willingness to offer support.

Cecelia nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips, her voice filled with a sense of warmth and acceptance. "Thank you," she said, her words carrying a sense of gratitude for the empathy and understanding I had extended to her.

"Your welcome, Cecelia. And if you ever need someone to talk to or just share a meal with, I'm here," I said, my words spoken with a genuine offer of friendship and support, my gaze reflecting a sense of sincerity and goodwill.

Blaze chimed in with a playful tone, 'Looks like Princess is the knight in shining armor, but still... why so sweet?' his words carrying a sense of curiosity and amusement, an observation of my actions.

Soon, everything was wrapped up as I got up from my chair and began to leave, a sense of contentment and accomplishment accompanying me.


And there it was, a voice that held a note of anticipation and a desire for continued connection.

"Yep?" I smiled as I looked back at her.

"Can we eat again? Only if you're free," she proposed, her words carrying a sense of hope and a desire to maintain our connection, her gaze fixed on me with a sense of anticipation.

Bingo, it seemed I had successfully achieved my objective, and the atmosphere between us had evolved into one of openness and genuine connection.

"Absolutely," I replied with a warm smile, my words spoken with a sense of enthusiasm and a desire to continue our interactions. "Tomorrow, at the same time," I said as she nodded slightly.

I left Cecelia behind as I exited the cafeteria, a sense of accomplishment and intrigue lingering in the air.

'Can I get an explanation for why you were talking so cheesy back there?' Blaze couldn't resist probing into my recent behavior.

I touched my lower jaw, realizing that it hurt a bit. Smiling continuously wasn't exactly my forte.

'I think it's time for us to gather some inside information on the Royal Palace,' I replied to him as I started walking towards the classes.

'And why all of a sudden?' Blaze inquired, not quite connecting the dots.

"Alver's documents had something specific that....just clicked me after seeing both Aron and Cecelia in the bargain alley,Slave shipment order." I am sure that...solving a few mysteries is better than getting bored back in the dorm.

"Still it'll be-oh nah, I think it'll be better too haha." Blaze agreed in the middle of the sentence.

let's gather some experience and blood points.

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