No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 192 Forest Expedition.

Chapter 192  Forest Expedition.

The Elishia Forest was a realm of serene beauty, where the only audible sound was the gentle rustling of leaves in the soft breeze. The towering trees, reaching skyward like nature's skyscrapers, created a canopy so dense that it blocked most of the sunlight from touching the forest floor.

Beneath this emerald cathedral, the ground was adorned with a carpet of vibrant wildflowers, each one adding a splash of color to the lush green landscape. It was a place of untouched splendor, where the wonders of nature thrived in harmony.

"Shhh..." A hushed voice emerged as the leaves beneath their feet crunched, revealing their concealed presence.

"What happened?" Adam whispered, his voice barely audible, as he hid behind Amelia. She crouched down, her gaze fixed on a distant treetop.

"Princess, give me your bow for a second," she demanded, not waiting for Elsa's response, and swiftly grabbed the bow from Elsa's hand. With practiced ease, she pulled the string.

"What is she doing? You'll get us caught," Helga grumbled. The past four days had been a relentless pursuit since their arrival in the Elishia Forest. They were hunted relentlessly, with every Elven tribe in the forest considering them enemies.

Most of the Elves recognized Amelia and Elsa, marking them as threats wherever they went.


The mana runes on the bow glowed with a dim light as Amelia released the arrow, which shot silently through the air and struck its target.


A loud, echoing thud reverberated in the silence. Adam peered from his perch and saw an Elf lying on the ground, the arrow having pierced its eye with uncanny accuracy – a feat Elsa couldn't have managed at that distance, at least not yet. Amelia lowered the bow and leaned back against a tree trunk, her breathing slowly returning to normal.

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"That was amazing..." Adam began to praise, but before he could finish, a soft hand covered his mouth, muffling his words. He looked up to see Amelia's face close to his, which caused his cheeks to redden slightly.

"Keep your voice down; we're not out of danger yet," she cautioned, her voice a hushed whisper.


Adam was suddenly pulled backward, his eyes widening as he realized that Helga had grabbed him and was now pouting at him. Her feelings for Adam had been no secret; she had confessed her love for him several times since they had met. Adam, however, remained uncertain about his own feelings, unsure if he loved her in return.

As for how a first-year student had managed to join them on this perilous journey, it was simply because she had requested it. Helga had expressed her desire to come along, and the principal had surprisingly allowed her to accompany Adam, seemingly casual about the whole arrangement.

Adam's concern for Mary was evident as he noticed her unfocused condition had been inconsistent throughout their journey.

"Mary?" he called out to her, prompting her to blink and focus on gaze. She seemed to be struggling with something, and her condition had been inconsistent throughout their journey.

"Mary?" he called out to her, prompting her to blink and focus on him.

"You okay?" he inquired, clearly worried about her well-being. The recent experiences of witnessing death and killing had taken a toll on them, and he wondered if Mary was being affected by it.

Mary hesitated for a moment, her eyes betraying a sense of unease. "Oh yeah, I... am fine," she replied, her voice somewhat unconvincing. She quickly changed the subject and checked their surroundings before urging them to continue walking. Adam couldn't help but feel that something was amiss with Mary, but for now, he decided to respect her privacy.

The group ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, surrounded by towering trees that seemed to stretch endlessly. Sunlight filtered through the thick canopy in scattered beams, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The air was filled with the earthy scent of the woods, and the distant chirping of birds added to the serene ambiance.

However, they were acutely aware that they were not alone in these woods. The watchful eyes of the elven tribes followed their every move, making every rustling leaf or snapping twig a potential threat.

As they approached the outskirts of Everleaf, the elven city, they encountered their first of several checkpoints. Armed elven guards stood vigilant, questioning travelers and inspecting their belongings.

Amelia, Elsa, and Helga approached the checkpoint with caution, their faces hidden beneath hoods and cloaks. The guards scrutinized them, their sharp eyes assessing the group.

"State your business in Everleaf," one of the guards demanded, a stern expression on his face.

Without a word, Amelia's sword swiftly passed through the guard's throat, and his head tumbled to the ground. The other guard was caught off guard and reached for his hilt, but before he could react, Adam's powerful punch struck his side, sending him crashing to the ground. The second guard groaned in pain, incapacitated but not dead... Adam couldn't kill,it was too cruel for him to take a life of someone.

The group exchanged quick glances, knowing they had to act fast before more guards arrived.

After half an hour of walking, they arrived at a small house, a typical elven dwelling constructed mainly from wood and vines. The atmosphere was tranquil, contrasting with the turmoil they had experienced in the Elishia Forest.

Amelia approached the door and knocked softly, her anxiety masked by a façade of composure. Her heart raced with the uncertainty of what she might find. After a brief moment, the door creaked open, revealing a cautious face peering out.

"Mother!" Amelia exclaimed, her worry giving way to relief. She pushed the door open and rushed inside the house.

"Agh?" Luminae, her mother, was taken aback by the sudden entrance, her expression a mix of surprise and concern.

Step by step, Elendir, Amelia's father, appeared from the back of the house. These days, even the slightest noise sent a wave of anxiety through him.

"What happened!?" he questioned, his voice laden with worry.

"Hello, Dad," Amelia greeted, her face now radiant with newfound happiness, seeing her family unharmed."

"Amelia??" Elendir's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld his one and only daughter, who had returned after a long time. Before saying anything further, he hurried toward the door. However, upon reaching it, he paused for a brief moment, casting a glance at the group of teenagers standing outside, all wearing robes.

"Come inside," he urged, his concern for his daughter outweighing his curiosity about their companions. Elendir held the door open for them, gesturing for the group to enter their home."



"Where's Grandma?" Amelia inquired, her initial excitement now replaced by concern, as she took a seat at the round table.

"Sleeping. She's been under the weather these days," Elendir replied as he accepted a glass of water that Luminae was serving to all the guests.

Amelia nodded, her worry deepening. Her grandmother had always been a pillar of strength for their family, and seeing her unwell was a cause for concern.

"We've brought some friends with us, Dad," she began, looking at the group. "This is Adam, Mary, and Helga. They're from the Imperial Academy and you do already know about the princess."

Elendir nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you for helping my daughter and I am grateful for your presence princess, it's just the times have-"

Elendir nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you for helping my daughter, and I am grateful for your presence, Princess. It's just that the times have..." His voice trailed off, unable to find the right words to express the gravity of their situation.

Amelia continued, "Dad, we need to discuss our next steps. The Elven tribes are hunting us relentlessly, and we're not safe here."

Elendir's expression grew graver as he absorbed his daughter's words. The threat to their family was more significant than he had initially realized.



[Meanwhile in academy]

"Why'd you do that!?" Blaze asked, his voice rising to a near scream, his words echoing through the chamber.

Ren let out a heavy sigh as he stood amidst a gruesome tableau. The metallic scent of blood lingered in the air, and he wiped his hands against the coarse fabric of his robe, leaving streaks of crimson behind.

Before him lay an array of lifeless bodies, each one a testament to the brutal violence that had unfolded. Limbs contorted at unnatural angles, and faces bore expressions of terror frozen in death. The scene was a chilling reminder of

"They should've just given me what I wanted," he continued, his words carrying a hint of resignation.

Ren's voice carried a hollow, emotionless tone as he spoke. His face remained eerily serene, devoid of any visible emotions. It was as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, replaced by an unsettling calmness.

It was clear that whatever had transpired here had left its mark on him, and his indifference was a facade concealing deeper was relief.`

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