No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 197 Illusory Orb

Chapter 197  Illusory Orb

In my mind, I perceived a faint series of sounds, akin to distant whispers murmuring in the background. Simultaneously, I experienced the tactile sensation of a robe and a diminutive orb materializing within my grasp, seemingly conjured forth from the ethereal depths.

The orb I held possessed an otherworldly quality. Its surface resembled translucent glass, adorned with a subtle iridescence. Upon closer examination, intricate hues played within it, an enchanting display of colors swirling like a celestial galaxy captured within a spherical form. Approximately the size of a small apple, it nestled comfortably in my palm, casting a gentle, otherworldly luminescence.

I quickly donned the robe, securing it around me. Simultaneously, I channeled mana into the orb. My gaze shifted from my palm to my surroundings.

"What's happening?" I uttered, perplexed, scanning my environment, my perception utterly transformed.

It wasn't merely a change; it was a complete divergence from my prior senses. My vision shifted from comprehending them as a collective entity to perceiving each person individually—a disconcerting and unfamiliar sensation.

'What's happening, dude... Why are you repeating your thoughts again and again?' Blaze's voice reverberated in my mind. But when had I repeated myself?

My confusion intensified.

"Take this!!" A voice interrupted my contemplation. I questioned the purpose of an Illusion orb, designed to bewilder others, being used on me. This wasn't how Illusion magic was meant to function.

Attempting to retreat, I found myself suddenly punched squarely in the ribcage. Strangely, it didn't inflict pain. I staggered backward, yet my legs remained steadfast, unaffected. An uncanny sensation enveloped me—motion and displacement without accompanying harm.

Wait a moment! I focused my attention and discovered that the other visions were also in motion, each of them being assailed by the assailants. However, I experienced only the sense of movement and impacts, devoid of the actual physical damage.

"Haa," I sighed in confusion, struggling to comprehend the inexplicable phenomenon unraveling before me. Why was my vision fragmented into numerous perspectives, rendering me immobile and disoriented? Where was I standing at this moment?

When I glanced downward, I beheld an array of disparate floors, some cracked, others smooth, yet all within the confines of the same warehouse.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


"Agh," a pained exclamation escaped someone nearby as I felt a metallic object strike the side of my head—reinforced with mana.

This time, the pain was excruciating, searing through me as I experienced the visceral sensation of being hurled away. A hot trail of blood marked the impact site, and I was propelled several feet from my original position, colliding with something, or rather someone.

Using this unknown figure to steady myself, I seized their collar and delivered a forceful blow to their abdomen, though I remained oddly detached from the sensation.

And then, a startling revelation washed over me—I was staring at myself. The individual before me mirrored my facial features and hair, but their eyes were hollow, devoid of any emotion.

Two versions of myself? I released the collar, my hand instinctively moving to my throbbing head. Strangely, the "doll" mimicked my actions, precisely mirroring the touch to its own head.

"Wait-?" I surveyed my surroundings once more, and the truth became painfully clear. Multiple versions of myself littered the scene.

Was I the illusion?

I blinked my eyes once more, and my vision reverted to that attempting to convey a message, and to my amazement, he responded, mirroring my actions.

mosaic-like perspective—wait.

Gazing at the other version of myself, I tentatively raised my hand, attempting to convey a message, and to my amazement, he responded, mirroring my actions.

Encouraged, I endeavored to make him move independently of my own motions. And it happened—he moved his hands up and down as I willed it.

"Hey! Get over there!" Broker's voice shattered my concentration, redirecting my attention to him. But before I could react to him I...


The other versions of myself, scattered throughout the room, executed synchronized backflips, though some struggled due to ongoing assaults.

"Haha, this is going to be fun," I mused, cracking my neck to the side. It seemed like a straightforward task to handle them now.


[Third Person View]

What unfolded before them was unlike anything they had ever witnessed in their lifetimes.

The figure before them underwent a baffling transformation, multiplying as if a multitude of identical copies began materializing out of thin air. They stood there, lifeless as statues, an eerie spectacle that defied reason.

Then, one of the men decided to take action, attacking one of the imitations with unrelenting force. The imitation, or whatever it was, offered no resistance, absorbing the punches and stabs like an impassive tree trunk. Chaos ensued as the group rejoiced at the newfound opportunity, a chance to confront the mysterious boy who had disrupted their night of revelry.

The boy had already dispatched many of them and still stood amongst them like an undying specter, unaffected by the relentless onslaught. He didn't even emit a groan as he meticulously repositioned his own intestines inside his body—a sight that left them aghast. What manner of monster could endure such brutality?

Their collective fury surged as they seized the newcomers, unleashing their pent-up anger through violence, attempting to kill, maim, and suffocate them. Some among them wept with relief as they noticed the lifeless eyes of the replicas, indicating no resistance.

But then...

Broker's eyes discerned something unusual—a clone in the left-back corner moved differently. This particular figure stood still momentarily before abruptly kneeing another clone in the abdomen. He then gazed around the room, his eyes meeting theirs. They weren't lifeless but possessed a peculiar lifelessness that defied explanation. It finally clicked—

"Hey! Get over there!" Broker's voice rang out at the top of his lungs, realization dawning upon him. That was it; that was the real one!

Suddenly, every clone in the room executed synchronized backflips, an unexpected maneuver that startled everyone, bringing the chaotic frenzy to an abrupt halt.

"""Haha, this is going to be fun,"""

They exclaimed in unison, their chilling and sadistic smiles sending shivers down spines.

"W-why?" He doesn't know what he has done to trigger this person.

[A/N: I know that the chapter was short but I cut it here because it felt right but don't worry next chapter won't be short.]

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