North x Northwest

Chapter 171

Chapter 171


Its definitely Jerichos voice

Jericho started to cut the rope from the other side of the post. Lil didnt have the energy to feel disheartened about the fact that the rope was so easily cut, despite her having used all her strength to break free from them. Instead, she immediately fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes as soon as her body was released.

Jericho exclaimed in surprise from behind her.

Captain! Are you dead?

Her body had been tied up for so long that it convulsed to the point of numbness. Jericho carefully pushed Lil and turned her body over. When Lil managed to look up, she gasped as she endured the pain.

Oh! Whats this?

Ohhh, ughhh

Tsk tsk. Its a spasm. Youre having cramps!

Jericho clicked his tongue and massaged Lils limbs.

Your lips are all chapped, your nose is runny, and your hair is a mess. Your limbs are convulsing like this, too. Oh boy, Captain, youre in terrible shape!

Sit Situation Agh! Agh!

Uhh, what do you mean

Hurry up

Well, to put it bluntly, the Captain is no longer the captain. Julio is the captain now. It was his condition for bringing in the Navigator Please, dont be too disappointed in us. He held us at gunpoint And he was desperate enough to sail the ship over the reefs, all right? So what else could weve done? The one who values his life more is the one who loses. He was aiming for that from the beginning

Damn it! So, he finally made his move.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Her tightly clenched fist hit the floor. Lil opened and closed her fists multiple times in an attempt to loosen her stiff muscles. As time passed, her vitality gradually returned. Lil roughly wiped her face with the water Jericho had given her and began arming herself. As she stuffed a hard piece of bread, wrapped in a cloth, into her mouth, she spoke again.

But is that really the only reason why Julio ran out of control? Damn, I thought he had a bit of sanity left If he was always this reckless, Valtano wouldnt have kept quiet about this but reported it. So, why didnt he If he has raised him from a young age, he shouldve known about Julios tendencies

Thats part of it

Lil glared at Jericho, who chewed on his hesitant lips.



Come to think of it, when Alain whispered to Cesar, he also pronounced something beginning with Mon blah blah.

Lil slapped Jericho on the shoulder and demanded.

What are you hiding? Out with it, right now.

Mo the Mondovi fleet.


The Mondovi fleet has arrived. When Julio saw it, he went crazy and had us raise the anchor.

Lil dropped the bread she was holding. She needed a minute to gather herself. In complete disbelief did she look down at the fallen bread before turning to Jericho. Soon, her wheezing breath rose to her throat.

Why did you tell me this only now!

Alain said it would be better to take care of the Captain first before informing him.

As if that makes sense!

Lil struggled to rise from her position. She didnt have enough strength in her legs yet, but she managed to walk to the entrance of the cabin. Lil threw open the door and began running with a limp. She made her way through the tightly packed sea of hammocks. She passed white hammock after white hammock and even more hammocks swayed against the background of the dim deck. Despite seeing the same sight that wouldnt seem to end in forever, Lil rushed towards her goal. She ran, locking her eyes on the stairs. Her head became dizzy as she ran out of breath due to her exertion.

Eventually, Lil found herself clinging to the railing while struggling up the stairs.

On the gun deck, anxious sailors huddled and whispered. They formed different groups here and there, but what was common among them was that they all had nervous expressions. Only Marenzio was leisurely leaning against a pole, trimming his fingernails. Lil didnt stop and climbed further up until she stuck her head out onto the upper deck.

Up there, the pure white mist crawled across the wooden floor.

The Bell Rock had finally left the shallow waters and was sailing quietly. In the midst of all this, no one knew that Lil had stuck her head out. After all, everyones attention was fixed somewhere on the sea, giving Lil the opportunity to blend in. Wearing a hat with her hair tucked into it, she climbed the rest of the remaining steps. She calmly looked around her, finding the atmosphere as still as a mouse. The sailors were tightly clinging to the railings, masts, and rigging, keeping watch in all directions. Even the watchman, who stayed completely still while being entangled in ropes while holding up his telescope, looked more like a marionette.

As Lil glanced up at the stern, she saw Cesar holding the steering wheel.

Its been roughly half an hour since Cesar took over the helm. Thats not enough time to predict Mondovis route It was Julio who spotted the fleet and moved us recklessly Although were still near shallow waters, it will be extremely difficult to not only locate the enemys ship but also our own because we didnt move under thorough calculation

With the feeling of grasping mere straws, Lil looked up at the sky. Unfortunately, the sun was only visible as a halo. With even their shadows being nothing more than blurs, she had no choice but to admit it.

The Bell Rock is at such a disadvantage. No, Cesar is too disadvantaged. The Navy, on the other hand, mustve stayed on course. Besides, that ship surely wont be alone. There will be two or even more battleships that can gauge each others position by exchanging signals with their stern lights

Along with a feeling of despair that clouded her mind was the feeling of cold fog tickling her back.

In a case like this, we have no choice but to wait for our enemy to show up first.

Her eyes, blinking nervously, kept looking up at the stern. Although it was the hourglass that she wanted to check, Lil met Cesars eyes and saw that he had already been staring at her. It was the first time she had seen his face after they exchanged their goodbyes. His hazy face in the hazy air gave her the impression that he was crying. Similarly, she felt like he saw her the same way.

Lil eventually lowered her head and moved to a different position. Even without looking, she could feel Cesars gaze, his damp gaze. She wasnt sure if there were truly tears in Cesars eyes or if it was a trick by the dampness of the mist, but Lil tried her best to think of something else.

Anyway The Bell Rock has no choice but to wait for the Navy to show up. I need to come up with a trick that will persuade these sailors to surrender. That trick is



Searching for the source of the short scream, everyone turned their heads. The sailor, who was hanging from the main mast, pointed somewhere on the starboard side.

O Over there!

When they saw a bony and thorny figure floating through the mist, the Bell Rocks sailors gasped and collectively pointed their fingers there. Their opponent ships sails were white, and such whiteness extended to its mast and bow frame, making it look like a skeleton. Lil estimated it to be less than a hundred morts away



The shout raised Lils eyes back to the stern. The voice belonged to Julio, who pushed Cesar away and grabbed the wheel.

Now that were out of the reefs, we dont need you anymore. I wont ever trust you.

The fuss was loud enough for everyone to notice. The officers exploded due to Julios act, which was nothing short of a declaration of breaching their agreement.

You madman! Hurry up and hand the steering wheel over to the Navigator!

We voted for you on the condition that you bring in the Navigator!

Shortly after, one of the sailors close to the rear deck drew his sword and sprung up the pike of the ship. But Julio was the quicker fellow for immediately drawing his gun and shooting him without delay.


All movement stopped at once. The sailors body, which had been hit in the chest, rolled down the stairs. And then, even before everyones shock was over, Julio unhesitatingly pointed his gun at Cesars head.

This guy is next.

Lil screamed in agony.


Julios eyes found her.

Whos that?

Julio wasnt threatening at all, so Lil only looked at the gun barrel pressing down on Cesars temple. The blood in her body pulsated and raced through her veins. After Julios men kicked the back of Lils knees and made her kneel, a cold piece of metal touched the back of her head.

Right, Id rather it be you, Lil Schweiz. At least hes still useful.

Lil put strength on her neck and tried hard not to lower her head. But then, she instinctively felt that their right side became empty. Her head, despite having risen in temperature, instantaneously cooled down.

Shit! The battleship is gone

Its gone again!..


The Navy battleship is gone!..

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