North x Northwest

Chapter 200

Chapter 200


It was a cool evening. Ed looked down at the Devito Harbour from the terrace, pondering over his conversation with Captain Long.

Long has leadership among his junior officers and is actively trying to stay on good terms with me, so I believe hell do well in shaping public opinion. This could help alleviate the dissatisfaction of the officers for the time being.

As a salty hill breeze ruffled his hair, Eds shirt puffed up lightly on his back. Setting his wine glass down on the terrace railing, he tried to get a gauge on how far his movements have become known to the outside world.

Although my residence is strictly controlled, I cant closely monitor the outside world because Ive been so busy that Im basically locked inside this whole time. The reason for my stealthy movements even within Roahn is simple. Its because the Duke of Mireilles henchmen are probably spying from somewhere right now. If my arrival had been made known, they would undoubtedly have started their search for Liloa According to current reports, the Visha returned without the Admiral. However, even asking petty officers for information would yield enough suspicious traces I still have no idea why Mireille is suddenly looking for Liloa. After all, I had little chance of leaving her bedside, so I didnt have the time to think about it.

The night wind blew softly into his complicated mind and the glass that he set on the railing rattled. In the distance, the sound of waves hitting onshore could be heard. The port, covered with insidious darkness, hid black shadows everywhere. Ed had no idea who among them would set up an ambush or how involved they would be.

I want to tell Liloa everything so I wont have to worry about this alone. But Liloa deliberately avoids personal conversations after our encounter in the music room She even acts indifferently as if we never kissed in the first place All that comes out of her mouth now has something to do with Gualtiero. Whenever I try to bring up a different topic, she only responds that I should tell her later

Ed didnt know why Lil was behaving that way.

Perhaps she fears that the more we express our feelings for each other, the more we would be wasting time.

Nevertheless, he had no intention of forcing her to look at herself first.

If Liloa wants me to wait, Ill wait.

Raising his head and glancing up at the sky, Ed observed the bright moon ahead of him and the dense stars shining brightly around it. Such a clandestine view reminded him of Panichis night sky. It was the time when his sympathy towards Lil overflowed like pouring stars, in the midst of the canvas of the night that glowed with his desire to understand Lil, confidence that he could understand her, and expectation that she would eventually accept his awe*.

He dared to be sure that not even Lil would ever forget the sky of that very night. And because he wanted Lils immeasurably brilliant light to continue shining inside her, Ed decided to delay discussing personal matters until later.


As in many mansions, after dinner time passed and the servants came to clean up, a period of peace came around. The Retiro residence was no exception. When the maids made the bed and left, Lil pretended to lie down silently but threw the blanket off as soon as the sound of their footsteps receded.

She then put her slippers on and went to the window. Opening the curtains wide, Lil welcomed the chilly draft emitting from the cold window. No matter how much she has been advised to rest, her body was too restless to stay still the entire night. Till now, the only exercise she got throughout the day was circling the garden with Levi, so the only way she could further strengthen her body was to do it without Levis knowledge. Of course, she intended to do just enough to avoid going overboard.

Lil grabbed the girder between the beds posts and pulled herself up. She rested her chin on the crossbeam before lowering her body again. Thanks to solely eating vegetable stew and soup the whole time, her hungry abdominal muscles began shaking and eventually gave way. Her bony arms trembled, but the tension in her muscles was evident as she moved. Lil wanted to draw herself up one more time before calling it a day


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Startled, Lils hands let go of the girder and she fell horizontally onto the bed. For a moment, she felt like not only her body but her heart had fallen too. Lil eventually lifted her thrashing upper body and placed a hand on her thumping chest.

The source of her shock was the man standing outside of the window. As Lil was pondering where he suddenly came from, the man folded his hands in two half circles, put them on the glass of the window and shoved his face between them. Apart from his eyes, her uninvited guest didnt move. He was clearly searching for something. It took Lil a moment to realise he probably couldnt see the bed from the outside. With his back against the moon, he appeared like a dark figure, but she obviously knew who it was.

Lil walked to the window. When Ed finally saw her, he enthusiastically waved his hand. But because Lil grabbed the curtains on either side of the window and closed them tightly, the bright smile on his face quickly disappeared.

Lil was about to turn around and go back to bed, when

Knock! Knock!

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

The sound of knocking on the glass became annoying really quick. In addition, it sounded persistent, like it wouldnt go away unless she confronted him herself. So in the end, Lil went back to the window and pulled back the curtain a little. She expected him to look dejected, but Ed appeared rather confident.

Whats he pointing at with his finger?

Lil followed his fingertip and lowered her eyes.

There was a silver tray in his other hand. When Ed lifted the dome-shaped lid, thick meat, drenched in a delectable-looking sauce, revealed its majesty. In an instant, Lils mouth began to water and she swallowed her breath with a gulp. She then raised her eyes and glared at Ed, who was, predictably, looking at her triumphantly.

Even though Lil furrowed her brows, she did unlock the latch.

I heard from Levi that youre going crazy for some meat.

Ed came inside after answering a question that wasnt even asked. Lil sighed and trudged after Ed toward the table. It was hard for her to admit that she was a human trying to fill her stomach by selling her pride. But, the smell of the meat that was emanating from the tray was driving her crazy.

Lil stared at the dishes Ed had set down on the table with greedy eyes.

If I ate all of that, I feel like I would get a surge of energy right away.

Ed took out the tableware and muttered.

Actually, Levi changed your diet beginning today, so there was supposedly meat for dinner. But the kitchen staff made a mistake and your former menu was prepared again



Lil slammed the table and inwardly cursed the faceless and nameless chef. Startled by Lils suddenly outburst, Ed flinched his shoulders and looked her way.

Then why did you come through the window? I thought you were trying to sneak it in.

I dont want this to reach Levis ears. Otherwise, it will be annoying.

Ed took out a chair and sat Lil down. When she received the knife and fork handed to her by him, she became extremely hungry, like a person who hasnt eaten in days. She then cut the meat in a hurry and placed it in her mouth. Lil was as overjoyed as someone who had finally tasted water while on the verge of dying from dehydration, at the same time, she was reminded of having endured a multi-month journey while subsisting solely on dry bread, which elevated her mood even more. Lil savoured the meat on her tongue and eagerly munched it in her mouth as she listened to Ed explaining it was easy to digest due to it being a finely minced meat roast. Nevertheless, Ed didnt miss a beat when he nagged her about chewing it thoroughly.

Quite the nagging

Chewing and swallowing the asparagus in her mouth, she asked.

What are you going to do?

The situation isnt easy.

Tell me about it.

So far, opinions have been divided. Julios group claims that theyre from the League of Southern Pirates, so at this point, the side that wants to clear the South is the most dominant, especially with some officers dead and many injured. However, I just found out the real motivation behind their standpoint. Its been hard to commission navy soldiers nowadays because theres nothing to defeat in the Anatole Sea anymore, so officers who want to be promoted are turning their eyes to the South.

Lil, who grabbed her forehead, let out a sigh.

Julio, that guy until the very end

On the other hand, we have a prudent minority. Those are the ones who think the Bell Rock is a real merchant ship that, on paper, belongs to Viscount Noirmont. And the Viscounts influence cannot be ignored even within the Navy. But the problem is Julio. Hes openly declaring that theyre part of the League. Reasonable suspicion could arise from this and if it leads to a full-fledged investigation, the identities of all the crew members will be revealed, right?

But why hasnt a trial been held yet?

Sagastar is delaying it.

Lil seemed to hear his teeth grinding when he pronounced Sagastar. It bothered her. She knew that Ed wouldnt have let Sagastar get away with it. And obviously, because she had almost died she wasnt very pleased with him either. But the fact he was hated by his superior because of a personal grudge involving her, was another matter.

So, hes intentionally procrastinating?

Ed didnt respond, but it was a clear affirmation.

I have no clue if Sagastar told Ed of my identity or not. Maybe Ed already knows who I am. It doesnt matter though. Its something to talk about later. The Bell Rock crew is about to be executed at the soonest possible time, so it doesnt matter whether Ed knows my real name or not.

Lil, lost in thought, was turning the fork between her fingers.

No matter how much I think about it, theres only one solution.

Lil muttered as she stabbed the last piece of meat with her fork.

Ill have to break them out

Thats an interesting idea.


Such a clandestine view reminded him of Panichis night sky. It was the time when his sympathy towards Lil overflowed like pouring stars, in the midst of the canvas of the night that glowed with his desire to understand Lil, confidence that he could understand her, and expectation that she would eventually accept his awe.

= Chapter 76, when the drunk Lil told him about her farmers desire to create a society where no abuse can thrive. And Ed said, Thats why you created Bell Rock. Saving her crew means saving the Bell Rock, so it also means saving the society she tried hard to create and maintain, and therefore preserving her ideals (or that immeasurable light within her).


Wow! Guys! Can you believe it? With this chapter, we already reached the 200th chapter of the novel! What a journey it has been so far, right? It feels like yesterday that we came up with the plan to release some slightly edited MTL chapters onto a spoiler forum, mostly to satisfy our own curiosity, but who knew it would actually come to this?! We would like to thank all the readers, both those actively liking and responding in the foreground and those reading at their own pace in the background, to have been following us on this amazing journey so far! It means a lot to us and you guys are the reason that got us going the past 1,5 years and our motivation for the time to come! Lets go for another 100!

Lots of love,

Pru and Formidable

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