Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 217: The Beast Calling for Love in the Center of the World

Chapter 217: The Beast Calling for Love in the Center of the World

Chapter 217: The Beast Calling for Love in the Center of the World

As Lacus watched, the large circular hole in Alice's chest quickly opened, and a box slightly larger than the palm of her hand floated up from the depths of the hole. Alice casually grabbed the box and handed it to Lacus, and the chest closed immediately.

"I can't believe it's really in Torrington, Lacus, you're so smart." Alice tsked, "How did you guess the answer before I got the final coordinates?"

"The Antarctic is occupied by Adam's lair and the egg of the angel, it is too dangerous to hide there. Only Australia is left with the least number of people, and is surrounded by the sea and not bordering other human settlements." Lacus carefully took the box and carefully examined it, "If something really goes wrong at the last minute, nuking Australia should be the least heartbreaking, right?"

"Well, that makes sense, scientists are really cold-blooded animals, except for Ade," Alice shook her head as if she were in a trance, "Hey, where's Ade? I couldn't find Momoka either, didn't you call her back?"

"Momoka is a little injured, so I'm sending her back to the moon for treatment." Lacus whispered as if nothing had happened, "With Ade."

A silver light burst up, and by the time Lacus came back to her consciousness, her neck had been wrapped tight by a cold blade. The bright beads of blood seeped out from under the snow-white neck, flowing over the mirror-like blade, sliding down to the collarbone, pulling out a thin line of crimson.

Looking forward, the girl who was smiling lovely had removed all the anthropomorphic skin, the metallic skin was as cold as her eyes.

"You betrayed."

"The Human Instrumentality Project was initiated by me, Alice," Lacus continued to play with the Laplace Box in her hand as if she could not feel the pressure on her neck, "The plan is not an end but a means. The purpose is to bring Ade back alive, don't you forget that."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"So you bought into the compulsion of that female named Nunnally? I thought you weren't such a stupid human." The silver blade around her neck wrapped tighter. Even if her head fell to the ground in the next moment, it didn't seem surprising, "Don't act surprised to stall for time, isn't it a natural act for me to listen in on all your communications?"

"I didn't trust her and I couldn't have trusted her. Trusting others is a much harder thing than one might think, guess how long it took me to completely trust Ade?" Lacus lifted her head and stared fearlessly at Alice, "I believed only in myself from the beginning, in the possibility that the mad and impulsive me must have made an irreparable mistake, that's all."

Alice's gaze was cold and silent. After a long while, the silver blade around Lacus's neck suddenly softened and slowly merged into Alice's body like water.

"I don't approve of your logic, this is the end of you and me." Alice strode forward expressionlessly and brushed past Lacus, "I must grab Ade back. As for, 00 Qanta, I will take it."

It was one of the best scenarios Lacus could have envisioned, and she didn't spend any more time thinking about Alice, but went straight to the tarmac. All the preparations were already in place. After she got the Box of Laplace, everyone was ready.

Lacus didn't know much about driving a plane, and only started learning it on a whim. However, it didn't take her long to get started and become proficient in total.

After several hours of flight, the vehicle landed smoothly on a deserted island. Lacus opened the door of the rear part of the cabin and manipulated the mechanical cantilever inside to move the huge iron ball inside to the ground.

After taking the box, Lacus jumped out of the cockpit and walked leisurely and slowly towards the iron ball. It's after nine in the morning local time. She surveyed the long-lost but incredibly familiar environment, and couldn't help but had mixed feelings.

As the button "ticked" under her operation, the upper part of the iron ball opened, and the green-haired girl lying in it, unable to move due to the restraint suit, was stung by the sunlight and squinted her eyes slightly. After her vision got used to the brightness, C.C. quickly surveyed the surrounding vegetation and began to calculate the angle of sunlight.

"Don't count on it, we're on an uninhabited island in the South Pacific, somewhere between the Orb Union and the Solomon Islands." Lacus stretched her arms and spun around, "Are you curious why there's an empty field here? It was cleared by Ade with Gundam a few years ago."

C.C.'s mouth was also gagged by the parts of the restraint suit, and she could not ask questions, but only frowned in confusion.

"This is where he and I started, a place that only he and I know, and it's a perfect place to be where he and I ended, don't you think?" Lacus then noticed how C.C. looked and smiled lightly as she pulled down the mask for her, "If I'm really wrong, he'll know where to find me if he does come back."

"I find that I can't hate you at all " C.C. breathed out helplessly, "Have all angels been killed?"

"There's one left." Lacus noticed C.C.'s panicked eyes, unhurriedly put up a finger on C.C.'s lips, "I have read the Dead Sea Scrolls many times, and found that the so-called Human Instrumentality Project is actually the integration, initialization, and redistribution of all resources within the Adam and Lillith system, and the distribution lies in the proportion of the weight of the soul."

"All humans combined are approximately equal to one angel, so in Charles' plan, to ensure that Lilin gains dominance, they must give Lilin the highest weight in the distribution of resources, so they have to wait until after the elimination of all angels before starting the plan."

"But nowadays, it's actually not quite the same. They didn't realize that now Ade is equivalent to half of an angel, while Ade is also a human. So no matter which angel is left, the combined weight of Ade and Lilin will only be greater than it, and this angel will instead become Ade's nourishment, absorbed, broken down, and alienated as the energy to reshape Ade's form."

"What about me?" C.C. asked languidly, "What am I going to do?"

"I know what happens next will not be easy, but you have known Ade the longest and have been with him the longest, so " Lacus leaned down to C.C.'s ear and exhaled, "Please keep your ego intact and restore the him you remember, please."

Lacus then opened the box of Laplace in her hand, and what appeared in the box was an embryo-like object. The uneven head was attached to a long and thin torso, and the thin limbs attached to the torso were tightly curled into a ball. There were two large eyes on each side of the head, and the eyes were somewhat dried and shrunken.

"Adam ," C.C. spat out that name softly.

Lacus unbuttoned the lower part of C.C.'s restraint suit, revealing her soft and smooth belly, then picked up Adam's embryo and gently placed it on top, pressing it against the womb through the skin, fat, and muscle. The Adam's embryo, which was originally dead, seemed to be stimulated by something like a spasm, and then it turned into a puddle of mud, and fused into C.C.'s body rapidly, penetrating towards Lillith, which was lying in the womb without any hesitation.

"Hey, Lacus, let me ask you one last question." C.C. felt that her body was changing in some way she didn't understand, and her five senses and her sanity clearly told her it wasn't a delusion, "Can Ade really come back?"

"Yes, he can." Lacus said firmly, "Really, he can."

"There's no way to resist anyway, so I'll just have to trust you, huh?" C.C. smiled and closed her eyes, "For the last time, I'll try."

In the infinite light shining, C.C. broke free from the restraint and flew into the sky, with four wings on her back, slowly becoming larger and larger.

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