Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 219: Fly Through Möbius' Universe

Chapter 219: Fly Through Möbius' Universe

Ange's emotions had not been this mixed for a long time.

After the Womb Angel had completely burrowed into EVANGELION-01's body and even the last glimmer of its tail had disappeared from her view, a bizarre flesh tumor grew on EVA's fuselage almost immediately and continued to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye. The size of the tumor soon exceeded that of EVANGELION-01 itself, easily breaking apart the armor on the fuselage, and then growing larger and larger until it swallowed the entire EVANGELION-01 inside the tumor.

As the tumor expanded, EVANGELION-01, or Mariana's hissing gradually reduced from an angry roar to a mournful scream, the volume getting lower and lower, and then disappeared after being swallowed. The only thing that remained was the hideous, gigantic flesh tumor on the beach, and the pounding heartbeat in the air was clearly audible.

Villkiss slowly circled around the tumor. As Ange watched, wings, eyeballs, fish heads, spider legs, and other odd shapes appeared on the surface of the writhing tumor in turn, and even a familiar, inexplicable face flashed in the corner of her vision.

"I like Mineva, so I'm helping her out" Ange let out a hollow laugh, "You guys one by one do you really think I'm stupid?"

Ange's beast-like instinct told her that this was definitely not a superficial love affair with her man, and certainly not a thin resentment to avenge her brother, but an emotional and logical experience beyond her cognitive range.

She was unable to imagine or speculate what kind of terrible physical or chemical reactions were taking place inside the tumor, unable to understand or appreciate what kind of mood Nunnally was in to make a rational or insane plan, except that the determination and heavy will was clearly and unmistakably conveyed, weighing down on her chest and making her breathless.

"So something like NewType is really " Ange slapped her cheeks to revive her spirits, "too twisted!"

"Then wipe them all out." A light and pleasant voice rang out from the cockpit, "As long as everyone is dead, Ade can come back!"

"This voice " Ange glanced quickly at the radar, and she quickly locked on to the MS that had just entered the field of view on the radar, " Alice?"

"Idiot Ange, I ask you, what is that nasty spherical object over there? Don't you ever tell me " 00 Qanta's Sword IV turned into a cannon muzzle, aimed at the tumor, and started charging, "that Ade is in there!!! "

"Stop it!"

A golden stream of light streaked across the sky, and the surging torrent of particles hit Villkiss' beam shield with unerring accuracy.

"Alice, stop it!" Ange anxiously tried to stop the other side, "I don't know what's going on in there, but if we interrupt now, Nunnally's efforts will be in vain!"

"I can't believe I guessed it right?! It's inexplicable, which side are you on!" Particle beams shot out from the muzzle one after another, "That kind of thing is problematic at first glance, right? You or Mineva, why should you trust that crazy woman?"

"You're the one who's baffled, right? Come on up and shoot randomly, don't listen to my explanation! You're really really a braInless artificial retard!" Ange unfolded the beam saber angrily, "Nunnally, no matter how psychotic she is, she's taking the risk of her life. Compared to Lacus who is trying to destroy the world, don't you know who is crazier?"

"Stupid Ange has no brains, stupid Ange has no intelligence! No matter how you look at it, Lacus' plan has a higher success rate, right?" Alice stopped firing as Sword IV turned into a giant sword. Her clear tone was as cold as frost, "Alice understands, so you also betrayed. Traitors, all are traitors, only Alice is on Ade's side."

"Tsk, the artificial retard has given up using the first person, this is a complete refusal to think, right?" Ange smacked her lips unpleasantly, "Although it's very sorry for Your Highness, but we can only blow up this Gundam. Well, Ade will pay for it afterwards anyway."

The golden Villkiss whistled towards 00 Qanta, and the beam saber struck Sword IV with such precision that time seemed to freeze for a moment. In the next instant, 00 Qanta's left arm spun erratically into the sky, cutting a beautiful parabola diagonally into the ground.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A total of fewer than five seconds have passed, but Alice has lost all means of long-range attack in those five seconds except for the Gatling cannon.

For 00 Qanta who lost its GN-Drive, The only way to win is to use the six Funnels on the shield. Unfortunately, this Funnels system doesn't have the ability to fly in the atmosphere yet.

The 00 Qanta, having lost its only remaining hope, turned off its thrusters and fell onto the ground with a huge sandpit. A pool of silver liquid gushed out of the cockpit and gathered together, forcing Alice's shape on the ground. Alice stared dumbfounded at the distant tumor with a look of despair in her eyes.

Ange let out a long, empathetic sigh, parked Villkiss next to 00 Qanta, jumped out of the cockpit, and walked over to Alice's side.

"Do you know what she's doing? Do you know what you're doing? You don't know! You don't know anything!" Alice turned to stare at her, hysterical, and shouted, "What now? Now what?!"

"Wait, or what?" Ange stroked Alice's head, "Have faith in her, it will work."

"Trust her? For sure?" Alice excitedly slapped Ange's hand away, "How can you say such things with an arrogant look? It's so irresponsible!"

"You and Lacus are the ones who are irresponsible, right?" Ange slapped Alice across the face, "Who gave you the right to decide the fate of humanity? Who gave you the right to decide Ade's world?"

"Alice doesn't mind!& The human beings just go to die!" Alice angrily slapped back. Ange stood in place without dodging, and a red mark appeared on the young girl's face, "What is that meatball? The logic is confusing and meaningless! What if she fails, what if Ade doesn't come back? What if that happens? I ask you, what if that happens?!"

"Then go to hell! How dare you say you love him when you can't even die for him?" Ange's raised her hand high and slapped Alice heavily, "If you and Lacus kill the whole human race, how will Ade forgive you? Who the hell is the braInless one?"

"Alice doesn't need forgiveness, Alice"

"You can't live without Ade, can he live without you? Stupid!" Another "snap", "How can you let him live alone in the world?"

"Stop saying that!" Alice stretched out her hands to plug her ears, "Alice can't understand, Alice doesn't understand, Alice has a logic malfunction, Alice is going to freeze!"

"You're not an AI anymore, you've got the body, think like a human being! You " Ange angrily grabbed Alice's neck and lifted her whole body with one hand before slamming her down viciously towards the sand, "Artificial retard!"

The sand cleared and Alice, who was half buried in the sand, looked helplessly at Ange with a sobbing expression and let out a sobbing whimper. However, the girl has no tear ducts, and she can't cry even if she wants to.

"If you don't trust that crazy woman, then try to trust Ade." Ange whispered, "He's my protagonist, he won't die that easy."

Nunnally struggled to move her neck, lowering her long, white neck so that the lower part of her body could be barely brought into view. The driver's suit had long been broken and fluttered apart, and now she was not wearing any clothes. The breasts that had not yet begun to develop were still flat, but the belly was no longer smooth.

The veins that look like blood vessels were radiating around with the uterus as the source, crawling across her chest, back, hands, and feet, hideous and ugly, visible to the eyes; the "puff, puff, puff" heartbeat drumming and Marianne's heartbreaking screams were incessant; the rust-like taste was faint from the gums, filling the lips, teeth, mouth, and nose, making her chests short of breath and nausea and retching.

The abdomen was obviously empty, but the heavy foreign body feeling and the vague pain seemed to be real, blurring the line between the five senses in a trance. As time went on, Nunnally began to lose track of what was real and what was not, what was hers and what was Mariana's, and her drained body trembled with the fear that her stomach would swell into a ball and burst open at any moment.

The young girl struggled to hold her eyelids open to see more clearly, and the blood-covered lens protruded even more from the eye socket. In the next second, a jumble of lines and colorful blocks of color filled the entire field of vision. The meaningless blocks and lines kept flashing and interlacing, making her dizzy and dry-heaving. The young girl helplessly opened her mouth to vomit something out, but more viscous liquid along the throat poured into her chest and lungs, filling her thin body full.

After another second, the delusion in front of her eyes disappeared like a monitor with a power cut, and became pitch black. Along with the vision, the senses of hearing, taste, smell, and touch also disappeared, leaving the girl with only the pain that had never dissipated since the beginning, only the pain was still hitting her consciousness in endless waves, endless and endless.

So why do I have to suffer this kind of sin? Just hurry up and put an end to this pain.

A dozen blurred figures gathered in a circle and surrounded the young girl like stars, whispering softly or harshly in her ears in turn. They tempt her, they inspire her, they threaten her, and they reprimand her. Each one was vying for favor, each one wanted to be first, and each one wanted to take the leaping crimson heart that she held in her palm.

So choose one and give the heart out. Just hurry up and put an end to this pain.

This is where sorrow begins, this is where love ends, everything goes round and round on the Mbius ring, and no one can get out of it. Open your eyes and you won't see, run forward and you won't meet, fate and future can't be changed, happiness and glory are not shared, only separation and loss accompany you, only ruin and hypocrisy follow you.

So there is no more meeting. Just hurry up and put an end to this pain.

For what else do you hold on so hard? For adoration? I don't know. For hatred? I don't know either. So is it for longing? Or is it for truth? Is it for change? Or for farewell? For peace? For freedom? For justice? For hope, for vision, for longing, for

"None of your business! I'm happy to do that!" A deafening whistle rose from the depths of her mind and swept through time and space, "Get out of my mind!"

The young girl flailed and swung the non-existent limbs, hammering a squid in the east, kicking a cube in the west, tearing a toilet paper in the south, crushing an eyeball in the north. In a flash, a dozen figures were scattered in pieces on the ground. The young girl gasping for air, helplessly standing in place, and her mind was anxious - that I am looking for? Where is it?

"Today, I will teach you a little trick I figured out. C.C.'s heart was caught by me by this trick. You can remember it first, in case you may need to use it one day?"

"C.C.'s heart was caught by you? Oh, it's your real feeling, I can't believe that you are so self-deceiving."

"Cut the crap! Do you want to learn or not?"

"Learn, of course I want to learn."

First of all, when you find it, it will make a "ding" sound. But you have found it before I start; It is a sixth sense that is like a part of the body, beyond the five senses. Are you talking nonsense? it is a kind of preconceived notion. Do you think that you are speaking some language that humans can understand? It is the emotion and consciousness that is directly mobilized. I think you are not talking the points at all; It's

"It's not that troublesome." The young girl showed a faint smile, cupped the heart, and gently pressed it against her soft belly, "Found you, ding."

The tumor exploded with a bang.

Sounds, smells, touches, and colors came back in a flash, and the girl who had regained her five senses felt a haze around her, like falling into a fog. Every cell was screaming with fatigue, and her arms and legs were as hard to move as if they were filled with lead. She used all her strength to make a slit between her upper and lower eyelids, and vaguely saw a blurred figure standing just a few steps away from her, which perfectly matched the brilliantly familiar scent in her consciousness.

"You have come back at last," The weak voice was mercilessly blown away by the sea breeze, "Our revenge drama "

Her sticky hair gathered into wisps close to the back of the neck, sweat mixed with amniotic fluid along the smooth skin pulled out crystal threads, a fine grain of sand stuck to the pink bare feet, filling between the toes. The young woman hunched over with great difficulty to lift the right leg, moved forward a few centimeters and put down again, rested for half a minute and then repeated the action with the left leg, and then fell into an even longer rest.

"continues" The murmuring finally consumed the last bit of the girl's breath. She closed her eyes reassuringly, lost her balance, and fell forward, " continues "

Not too far from the young girl, Alice stared blankly at the two figures supporting each other, suddenly at a loss for words, "Stupid Ange, I I don't understand."

Ange silently patted Alice's head and didn't say a word. For some reason, she actually didn't feel jealous at all, but just inexplicably felt very sad, very sad.

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