Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 140 If Not For Her Baby Daddy

Zach could not believe it. She was real, in his arms, balling her eyes out, but she was still there with him. Live in the flesh. He closed his eyes when he felt them sting with tears. He could not believe it.

He continued to pat her head as she cried in his arms. If not for Amy falling asleep before terminating their connection, he would not have been awoken by the sound of her having a nightmare, and worse yet, ending up with a medical emergency. God! He didn't want to think about the worst that could have happened had she been all alone. And she passed out while he was getting help.

He tightened his hold on her not wanting a piece of her to disappear. He really meant it. He's not going anywhere nor will he let her out of his sight.

"Zachery", she sobbed in his chest.

"Yes baby", he gently answered, like he always does.

Amy found herself sobbing even harder. He shushed her as he patted her head. His wife could cry a river. But he was not complaining because she was doing so in his arms. She slightly pulled out to have a good look at him whilst in his arms. He cupped her cheeks and wiped away her tears but more brimmed in her beautiful blues.

He finally took in her appearance. She had gone from short haired brunette to a long haired blonde. Her stomach was swelling up with his baby and pregnancy seemed to look even more beautiful on her. He found himself mesmerized by this new look on her. Her beautiful blue eyes were sad as they brimmed with fresh tears.

"I'm sorry", she started with a whisper.

"About what?" His brows slightly rise as he mimicked her tone.

"For staying away from you. For not telling you about..... about the baby...", she glanced down at her belly. Zach's thumb was gently caressing her cheeks as she spoke. He kept a gentle gaze on her but she couldn't look at him because of guilt. "I almost lost it. I'm sorry, for everything."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Amy", he called her but she kept her eyes down. He hooked a finger under her chin and made her look up into his eyes. He wanted her to see and feel his emotions as he speaks. "Don't ever apologize for something that was out of your control. You did what you thought was best for both of us, yet, as painful as that was, I think that was very brave of you."

Amy's heart warmed up at his words. But one thing still bothered her. "Aren't you mad... that I didn't tell you about the baby?"

"To be honest", he gave a sad smile as he continued. "I'm quite sad and disappointed. But at the same time, I understand you."

She shook her head, "No, you should be mad, and not understanding."

"I'm too happy to be with you to be bothered by that. What matters is you're here, I'm here, we're all here", he looked down at her belly.

She followed his line of sight and before she could think, she took his hand and placed it on top of her belly. Her soft hand was smaller compared to his large one, but the contact sent a nice shiver down her spine. Her heart was beating fast from holding down his hand. Her ears and cheeks colored red from such a reaction.

Zach let out a shaky breath. He seemed to have been holding his breath from the moment she took his hand. They both remained like that, silently enjoying their little moment, as they both looked down at her belly and their touching hands.

A knock was heard. Susan opened the door and peeked inside with a sheepish smile when the two looked at her at the same time.

"Sorry, I need to finish checking on her before I go to make my rounds", she said.

"Ah! Sorry Suzy. Come on in", Amy sniffled.

Zach made sure to wipe away her tears before giving the doctor some space to do her job. Susan gladly went over and resumed her physical examination.

"So I guess he's the baby daddy?" She asked. Amy nodded with a shy smile. Susan smiled when she saw this, "Well, you need to give him a special thank you for calling me last night."

"You called her?" Amy's eyes widened in shock.


Images from the previous night flashed in her mind. When she woke up from her nightmare and discovered the blood, she heard Zach's familiar deep voice. She was in such a panic she blurted out her bleeding problem, told him where she was and whom to call.

She remembered not asking for an ambulance so as not to alarm Stella. But still, she did not recall giving him Suzy's number. She didn't have the strength nor was she in the right state of mind. Of course, he had his way of finding out.

Zach smiled when he noticed that she had figured that out. If not for him, she would have been left alone to deal with the problem. Amy smiled as she averted from his piercing gaze. Her cheeks warmed up at the sight of his beautiful smile. And then something came to mind...

"The blood! Why was I bleeding so much?" She looked at Suzy a little horrified. She had passed out from the horrific sight.

"You probably imagined that. It was just light spotting from a polyp. I got rid of it before it could cause a problem for the baby", Susan assured her as she was done with the physical.

"So the baby is fine?" Amy tried to confirm.

"Yes, you're both fine. But...", She looked between Amy and Zach awkwardly before she continued. "I advise against having intercourse in the meantime until she heals down there. And she can't do any heavy lifting, that means no work for you whatsoever. You need lots of rest until I say otherwise."

Amy nodded at the instructions she received. Zach had a contemplative look at the new information. He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he looked at Suzy with a serious face.

"We're not allowed to have sex?" He looked very disturbed by this.

Amy's face heated up as she wished she could dig a hole and hide. Was that all he picked up from what she said? Suzy's lips spasmed as she tried not to laugh.

"Not until she's in the clear."

"And how long will that take?" He asked.

"Uh.... About a week or two", she awkwardly cast an eye at Amy who looked away in embarrassment.

Zach seemed to weigh in Suzy's words when a pillow flew his way. He reflexively caught it before it hit him.

"No heavy lifting", he scolded Amy who responded with a fierce glare.

"Ah! That reminds me! Mr. Frost, you need to move your helicopter. There's a V.I.P patient being flown in from D.C", Suzy added.

"Alright", he turned away as he took out his phone.

Amy was shocked. 'Did he fly out here for me?' she mused. How scared was he for her especially when she passed out on him? Her heart warmed up at the thought and guilt overwhelmed her. The lengths he had gone to because of his worry over her. She sighed.

She took in the outline of his broad back as he talked on the phone. It was so wide and the muscles were a sexy sight as they protested against the shirt. Suzy caught the dreamy expression on Amy as she watched her man. Was this how idiotic she looked whenever she looked at Steven like that? A phone started to ring. She reached for it from the night stand and passed it to Amy who answered it without taking her eyes off Zach.

"Oh! Hey Nora", she answered in her soft voice.

"Hey! I'm at your place, seems like you're not around. Where are you?" Nora responded.

Amy felt like her heart had dropped. Throughout the excitement of reuniting with Zach, she forgot about the Thorntons! Her eyes widened at hearing Nora's question just when Zach turned to look at her and smiled. Nevermind where she was, how will she explain him?

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