Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 158 Nora Is The Bigger Weirdo

Nora gatherered her things and opened the door to get out. The door got stuck when it was opened half way. She looked up and saw a gruff looking man. Her brows furrowed in confusion. Through her calm demeanor, she was still anxious underneath.

"Are you going to get your hands off or should I do it for you?" She threw him a challenging gaze.

She looked so serious and her glare was intense it would scare anything in her path but the man before her wasn't anything as simple. A sheepish smile that made his eyes reduce into slits appeared. Nora's face contorted into disgust as she was creeped out by him.

"My bad!" He let go of the door before an unnatural laugh erupted from his mouth.

Her brows furrowed as she got out of the car. 'He won't stab me or anything, right?' she mused as she glanced around before spotting a camera outside the library. She relaxed as she closed the door and turned her attention to the man.

"Yes?" She asked.

He looked around before stuffing his hand into his pocket. Nora took a step back, she was already weirded out and now what was he doing?

"You're not going to take out your wiener and ask for a blow job, are you?" She eyed him up and down.

He stopped his movements and scoffed. He seemed annoyed by her misunderstanding. "Are you for real?"

"Then why is your hand in your pocket?"

"Because- Because I want to show you something!" He grumbled.

She took a step back to create more distance between them. "Okay."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He could not believe his day. Nora did not know how provocative her actions were and what his true intentions in that moment were. But he held back and let out a deep breath before fishing out his phone. He tapped it a few times and showed her the display.

"Do you know this person?" He asked a little more serious.

She looked down at the screen and her face lit up in recognition. "Oh?"

The man was pleased when he saw this. It seemed he would be getting his answers. Ian, who was sitting at the front desk, looked out the window. His brows went up when he saw his Aunt talking to a suspicious man. It wasn't long before the man hurriedly left her side. Nora tried to hold him back but he practically fled. She locked the car before walking in with little care in the world.

"Who was that?" Ian asked as he got up from his seat.

"Some idiot showing me dick pics", she smiled.

"I bet you were asking for more pictures? Such a pervert", he said as he left for his station.

She let out a sheepish giggle as she settled down. It was when he disappeared did her expression turn serious. That picture she saw..... It was definitely Amy. As much as she thought the girl looked beautiful, why was such a person looking for her?

As Adrianne wanted to spend the day with Stella, Nora agreed to work throughout the rest of the day. When it hit five, she left for home as did Ian for his apartment.

She was greeted by the sight of Richard watching the news in the living room when she got home.

"Hey Dad!" She greeted.

"Hey!" He briefly glanced at her before looking back at the TV.

"Where's mom?"


She walked on and found their room. She knocked and walked in when Stella permitted her in. Stella was putting away some clothes when she saw her daughter walk in. They smiled at each other.

"What are you doing instead of resting?" Nora scolded before settling down on their comfy bed.

"I hurt my hip and not my hands", she countered. "How was your day?"

"So-so. Mom, is it normal for weirdos to show up around the library?" She got to the point.

"Why?" The alarms in Stella's head went off.

Hours earlier....

Nora looked at the picture in the phone screen. It was definitely a picture of Amy. She would know that face anywhere. Except, her hair was brown and shoulder length. She looked really beautiful.

"You know her?" The man asked.

"Of course I do!" She replied enthusiastically.

The man's face lit up. This was going to be his big break. This had been such a big case to crack. He was starting to think she doesn't exist.

"She's the main star in my fantasies!" The man saw his hopes crush into pieces. Nora's face lit up more as she moved to look closer at the picture. "So she really exists? Is she a porn star? What's her name? Do you know her IG handle?"

The man moved to escape her. Nora was the bigger weirdo between them as he fled from her clutches.

Present time.....

Nora sighed after recounting what happened to her mother. "I did that remembering Em- Jennifer doesn't want her identity disclosed. But he's a weirdo. I got bad vibes from him. Do you think I should tell her?"

"Can you describe this man?" She asked with her heart thudding in anxiousness.

She looked up and tried to remember the man. "He was a head shorter than me, I think he's in his forties or something, has a lean body, he wore casual clothes, short brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He's someone you wouldn't give a second thought to if you see him."

Stella clutched the folded cloth in her shaking hand. She was clearly anxious and avoided Nora's gaze. "No one followed you on your way here?"

"No. I took a roundabout way to get here. So, should I tell her?"

"I'm sure it's nothing", she said with a contemplative look. She looked at Nora and forced a smile. "Go on and rest. I'll speak to her just in case. I'm sure it's nothing."

Nora felt Stella was trying to convince herself than her and doing a poor job at that. But she was satisfied with knowing her mother would speak to Amy. So she left the room to go wash up after a long day.

Once she saw the coast was clear, she wheeled herself to the bathroom and locked herself in. She took out her phone and dialed for Lilly's number.

"How did the bounty hunters find out where to look for Emily?" Stella whisper shouted into the phone.

Lilly gave a sheepish chuckle. "You found out?"

"What did you do?" Stella's anger was apparent on her face.

"Actually.... Someone overheard our conversation the other day-"

"And that's how Viper found his way into West Village specifically my shop? How can you be so careless???" She touched the back of her neck feeling her blood boil.

Viper was one of the most feared assassin. He was known as the devil's minion because of his reputation in the assassination field. He always disguised himself as a nobody and took down his target without batting an eye. He performed gruesome murders and always enjoyed every inch of the killing.

He once dissected a living person with so much precision and focus and literally distributed his body parts over different parts of North America. It was like a puzzle for the authorities handling the case. He was always creative with his killings. And to think Nora was careless around such a man....

"I'm sorry. But if you help him, you can ask him to split the pay! That way he'll leave you alone-"

Stella smacked the arm of her chair in fury. Was she really asking her to sell Amy out? Amy had really grown on her and this was trouble she had brought on herself. What should she do to help herself and Amy?

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