Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 181 Asking For A Favor

The phone call had long ended but she had spaced out, still unable to process the news. It was too shocking for her. As he was seated beside her, he pulled her into an embrace. He felt uneasy with how disturbed she was. The sound of his steady heartbeat finally brought her back to reality.

"She's.... She's gone", she started with a shaky voice, her brows went up then furrowed in confusion.

Zach's heart broke when he heard her tone and he rubbed circles on her back in a soothing motion. "You were close."

"No, not really. She.... we had a misunderstanding and.. and I wasn't very nice to her", she broke into a sob.

"Ssh..... It's okay", he whispered as he tightened his hold on her. "Don't beat yourself up over something you don't have control over."

An image of the last time she saw the girl flashed in her mind. Amy found it ridiculous and funny how Mona misunderstood her over Ian. The mockery in her eyes and attitude toward her, she could picture it all.

Maybe if she had made it clear in a nicer way to avoid the misunderstanding, if she had minded her business, if she....

Amy's soft sobs echoed in the room. Zach felt her hot tears fall on his smooth chest. He broke the embrace and cupped her cheeks to wipe the tears away with his thumbs. Her blues glistened with fresh tears and she sniffled. The sight just broke his heart.

He pressed his lips against hers. Her eyes closed and stray tears trickled down her cheeks onto his hands. Her hands held onto his wrists as he initiated a slow but passionate kiss. He pried her mouth open with his jaw and thrust his tongue in. Her tongue welcomed him to taste, caress, chase and suck each other.

She sighed against his mouth. She could feel the care and comfort he was offering through the kiss and she accepted it all. Only when he felt her relax did he slowly break the kiss. He took in her beautiful face and swollen lips, he wiped the fallen tears, and stroked her hair.

"Thanks babe", she said, feeling better.

He shook his head no. "What- wait, what did you just call me?"

Amy's face grew hot and red from embarrassment. "Too cheesy?" she asked with an uneasy smile.

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"No, I want you to say if again", he felt giddy from the term. It was music to his ears especially when it came from her luscious lips with her soft voice.

"Babe", she repeated a little more shy.

He cupped her chin making her look into his eyes. "From now on, that's all you'll call me. You can only say my name when I make you cum."

"Zachery", she scolded in a small voice because she was embarrassed.

She really cried out his name whenever he made her cum than grunting out an 'ah'. His name was the song on her lips whenever he pleasured her.

"With the exception of when you scold me, it's so hot when you do that", he added with a smile.

"Fine", that's what she planned on doing anyway excluding the two demands he made. Those came naturally to her so when he said out loud...

Pleased with her reply, he repeated his earlier question. "About the girl, what do you want to do?"

"I need to call Suzy. There's something I need her help with."

"Okay. I'll go run a bath for you. A nice hot bath to relax your muscles after last night."

She dropped her gaze as a blush creeped on to her cheeks. The corners of his lips lifted when he saw this. He gave her a brief kiss before getting out of bed. Her eyes landed on his already hard member and it twitched causing her eyes to widen. When she looked up, Zach was smirking and he threw her a flirtatious wink before moving on in his naked glory.

'This man!' she mused with a shake of her head before taking her phone to dial for Suzy's number.


"Hey..... Sorry, are you busy?"

"Not at the moment, no. Are you okay? I could tell you were shaken by the news", she sympathized.

"Yeah..... I just didn't expect that.... We were not friends but I knew her....", She sighed earning a hum from Suzy. "About that.... Have you guys figured out what drug it was?"

"Well..... We found signs of cocaine as well as some sort of aprodisiac in her system, seems she had been using but that's not what killed her. Forensics are yet to find out what the new particles we found are. The parents also want to know what killed their daughter."

"Okay..... Uhm, Suzy. May I ask for a favor?"

"Go for it!"

"Hmm...", She fidgeted with the sheet as her heart thudded in nervousness. "What I'm about to ask you, it might go against your ethics as a doctor."

"Okay.....? What is it?" Even she grew nervous by Amy's statement.


Zach walked in to find Amy putting away her phone. She looked more relaxed than earlier. It seemed she had managed to get Suzy's help. He scooped her in his arms bridal style and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"A part of me hopes I'm wrong. It's just that the moment I heard drugs... I just....."

"Mm. But what if it turns out it's related to them?"

"If that's the case. It just might be the big break we need..... We might need your Dad. And I think it's best he knows who I am so it's easier to work with him."

Not getting a response, she looked at him. His gaze had long dropped. She followed his line of sight only to find him staring at her tits that had his bite marks on them. She gasped and used one had to cover herself.


"How dare you hide something that belongs to me?" He growled.

She felt a tingle down there. Zach could pull sexy anytime. No, he was simply the definition of sexy. But, she would get it for doing something so 'attrocious'.

Two hours later of more fucking than bathing, they were finally downstairs. Zach had settled at the head seat and she on the first seat to his left. The table was already set with a sumptuous breakfast and Amy was hungry. She had not eaten anything the previous night thanks to someone....

"I'll be right back", he said as he got up and pecked her lips.

Amy busied herself with serving their plates but she didn't touch the food and waited for him. Five minutes felt like an eternity but she waited.

"Why didn't you start eating?" He frowned as he rejoined her.

"I was wai-" she gasped when she saw the bowl he served her. He had gone to prepare the granola and yogurt. And the plating was beautiful.

"Thank you", she said happily. "Babe", she added quietly with shyness.

"You're welcome, wifey", he said with a chuckle as he sat down.

The sound of the door closing resounded in the house. Edmund moved to go and check and only to come back in with a furious Victoria following. Behind her, followed a tired looking Henry.

"Thought you left?" Zach started with a sip of his coffee.

"Yet here I am. Can't a man have some sleep? Good morning, Amy", he greeted as he served himself some coffee. Since he couldn't sleep, he needed something strong to wake him up.

"Good morning, Dad. Good morning, mom", she said with a little embarrassment when she saw the dark circles under Henry's eyes.

"Good morning dear", her demeanor changed to a calm one when she saw Amy. She moved to sit down though beside Henry. "How was the checkup? That was yesterday, yes?"

"Yes, we're both fine", Amy said with a rub of her belly.

"Good! Good! We could star-", she suddenly fell quiet. Her mouth fell open in shock. "What is that?"

Amy followed her line of sight and looked at her hand on her belly. She was wearing her engagement ring but seeing the horrified look on Victoria's face, she could not help but grow nervous.

"Did you propose?" She shrieked and whipped her head in Zach's direction.

"Yes", he responded calmly.

"No! What have you done!!!"

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