Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 187 Amy's Jealousy

Steam rose from a pot of soup. A hand stirred the contents with a wooden spoon. Amy felt her mouth water when the pleasant aroma wafted to her nose. She was currently sitting on a stool around the kitchen counter supervising Zach's cooking.

"Sweetheart, come taste this", he slightly turned to look at her when he spoke.

She snapped out of her reverie when he spoke and immediately moved to him. Even in an apron and just from his back alone, she could not help but drool over him. He was definitely the type to look good even in rugs.

Zach smiled at her when she stood next to him. She had tied her hair in a messy bun and wore a stretchy jumpsuit with house slippers. The only makeup she had on was a coat of mascara and lip moisturizer. She was just effortlessly beautiful....

He took a spoon and scooped up a small amount. He blew on it before bringing it to her lips. She had a taste and deliberately slowly released the spoon in a sucking motion as she looked up at him through her lashes. She moaned whilst nodding, genuinely enjoying the taste before she slowly licked her lips.

"Fuck", he muttered feeling his junior react. He could not help but picture what sinful things those plump lips could do.

"What?" She asked, throwing him an innocent gaze with a bat of her lashes.

"Me too", he whispered in a husky voice.

He cupped her chin and claimed her lips in a rough kiss. She responded with the same amount of passion as she hooked her arms around his neck.

She moaned into the kiss as their tongues fought for dominance. He grabbed the back of her head, slightly dipping it back as he deepened the kiss. His other hand went to smack her ass before giving it a rough squeeze.

"Mm!" She moaned in surprise against his mouth.

Amy was heavily pregnant, this was the biggest she had ever been, the changes her body had undergone could easily lower her self esteem. But it was because Zach made her feel beautiful every day that she had the confidence to seduce him. She could tell that he genuinely found her attractive from the way he looked at her and treated her.

"Ugh! Get a room!" Xavier grumbled from the kitchen entrance.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Amy broke the kiss breathing heavily as she buried her face in Zach's chest. The latter glared at his brother as he embraced his embarrassed woman.

He leaned in, bringing his lips to her ears to whisper, "This is not over." Zach was pleased when he saw her cheeks and ears color red before he looked up at his brother. "What are you doing here?"

"To have dinner", he deadpanned. He took in the displeasure on Zach's face. "Don't tell me you were thinking of cancelling just now?"

"Not a bad idea. Go home."

He stopped speaking when Amy released herself to smack his arm. He smiled when he saw her blushing face and her now swollen lips. He rubbed a thumb on them before pecking them earning a glare from her. She wasn't complaining when they were making out just now.... This woman. With a shake of his head, he continued tending to the soup.

"Don't listen to him. How are you doing today?" She directed her attention to Xavier.

"With you around, I won't. And I'm good, you look amazing! How are you and the little one?" He nodded at her stomach.

"Thank you. And we're doing great", she smiled while rubbing her large belly with both hands. She looked over his shoulder, "Is it just you?"

"Yes, Nicole went out with her friends."

She nodded at his response. She was not sure but she could have detected relief in his tone. Oh well. George appeared right behind Xavier and swung an arm over his shoulder.

"Everyone's here", George acknowledged.

"Don't you have a date tonight?" Xavier teased as he walked over to the fridge and scanned for a snack.

George groaned in annoyance and grumbled, "I was hoping I'd eat before I go."

Amy chuckled, "Are they that bad?"

"Like any other guy, George prefers to find a woman on his own", Xavier commented from the fridge.

"Ooh! Xavier", she whisper shouted making him turn around. She pointed at a container that had cheesy bacon and veggie rice slices. He took it and met her halfway to give her.

"Thank you", she said while receiving the container before going back to stand beside Zach.

"You're welcome", Xavier answered.

"You should sit down", Zach whispered with evident worry over her.

"I'm fine", she assured him with a rub of her hand on his arm making him smile.

"We're still here, just saying!" Xavier shouted interrupting the whisperings between the couple before he started piling toppings on a tortilla he found in the fridge.

"You're welcome to leave", Zach countered.

"Okay you two!" she scolded. "George you were going to say something", she turned to him, taking her first bite of the slice.

"Right! I'm not exactly enthusiastic about meeting a stranger expecting something to magically start from there." He visibly cringed as he walked in to get a beer from the fridge leaving Xavier still looking through it.

"How's that any different from searching for someone yourself?" She asked while feeding a bite to Zach and wiped the corners of his mouth with her finger.

Her question had earned the attention of the two. Xavier fell into thought as he chewed on his first bite. So she continued with her opinion.

"You're meeting someone for the first time in hopes of something special starting between you, aren't all meetings between people like that? The only difference is you go out in the field and personally look for that one person and you'll have to meet a lot of people before finding that one. Whilst in this case, Mom has just brought the field to you. It's the term 'blinddate' and the fact that someone's helping that makes you dread these meetings", Amy said with a shrug.

"Now that's a different way to look at it", Xavier commented making Zach nod in agreement.

"True", George agreed. He felt Amy's words made sense.

"Who knows? You might find someone if you genuinely put an effort into this knowing you're a busy man", she took another bite.

"Mm. Give it a chance", Zach agreed before he opened his mouth to be fed by Amy.

"You're one to talk", Xavier scoffed and immediately froze, regretting the slip of his tongue.

p Amy looked around and George suddenly found the Budweiser label interesting. She looked at Zach and he had stopped stirring but had his brows furrowed instead.

"Were you set up on a blind date?" She asked, carefully eyeing his face. The thought of her man being in the company of another woman arose a certain bitterness in her heart.

"It wasn't a blind date per se..." He started, unsure of how to explain.

"Wow!" Amy's jealousy reared its ugly head as she crossed her arms against her chest in clear displeasure. "I thought I was the only one for you. Isn't that what you said?"

Xavier and George sniggered. They never pictured Zach to be the type to utter such words. Their amusement was wiped away by his dangerous glare. He cupped Amy's chin making her look at him.

"And it's true. But it was a set up I never entertained."

Her features softened as she could see the honesty in his eyes. And she didn't think she could doubt his words about her being the only one in his life. The emotions in his eyes when he looked at her spoke volumes.

"I believe you", she whispered and gave him a soft smile.

"Ah! Too easy! Too easy!" Xavier shook his head in disappointment.

The couple ignored him and shared a kiss before Zach resumed cooking and Amy eating.

"You know, that would have never happened if you hadn't used the voice changer on him! Mom thought he was gay", Xavier chuckled in amusement only for a shocked gasp to resound in the kitchen.

They all turned to find Victoria standing with her mouth wide open in shock. She looked at Xavier then at Amy.

"What did I hear just now?"

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