Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 199 Nicole Had Done Her Job

Xavier spun in his chair as he shuffled his phone in his hand. He stopped to unlock it and saw Nicole's contact details. It had been a few days since they had their fight at the restaurant. She had not made an effort to even talk to him. He thought the time apart was enough for her to calm down.

A part of him didn't want to deal with her, but if he didn't set things right, it would bother him even more. He let out a breath and without a second thought, he dialed her number. It rung for a while before she answered. He was greeted with silence. He looked at the display and saw the seconds running.

"Nicole?" He called out after pressing the phone back to his ear.

"Yes", she replied in a flat tone.

"We need to talk. Are you home?" he said.

"Let's meet outside. I'll send you the address", she said then hang up.

His brows went up as he stared at his phone. She must still be upset. He scratched the back of his head and sighed. His phone chimed and he got up to go to the given address. He threw on his jacket and left his office.

He met Zach on his way to their private lift. The two men stood side by side. Xavier let out a deep breath as he shuffled his hands into his pockets. He was plagued by thoughts of how his relationship was going and could not help but compare to Zach's. He looked at the latter curiously.

"How are things going with Amy?"

"Perfect", he answered.

"You guys don't fight?"

Fighting with Amy? Does he have it in him to do so? More importantly, is there a reason to? Even if there were, she would have the upper hand. He can't win over her. She would kill him with those looks before they could fight. Gosh! She is so beautiful! How did he get so lucky?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Ugh!" Xavier groaned in annoyance when he saw Zach barely biting back a bashful smile on his face while his ears colored red. "I'm asking the wrong person."

"Whats going on?" He asked after regaining composure.

Xavier let out a tired sigh. "I don't know man."

Zach clasped Xavier's shoulder with his hand earning his gaze. "You know you can talk to me."

"I know", Xavier nodded, his eyes reflecting the trust he had in his brother.

A ding sound was heard before the doors swung open on the first floor. The two brothers bid each other farewell before going their separate ways. Xavier was driven to the restaurant whose location Nicole had sent. It was a fifteen minute drive from Frost Corporation.

He was led to a private booth where he sat waiting for her. A knock was heard and a waiter came in.

"Good evening sir. What can I get you?" The young man politely asked.

"Water, for now. I'll order once my date arrives", he said.

With that, the waiter excused himself and went to get him the water. Xavier looked at the time, close to ten minutes had passed since their agreed time to meet. He looked at his phone and there was no message from her. He wanted to call but decided against it in case it makes her more upset.

He sipped on his water and took out his phone to go through some emails to pass the time. He decided to personally reply to most of them after giving a careful read. His eyes glanced at the time on the display.

Forty five minutes had passed so easily. Could something have happened? He went to his call log and was about to dial for her when a knock was heard the door swung. An attendant showed Nicole in and she settled opposite him.

Xavier felt himself grow nervous as he looked at her. She was wearing a black bodycon dress with shades, probably trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"Hi", he started more quietly.

"What is it?" She answered in the same tone except more curt.

"Do you want anything-"

"I thought you wanted to talk. Talk."

He sighed, "Nicole, what happened the other day, it's really not what you think. I told you about my mother seeing someone and I followed her there after finding out about their date."

"You canceled our date to spy on your mother. You expect me to believe that?" She scoffed. "How stupid do you think I am Xavier?"

"I didn't say you are but it's the truth", he said. Her expression didn't change even behind the glasses. There was no sign of her believing him. He sighed at this. "Nicole, I really wish you could believe me."

"Believe you? With your past? Are you kidding me?" She clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes though he couldn't see.

He briefly fell quiet then suddenly chuckled. "My past? Why did you agree to be with me if my past made you so insecure?"

She turned her head to the side with a snobbish expression as she leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms against her chest.

"Deep down you know that there hasn't been any other woman but you ever since we got together", he said with seriousness but she laughed, amused by his words. He grew annoyed but suppressed it as he continued. "You know me, you know my past, if I didn't give two shits about you we wouldn't be here today nor would we be having this conversation."

"You must be so proud", she said with a mocking smile.

"Nicole", he warned

"What?" She challenged.

He looked at her, clearly stunned by how much she had changed. Or was she always like this that he was just blinded by the sex and his obsession over her? Xavier surprised himself. He never associated her with the word love like Zach easily did with Amy. What was it exactly that had drawn him to this woman in the first place?

His phone chimed and he looked at the message received. He stuffed back into his pocket and got up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To attend to more important matters. This conversation is not going anywhere. I'm done here", he said as he moved.

"Answer my question!" She snapped. "Are you going to meet somebody? Another whore you picked up?"

Xavier didn't answer and moved to the door. He turned the knob to open it when she said words that made him stop in his tracks.

"If you leave right now, it's over between us", she warned in a deadly tone.

She's really doing this? Or is it the anger talking? He did not need this. To Xavier, the conversation had long been over so he turned a deaf ear and took a step out of the booth.

"Xavier! I'm warning you! Don't walk away!" She shouted but he walked on. He was glad the booths were on floor more private than the rest of the restaurant. But it didn't mean people couldn't hear them. He needed to leave before the other day's scene repeats itself. "Fine! It's over!"

He turned around to face her. She was now standing by the door. "Are you sure about that?"

"Hundred percent!" She said with a lot of arrogance.

"Don't regret this!" He warned before quickly taking his leave.

Nicole's chest rose and fell as she watched him walk away in hurried steps. She went back in and slammed the door hard to slide down to the floor as tears fell down her cheeks. Sobs resounded in the room as she clutched her chest in pain. She pounded her chest with a fist as she cried her heart out.

After some minutes, she wiped her tears as she sniffled and regained composure. She took out her phone and took deep breaths before dialing for Neela's number. She picked up on the first ring, clear to have expected the call.

"It's done", she said.

"You did well. But are you alright? Should I come and pick you up?"

"No. I'll be fine", she willed a little brave tone but Neela picked up on it.

She knew how down Nicole must be. But most importantly, Nicole had done her job. Things had finally come to an end with Xavier. It was over.

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