Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 245 Xavier's Resolve

Lorraine sighed as she contoured her nose. Her face was still swollen although it had significantly gone down than it was some days back. However, the bruising was still there two. She looked at her face through the mirror and sighed. She could still see the bruising although she had done her best to cover everything.

She went out of the bathroom and found Oliver at the counter having his breakfast. She pulled on her shirt to straighten it and walked over. He looked at her when he sensed her presence.

"How do I look?" She asked, nervously.

"It's..... Alright."

"It's still obvious, isn't it?" She asked with a crease of her forehead.

"Maybe because I know. But you look good", he assured her.

She nodded and exhaled deeply before walking over to have her breakfast. Once they were done, he walked her to school per usual before going to work. As her colleague got ready to leave, she went to the locker room to change into her uniform.

Her phone started to ring. She stopped to have a look and her brows furrowed in annoyance as she declined the call. Almost immediately, the person called again and she declined once more by a press of the power button.

"Ooooh. Look at you", A colleague greeted as they walked in.

Lorraine's phone started ringing and without looking, she declined the call and stuffed the device into her pocket.

"Hey", she greeted with a smile.

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"Wow! You look amazing! Do you have a date or something?" She marveled at Lorraine's beautiful face.

"No such thing", Lorraine said with a chuckle.

"Really? You look great", she said with a smile.

As they were done changing, they went out of the lockerooms and went to their stations to release their colleagues. She felt her phone vibrate and she slipped her hand into her pocket and declined the call. This person was so persistent. And annoying.

Unbeknownst to her, the last two calls she had declined caused a certain someone to furrow his brows in worry and confusion. Xavier stared at his phone. Is she ignoring him? She neerv returned his call and now she was declining his calls? Did something happen?

A knock was heard and he permitted the person to come into his office. He was currently sitting behind his desk with a mountain of work keeping him company.

"Sir, they're ready for you", the secretary said.

He simply nodded and got up to throw on his jacket before following her out. Yes, he had work to do. He shouldn't worry about some woman he met once. He had more pressing matters to attend to.

However, throughout the meeting he attended, he hardly concentrated. His kind kept drifting to Lorraine. He thought back to the call. Oliver didn't sound alright.... He originally thought the kid was nervous because he was speaking to a stranger but what if..... What if.....

"Welcome back Master Xavier", Edmund greeted.

The day had ended with Xavier thinking about Lorraine. He nodded in acknowledgement and went straight to the bar to pour himself a drink. He felt a had on his shoulder before he took in Zach getting a glass of his own.

"Hey man", Xavier greeted as he passed him the liquor bottle.

"Mm. How was work?" He asked as he put down the bottle and sipped from his glass.

"It's work. The wife and kid?" He asked with a smirk knowing how pleased Zach would be hearing him address Amy as the wife. Zach took a moment to put a fist to his mouth and he yawned. Xavier chuckled when he saw this. "She's keeping you guys up at night?"

"Your turn will come", he said as he sipped on his drink.

Both men sighed and fell quiet. Xavier decided to ask a curious question. "How did you know Amy was the one?"

"Someone's p*ssywhipped", Zach said with a scoff as he sipped on his drink.

"Look who's talking", Xavier scoffed as well.

Zach fell quiet as he twirled a finger around the mouth of his glass. How did he know? "When I realized the torment of staying away from her. I always want her beside me."

"Not just sexually but emotionally too", Xavier concluded and Zach nodded. "You never had doubts about her?"

"Doubts?" He stopped to think. The only doubts he ever had was the possibility of finding her with the clues he found on her whereabouts. But actual doubts about her being the love of his life? "None."

"I'll be back", Xavier said as he took his jacket and left Zach's side.

Richard and Henry were just walking in when they saw the young man leave in a haste. They went to the bar and joined Zach for a drink.

"What's with him?" Henry asked, nodding to Xavier's direction.

Zach didn't respond as he sipped as he yawned again. Richard chuckled as he patted Zach on the shoulder.

"The beauty of fatherhood. Don't drink too much", Richard advised.

"Mm", Henry agreed. "How about a game?"

"Let's see what's on", Richard agreed.

Although Zach wasn't a big fan of the game like the two men, he still found it entertaining so he didn't decline their offer. Amy was sleeping, Roserie was with her grandmas, so why not use this time to relax?

Meanwhile, Xavier sped up on his way to Lorraine's. He didn't know why or how but he suddenly made a resolve to see her. If she was the one, he would at least try. His previously failed relationship did not define the failure of his love life. He took Amy's words to heart.

His heart thudded in anxiousness as he saw the familiar silhouettes of the young woman and little boy approaching their apartment building. He stopped in front of them and quickly jumped out of the car.

"Lorraine", he called out as he walked towards them and she turned around.

"Xavier? What are you... What are you doing here?" She asked, evidently surprised. Oliver now put a face to the voice he had spoken to a few days ago.

"Hi", he said to Oliver when he got closer, standing a few feet away from them.

"Hello", Oliver greeted politely.

"Hi", he now turned his attention to Lorraine.


He was about to ask why she's been avoiding him when he really took in her face. His brows furrowed in displeasure as he took a step forward to touch her face and examine it.

"What?" She dodged his touch and stepped back.

This just aroused Xavier's suspicion even more. "Did something happen?"

"What happened to your face?"

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