Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 257 The Dark Waters Are Going Down

Two nights ago

"We should try it. It would be great fun!" Stella said while cutting through her chicken before forking it.

"Sorry, but I don't take pleasure in plunging myself to death", Victoria argued as she forked a bite.

"How is bungee jumping plunging..?" Stella sighed helplessly before turning to Amy looking a little hopeful. "How about you dear? Will you do it with me?"

"Uh...", Amy could feel the temperature drop because of the man beside her. Despite the excitement, she furrowed her brows and cleared her throat. "Bungee jumping....? That..... doesn't sound interesting at all. I definitely don't want to do it."

Richard let out a small chuckle as he served himself more chicken. "That was very convincing."

"Mm-hm", Henry agreed with a laugh and a shake of his head.

Roserie, who was sleeping in a crib set beside her father made some noises. Zach turned to rock her back to sleep. Amy took this chance and mouthed to Stella.

"I'm in!" Her eyes sparkled with excitement inciting the same reaction from the older woman.

"No, you're not", Zach said making Amy and Stella freeze.

"Later", she mouthed and the older woman agreed enthusiastically.

"Amy", he warned before slowly turning back to his meal.

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"I didn't do anything", she defended herself almost immediately. He looked at her with an arched brow and she threw him a sweet smile. "I love you."

He only cupped her chin with his gaze on her lips before letting go and directing his focus back on his meal. Amy was such a distraction without even trying.

Henry cleared his throat. "I need to talk to the both of you after this."

While Zach grew suspicious because of his father's seriousness, Amy did not think much about it. After dinner, the three went to Zach's study. The couple shared a seat whilst Henry settled opposite them. His brows were furrowed in seriousness and he exuded a dangerous aura as he sat with his elbows resting on his knees and fingers intertwined.

"We just got word that they'll make a move tomorrow afternoon", Henry said, looking between the couple. "We're ready for them."

Amy felt like her heart launch into a race of racing a mile a minute. This is it! It was finally happening! It is finally coming to an end! Oh! But her stomach knotted into a nervous twist. Sensing her uneasiness, Zach wrapped one arm around her and took her hand in his other and rubbed his thumb on top of it.

"You have someone with Amy's skill set?" He asked with seriousness.

Amy looked at him. It seemed he didn't want her taking part in the operation even if she worked remotely. Thinking like Zach, she realized that he would rather have her rest.

"Of course", Henry answered, seeming offended. "We're the FBI!"

Zach arched his brow. Amy felt herself grow embarrassed because of him. He was obviously implying that there was no one like her. She knew it could be true and was indifferent to that opinion but when it was Zach saying or implying it, well.

"But if you need my help in any way, please let me know", she told Henry.

"When it's absolutely necessary", Zach cut in when Henry was about to speak.

"I know that!" He responded begrudgingly. "Do you think you're the only one who has a wife to worry about?"

Amy grew more embarrassed with this as she tried to suppress her smile. The man holding her was content with her reaction and that she didn't disagree with his suggestion.

Henry sighed as he leaned back in his seat. His face fell into a serious expression as he thought of tomorrow night. Now that things were good between him and Victoria, he now had the hard job of saying his goodbye before leaving for the job. This life style.... Is it really worth it?

The next day in the afternoon, Victoria found herself crying in his arms as the man bid his family farewell. He sighed before planting a kiss on her head. He looked up at Zach and Amy with a sad look in his eyes. "Take care of your mother."

Both nodded at this making him smile. Victoria pulled away and pressed her lips to his. "You need to come back."

"That's a promise", he smiled and kissed her too. Then he moved to Stella who was carrying Roserie. She gave her to him. "Grandpa will be back soon", he said and kissed her little forehead.

He gave her back to Stella and bid his family goodbye with hugs and more kisses for Victoria. A subordinate rushed to open the back door of a tinted black S.U.V. He gave one last look at his family before entering the car.

Amy moved to Victoria and embraced her as they watched the car disappear out of the compound. As she was in low spirits, Victoria retired to her room. She could only hope that her husband would be safe. Stella and Richard followed suit, especially because they didn't want Roserie being exposed to the cold.

Amy was also full of worries, she too, could only hope Henry would be safe. She felt an arm around her and pull her close to the familiar warmth of Zach's. He kissed her temple and held her in a hug.

"He'll be okay", he assured her.

At the familiar sound of their daughter crying, they went inside. Meanwhile, Victoria lay in bed with tears trickling down her nose to fall on her pillow. As much as Henry annoyed her sometimes, this time she desperately wished she had glued herself to him. She sighed and sniffled. A knock was heard.

"Come in", she sat up and wiped her tears. She smiled when she saw Amy walk in with Roserie in her arms and Stella carrying a tray of refreshments and snacks.

"We came to comfort grandma", she said with a smile as she sat down on the bed.

"That's so sweet of you", Victoria said with a chuckle.

"Here you go", she handed over the child. "But she hasn't burped yet."

The little one burped as soon as she was in her grandma's arms making the three women laugh.

"She didn't throw up?" Amy asked worriedly.

"No, she's fine", she confirmed before receiving a glass from Stella. She sniffed it then eyed her suspiciously. "Is there alcohol in this?"

"I'd be lying if I said no", Stella gave her a sheepish grin making Amy shake her head. "And a non-alcoholic one for you."

"Thank you", Amy received hers.

The three easily fell into conversation passing the time and took turns tending to baby Roserie. It was a little after sunset that Victoria felt her phone vibrate. Stella was carrying Roserie so she freely checked the message contents.

Henry: Miss me?

She fell quiet. It seemed like a casual text but this time around, she realized the meaning. Once she found these messages from him annoying especially when he sent them out of the blue, but now she realized that he always sent them right before he begins his operation. She was always on his mind before every mission. She quickly wiped a stray tear that fell on her cheek.

Victoria: I'll be waiting for you.

Amy placed a hand on top of Victoria's in comfort. The older woman put away the phone and let out a sad smile.

"I'm fine dear." She looked at her phone and exhaled a breath. "I think... the mission has just started."

They started after sunset? Didn't Henry say Greco will make a move in the afternoon? Did something happen in the afternoon or was Amy just overthinking?

In that very moment, Henry was seated at the back seat with warmth in his eyes as he looked at his wife's message.

"Let's move!" He commanded.

"Yes, sir."

The eight car convoy of S.U.Vs drove off from FBI H.Q. Henry had two subordinates in front and one with him at the back. The one seated beside him could not help but voice his worry and suspicion.

"Can we really trust this?"

Everyone in the car was quiet and curious to know their boss' thoughts. Henry broke into an amused chuckle as he relaxed against his seat, crossing his arms against his chest and closed his eyes. The men visibly relaxed but their eyes shone with determination: The dark waters are going down!

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