NTR Crush: I Will Steal Every Girl

Book 2: Chapter 17

Book 2: Chapter 17

My father was looking right at the closet now. Why did he have to be so paranoid! No, it was my fault. I shouldnt have dirt scribed him while I was in the middle of surveillance. I made a noise, and he was just being diligent by checking. Before he could take a step, there was a light knock on the door. He paused and then turned directions, throwing a robe on and opening the sliding door and peering out. Mrs. Fukumi squeaked, grabbing a robe too and hastily putting it on herself to cover her naked body. I couldnt see who was at the door, but the voice was familiar if a bit different.

Hi, Im a guest here, did you know that your key was left at the front? Kira asked although she was trying to change her voice so it sounded a little different.

Fathers voice followed. Oh? Are you the one who turned it in? Thanks for checking. As soon as I noticed it missing, I went straight there. Thanks, misses.

Damn it, why did dad have to be so on the ball? He was so hot and heavy with Miss Fukumi, when did he have time to run to the front to grab his key? Was he feeling Miss Fukumi up all the way through a side trip! Does he have no decency? Actually, recalling the faces of the old people who ran this place, and the nature of this facility, they were probably very full of free love. It was no wonder they were willing to buy our fornications so easily, considering their own indecent acts. They were probably more scared of a news reporter finding out they hold sex parties and getting their whole place stigmatized.

Oh thats good She said, her voice silent for a bit.

I could tell she was trying to think up something else. She had knocked on the door intending to use the key as her way to distract him. Well, thats not actually what I meant when I handed her the key. Rather, I was thinking shed come up with something like a carbon monoxide leak or some other lie.

Is there anything else you need? He asked.

A-a-actually She said slowly and deliberately. Um rather my husband and I were um new, and we just got here last night.

Is that so? Well, little lady, congratulations.

I recognized the tone of voice my dad was using. It was the same tone he used when he was flirting with women. He had kind of a condescending tone that I imagined would put women off more than not, yet they always seemed to blush when dad spoke that way. Mrs. Fukumi was watching this all with a frown, clearly wanting to continue to have Dads attention, but not willing to interrupt and risk angering him.

Yes um so, we were just celebrating tonight and I noticed you were a couple not too much older than us. We thought itd be good to learn from a more experienced couple. Perhaps, you like to join us for sake at the bar?

Sake? Huh? Dad sounded thoughtful. Actually, my woman here bought me a really nice bottle of sake yesterday. Lets all open it and drink to your celebration. Who needs bars when we can have the comfort of a room?

I felt the implication of those words. Right now, I wanted nothing more than to Dirt Scribe him, but my daily limit was already used. This is why I often put off using it. Every time it seemed like a good time, another time would come up where I felt like it was even more important. Right now, I was certain dad had some nefarious plan, but my skill was used and I had nothing to guide me.

Aah here? Kira sounded nervous, she had to be picking up on his predatory vibes too. Its just my husband

Your room it is then? We can wait for your husband there. Right, dear? Lets go out and enjoy this evening.

Mrs. Fukumi jumped when he turned to her for support and then smiled at just being acknowledged. Y-yes That is why we came, to have fun.

Oh, wait but hes the bar

Dad re-entered the room, heading straight for the closet. I immediately scooted back as all three of them came into view. He didnt even look as he reached his hand in and grabbed a bottle which was sitting in a bag. He immediately yanked it out. Kira, still wearing her mask with her hair up in a bun, shot the closet door a meaningful look before Father put his hand on her shoulder and guided her out into the hallway.

Nonsense! Dad laughed, Your husband will be sure to check in on you when you dont come back. Dont worry, Sasori and I will take good care of you until he returns.

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Sasori followed docilely and nodded. Dont worry. Im a teacher and hes a businessman. Were honest people.

I could only grind my teeth in disgust as the door finally closed, leaving me alone in their room. I didnt really know what to think. Dad was truly an expert at NTR! I didnt need dirt scribe to realize what was on his brain. In his mind, Kira came to his room alone because deep down, she wanted him without me. Perhaps he assumed we had a fight. Even if not, what woman abandoned her husband on a honeymoon? He reckoned Kiras husband was in a bar getting drunk, and would either sleep with some other woman in this swinging hotel or return so late that the deed would be done by the time he showed up.

He planned to take Kira back to her room and seduce her. He chose her room because it would disarm her and make her more comfortable. Sasori, the trustworthy teacher, would soothe her worries, and further, allow her to trust this innocent couple she went to. Then, sake would pull off the edge, and Dad would enjoy a mother-daughter threesome. At least, based on what I saw, thats where I would have taken things. Unless I returned early, Kira would be under dad within the next hour.

Kira was only a friend, not a lover. This wasnt something that hurt me. In fact, I thought it was a bit funny. If I let things keep going, how far would Kira go? A dark part of me started to whisper in my ear. If dad succeeded and she got drunk and had a threesome, then I could take pictures of all three of them. I could blackmail Kira and her mother. Did I have it in me to go all the way? Could I really throw my friend under the bus? Admittedly, shed been the one who caused her own downfall. She knocked on the door and gave that particular excuse. I wasnt exactly wronging her. I was just failing to act.

I waited long enough for the group to have left the hallway, and then I pushed my way out of their room. I only had a few pictures. Although they proved the affair, when it came to blackmail, I wanted more. The images needed to be shocking. They needed to cause Miss. Fukumi to panic. They needed to be so risqu, that it wasnt just the fact that she was cheating, but that fact that those images would ruin her image forever. If that was the case, Perhaps I needed to take things that extra step.

I returned to our room and then listened at the door. With the paper-walls, it wasnt difficult to hear the conversation in there.

Here, here, drink. Dad was saying.

Im not really into drinking. Kiras voice sounded really tight and stressed, her plan having backfired completely.

Dont worry about it, here, Sasori will take a drink first, then you. How about that? You really need to loosen up, right Sasori?

Y-yes Mrs. Fukumi aided her man. Ill drink first. You wont let a girl drink alone, will you?

How about you help your little sister here get a bit more comfortable.

Y-yes Elzo

Wh-what are you doing? Kiras voice came out shrilly.

Dont worry, were both women. You dont need to worry. If your breasts dont breath, they wont become big like mine.

Th-thats impossible. Kiras voice was weak.

She was doing horribly. I was once again floored at how aggressive they were being and how in sync the couple worked. I had always heard stories about a woman married to a serial killer and aiding him in all of his evil. I had never understood how that kind of stuff happened. Now, I was seeing it first hand. Mrs. Fukumi had gone all in. My father had her wrapped around his finger. At this point, she was molesting her own daughter to prep her so my dad could fuck her. She would say or do anything to help father reach his goal. Any guilt I felt for sending her to this spa was gone. Her devotion was at a frightening level.

What if she found out this really was her daughter? Would he still convince her to go through with it? Was even that not a limit? I didnt think it was anymore. She probably would cover up a murder for dad. Fortunately, he was just a drunk, horny bastard, not a psychopath. However, I could stand by and let them continue to work my poor childhood friend alone.

Straightening my mask, I sighed and then slid open the door and stepped in. Whats going on?

I tried to make my voice rough sounding so that no one would recognize me. My father was selfish and barely paid attention to me, so I wasnt lying when I said it was unlikely he would notice. Now, I knew I was just one of potentially dozens of kids he had, so it was no wonder he didnt think much of us. However, I was a bit surprised Mrs. Fukumi didnt suspect anything. Then again, she was completely focused on my dads wants. Even while her hand was on Kiras leg and she was kissing Kiras neck, she was looking at my father for approval like a loyal dog.

Hey, brother. We were waiting for you! Other than a swift second of frustration when I walked in, dad had already switched gears and welcomed me with a smile.

Dads ability to manipulate people and steal women was at a completely different level than my own. I couldnt help but shake the feeling that I was just a low-level mob facing the big ending boss. He was so bold that he could even be caught trying to molest a mans wife and make the guy feel doubtful about what he saw. Kiras robe was askew, showing additional cleavage, her robe was pushed up to the point where she was about to show dad everything. Her neck was red and wet. This was all done by Sasori, her own mother, but the effect was still the same.

I thought we were meeting in the bar, honey? I collaborated her lie.

She looked up at me helplessly, with just a tinge of thankfulness in her eyes. Sorry

Dad was staring at us, his mood immediately diminished. After all, he came exceptionally close to having a threesome and enjoying a young girl. Now, he was completely on his own. In a few moments, hed probably try to duck out and just enjoy Mrs. Fukumi tonight. But, I still needed better images.

So I heard sake I said while thinking quickly, grabbing the bottle and picking it up. How about a few drinks?

I knew my father a bit too well. He never ducked out on a drink, especially if it came from a nice bottle. The one Mrs. Fukumi got was particularly nice. I didnt know if she spent a ton and got expensive booze, or if she took my advice and just put cheap stuff in a nice bottle. Knowing Miss Fukumis obsession with dad, I suspected it was the former. She would gladly do anything for my father. Good once I made it clear that she could lose dad forever, hopefully, that meant shed do anything for me as well.

I poured the drinks and we all drank. Of course, I fake drunk, and when no one was looking, sent my drink flying. I suspected that Kira was doing the same, but she seemed to still be getting a bit of alcohol. Her cheeks grew rosier as the night went on, and her face got a bit slack. By the time the four of us polished off half the bottle, dad had his arm around me and was singing. It reminded me of a trip when we went camping one year. Except, it was mom and Maria with us then, and our family still felt like it had a chance. Mrs. Fukumi was on the bed, hiccuping and occasionally making a grab for her daughter, groping her until Kira pushe her hands away. Perhaps Mrs. Fukumi was a bit of a lesbian?

Hey youre alright manDad said, pulling out a key and handing it to me.

Whats this? I asked, not even bothering to pretend to be drunk at this point.

Its the key to my room, Dad explained. Im gonna just be honest here. My woman here shes actually some other guys woman. I just fuck her. I want you to fuck her too.

S-seriously? I was stunned he said it so blatantly.

That was alcohol for you.

Yeah Hey, Sasori, this guy is going to take you back to the room. Show him a good time, okay? Dad ordered.

Sasori smiled drunkenly, looking at father with reverence. Yes Id love to. You can do anything to me even stick it in my ass if you want.

Kira, not nearly as drunk at the pair, let out a noise, choking before turning away, her face red.

Eh? See? Shes really good too. Tight pussy. Big Ass and nice titties. Just dont cum in her, alright? He said, chuckling and even winking, suggesting he didnt care if I used her as a cum dumpster.

And what will you be doing while I have your wife. I asked, already knowing the answer.

Of course, Ill be fucking your wife! He pointed right at Kira, who straightened as she became the center of the talk.

I sighed, shaking my head. Maybe, with a bit more alcohol, theyd pass out and I could pose them or something. I had hoped with them drunk, theyd started fondling each other again as they did in the pool. Then itd just be a matter of encouraging them to fuck and filming the outcome. However, Dad was just too caught up on Kira. This was a bust. At least, I had a few images. Id have to make due with those.

Okay Kira suddenly spoke up, causing my polite refusal to be lost before it left my tongue.

Okay? I ask, seriously struggling to understand her words.

Take Mrs. Fukumi back to her room. Ill handle him! Kira declared, her eyes fiercely determined.


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