Chapter 95: Guess The Boyfriend

Lucas felt disgusted and felt even more bad for the woman that she had to put up with all this. This also made him feel angrier, thinking that Jiang might make Celia go through these vile games after marrying her. He definitely has to make Jiang give up on Celia somehow.

But Nadia's mind went blank from shock as she wasn't expecting this, or maybe she did, but she didn't want to accept it.

"Remember the deal we had…Be a good teacher and let me have fun or…" Jiang whispered into her ears amidst the howling and cheering, and as he expected, he saw Nadia's legs relax as if she was no longer planning to run away.

All she could do was clench her fists tightly behind her back. Yet again, she got herself into a situation where she had to use her body to get out of it. Was she destined to do this every time from here on? Was she truly becoming a whore?

She was still keeping up her plastic smile while breaking down from within. Lucas was the only one who noticed her hands subtly trembling and felt like she wasn't feeling good about this despite having a smile on her face.

He didn't know why he was feeling so bothered about some woman he had never met, especially Jiang's woman, and looked away to not let himself get distracted from the important things.

"Hold on. I still have yet to mention some rules. The participants have only two minutes each, but a bonus time of one minute would be rewarded if she cums. It is just a reward for making my girlfriend feel good, and she would greatly enjoy it as well. The second rule is that the participants can't undress her, and as her for her veil, none of them can remove or even touch them. The veil is a part of her beauty, and I don't wish to see it removed. And the only rule my girlfriend has to follow is that she can't use her hands to touch the participants unless they allow it. So all four of you up for the game?" Jiang asked the four powerful men sitting before him, who nodded before he could even blink.

"I was born for this game, hehehe," Qin said with a burst of unsettling laughter.

"I must thank young master for giving me such a delectable opportunity. I will make sure not to make you regret this," Jenghis said as his eyes flared with lust.

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"Hm,hm, this scholar would do his best to make the lady feel satisfied. If not, I would feel ashamed of my own name," Zuxin said as his fat cheeks wobbled.

"This old man will surely have some fun finally. Thanks to you, grandson," Wuhen said as he proudly sat on his chair.

"We all will have fun, grandfather. So…everybody maintain silence as we five will randomly take part, and after that, Adia will have to guess at which turn I was with her," Jiang announced as everyone immediately fell silent, feeling heated up to watch the game. Even if they were disappointed they couldn't participate, they knew watching it was enough to enjoy themselves.

Nadia's heart was shaking in anger and shame as she felt everything going silent around her.

She didn't know who was going to come first and just wanted this to end fast so that she could guess which turn Jiang would come and get this over with.

She had already slept with Jiang once and thought that it mustn't be that hard to guess his actions.

Everyone thought Jiang would either go last or in the middle to confuse his girlfriend, but he actually went to the platform first, and without saying anything, he began to kiss Adia while holding her shoulders.

Nadia felt firm lips touching hers and could guess that it was a young man. But the kiss was gentle without too much force, making her guess that this person couldn't be Jiang since Jiang shouldn't know how to be gentle.

Still, she didn't completely rule him out and decided to do it after these five bastards got this over with. She couldn't believe she had to pretend to like this while feeling their touch.

"No.1 is going at Lady Adia like a true lover. Would Lady Adia recognize who this man is, or is she having a hard time? Only time could tell though, I have to say their kiss is melting my heart. Isn't that right, gentlemen?" A man with a patch on his eye who seemed to be a young noble commented loudly while the others cheered on. His name was Luhen, and he was a thin, short man.

Jiang didn't mind the silence was broken since having a commentator like him would spice up things.

"MwwCha~MmmCh~" Soft sounds of their kiss echoed as Jiang kept kissing her softly without rest.

He only glanced at Lucas with an amused glint in his eyes while chewing on her juicy lips.

Lucas had averted his gaze the moment the game started since he didn't want to look at this disgusting game. But he felt Jiang's gaze on him and unconsciously turned his head, only to see Jiang and Adia enjoying their kiss as both of them moaned.

Jiang was only simply holding her bare shoulders while kissing her. Yet, when Lucas took a look at them, he felt a strange, unsettling sensation in his chest.

'What is this…Why am I feeling bothered again? Am I feeling bad because she seems nice? It can't be. If she was a good woman, why would she even entertain such dishonorable games, or is he forcing her?' Lucas fell into a spiral of thoughts and didn't know why this woman was making him feel all this despite the problems he already had yet to deal with.

He looked away since he didn't want to get affected by this.

"No.1 surely has comprehended the art of kissing. I am sure any woman would die from envy after seeing Lady Adia get kissed by the god of kissing," Luhen kept on commenting as the others cheered on.

Nadia wanted to cut off the tongue of this annoying commentator, but the kiss was having her mentally occupied.

She couldn't understand if it was the handsome leader of the Legion Army who was kissing her. But she didn't feel like Jenghis was the gentle type of guy. None of them could be except for maybe Zuxin, who could pretend to be gentle, but his height wasn't surely this tall.

More than a minute passed, and she just wanted this to an end since this kiss was making her stomach churn in disgust. Having to make moaning sounds were just added disgrace.

But she has no idea that the men watching the audience were feeling hot just by watching Jiang having a simple yet loving kiss with his girlfriend. They didn't expect him to be this gentle, but then they smirked as they guessed that he must be trying to fool her.

They even told the manager to turn off the cooling since they wanted to maintain this hot atmosphere and didn't want the cooling to dampen it.

Two minutes were up when Jiang stepped down, and Luhen announced, "No.1 has finished. Now No.2 can proceed."

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