Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 16: Slaughter

Chapter 16: Slaughter

In the middle of the road, a carriage was currently being surrounded by at least a hundred people.

Boss, weve completely blocked them.

Unless they can fly into the sky they shouldnt be thinking of leaving.

Good! The boss nodded.

They were the Red Wolves Bandits, the most dangerous bandit organization in the Jin Long Continent.

They were feared for their savage and cruel methods.

Not only do they rob and kill people in board daylight, but they also kidnap the girls for their own entertainment.

Although they were feared, they did not set their eyes too high as to not aggravate these that can extinguish them.

They limited their own strength and did not try to expand their territories outside of this area.

They also didnt go around looking for people to attack every day, it was only once in a while and when they see a fat sheep.

The reason this time was because of the latter, they found themselves a pretty fat sheep.

They had an expensive carriage and decent guards with the highest Cultivation being at Peak Profound True Qi Realm.

Their groups boss is a Profound Spirit Realm expert, along with a few at the Peak Profound True Qi Realm.

Their groups strength is more than enough to clean out this golden carriage without breaking a sweat.

The boss had a grin and shouted at the people inside the carriage.

We are the Red Wolves Bandits! If youve heard of us, Im sure you know whats good for you!

Hand over all your wealth and woman or be prepared to pay with your heads!

But even after a whole minute, nobody came out, and even the guards were standing there with a calm expression.

What a joke, you want to rob us when we have four seniors at the Spirit Realm? They all thought.

The boss frowned and screamed, Did you not hear me?! I will not repeat myself!

Get the fuck out here and hand over all of your wealth and women!


The carriage door slowly opened, and he watched as a middle-aged man walk out.

The moment he saw his calm face and Cultivation, the frown on his face became even more apparent.

This middle aged man was also a Profound Spirit Realm expert like him.

They both have similar Cultivation so they can sense each others strength.

But if the enemy had an entire Realm of advantage over you, you might not be able to see their Cultivation.

* * * * *

The boss had a frown on his face as he looked at the middle aged man with a calm face. It was like he wasnt even aware he was being robbed.

How may I help you? He asked calmly.

The bosss eyes went wide after hearing that.

Did he not hear him scream? Was the carriage a sound proof carriage?

Were the Red Wolves Bandits, hand over your wealth and woman and Ill give you a quick death! He repeated.

I heard you the first time. You even said you would not repeat it, why are you saying it again?


The bosss face turned red from anger.

So he had heard him the first time! But not only did he ignore him, he even slapped him in the face!

So, how may I help you? He repeated.

You fucking idiot, are you blind?! Were here to rob you!

Do you even know the situation youre in right now? You even dared to slap our bosss face!

You are courting death!

The other bandits also became angry after seeing their boss begin slapped in the face.

You fucking bastard! Now even if you beg, Ill make sure you die a slow and agonizing death! The boss screamed.

Aiya, can you people stop shouting? Youll annoy the Seniors inside He said calmly.


The bandits frowned upon hearing that.

The boss started to have a bad feeling. Is that why he is so calm? Because they have experts behind them?

Bullshit! Senior my ass, youre just trying to scare us.

Someone shouted.

Thats right! How do we know hes not bullshitting?! The boss thought to himself.

Listen here, I dont care if you have a Senior or even God himself in that carriage, but since youve met us here, youre fated to die!

Comrades, get ready to raid these bitches! He commanded.

Yes, boss!

The hundred plus bandits started to pull out their weapons and prepared to run in.

* * * * *

Inside the carriage, Tian Yi had his eyes on the Holy Book.

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Now let me tell you about these savage things called Bandits.

They will not only rob and kill the innocents in board daylight, but they will also steal your woman and daughter!

There was this one time where I was walking down the road, and I had ten bandits surround me!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

If not for my fast legs, I wouldve probably died there!

These evil things are mankinds enemy! Stay away from the roads and stay in your room!

* * * * *

Tian Yi frowned after reading that.

Bandits? Evil? Rob and Kill the innocents?

He didnt know what a bandit was since they were pretty much nonexistent in the Celestial Gods Realm.

Although there are Cultivators killing and stealing other Cultivators for their Treasure, they are not considered bandits, but a way of life.

In a world where the strong eats the weak, if you dont have enough strength to protect your own Treasure, it was no one elses but your own fault!

As for Cultivators killing innocent Mortals? There were none!

Cultivators and Mortals lived in different worlds despite being next to each other.

If Cultivators were to go around killing Mortals, would the Mortals be willing to live anymore? Arent they just chickens in a chicken slaughter house, waiting for their turn to be slain?

Because of that, the Celestial Emperor personally put a ban on Cultivators killing innocent Mortals in the Celestial Gods Realm.

This was an unchanging and unspoken law that every single Realm had to follow. If not, they will end up being called Devil Cultivators and will be punished by the Heavens.

The last time a Cultivator had killed and stole a Mortal familys Treasure, the Celestial Emperor had personally chase him down!

Imagine having a God to pursue you even to the end of this world, how scary would that be?

After that one incident in the Celestial God's Realm, nobody dared to even touch the Mortals!

But now that he was in the Mortals Realm, where his father can not keep track of, he sees Cultivators who dared to kill Mortals because they didnt give a damn about this unspoken law they never heard of.

But whether or not they heard of it, they should know that they live in different worlds and shouldnt disturb each other unless it was necessary.

However, in the case of when the Mortal is guilty, such as stealing from Cultivators, that Cultivator had every right to punish him.

Tian Yi started thinking to himself.

If he sees a situation where a Cultivator is killing Innocent Mortals and the Cultivator being guilty, he will personally slay him with no room to negotiate.

He suddenly stood up and said, Im going to talk to them.

Lao Bai shivered after hearing that.

Y-young Master, dont mind them, Ill go and kill them all right away!

But he was rejected.

No, whether they are innocent or guilty, I will be the judge of that.

Everybody in the carriage watched him walk outside.


Lao Bai followed.

* * * * *

Outside the carriage, the bandits about to charge in suddenly stopped.

They all watched as an ordinary looking young man come out, followed by a friendly looking old man.

Who the fuck are they? They all thought.

Senior Bai, Young Master Yi. Xiao Fang bowed.

Hahahaha, theyre the Seniors that you just mentioned?

Arent they just a pair of grandson and grandfather?

Hahaha, this is too funny. Hey little boy, come here and give this father a massage!

They all started laughing but stopped the next moment.

They stared with wide eyes as three more people come out.

Two of them were jaw dropping beauties.

One was petite and cute; the other one had a womanly figure.

They all started to drool and laughed even louder.

HAHAHA! Heaven sure is generous! To send two high-class beauties to us!

Hey pretty girls, come and play with your father here! We wont kill you if you do!

Even the boss started to laugh.

Such a good day! Aiya, you were hiding these beauties from us? It is a crime worthy of death!

Just as the Xiao Family came out, they already started to frown.

What a bunch of horny bastards.

Are you idiots only able to think with your bone? Cant you even use your heads? Xiao Chen looked at them with disgust.

What did you say you?! Ill cut yours off if you dare talk one more time. The boss said.

Hmph, youre already hovering between Life and Death. Xiao Chen sneered.

These idiots are already on the chopping board, and they didnt even know.

Good! You can only blame yourself for being so arrogant!

Men! Kill these


He was interrupted by Tian Yi.

He didnt know why, but he waited.

What do you want little boy?

Why are you doing this?

What do you get from killing Innocent people? He asked with a calm face.

Although he already knew the answer, he wanted to hear it from their own mouths.

The bandits looked at him and laughed.

AHAHAHA. Why?! Because its fun!

To kill these who can do nothing but beg, its too fun!

Ah, the feeling I get when I watch these weaklings cry while I kill their family is too great!

The bandits laughed while remembering these acts they have done.

* * * * *

Is that so

Tian Yi closed his eyes, and with his right hand, he touched the middle of his chest where his heart was beating.

He turned silent.

Everybody had chills going down their spine when they see that weird action.

Whats he doing? Praying before he dies?

Only Lao Bai had fear in his eyes.

Xiao Family, I suggest you all go back inside the Carriage He whispered to them.

Eh? Why? They were confused.


Tian Yi started to speak.

* * * * *

My mother always tells me, its our responsibilities to protect these who are innocent because thats our familys responsibility.'

I never really understood it. Why should I protect them?

Whats the point?

What do I gain from doing that?

What are my reasons for doing that? Is it because of my family?

I didnt know, but I still followed her teachings.

The only reason why I even bothered to kill that Long Huo was because of my mother, because of my family.

.. Only Lao Bai understood what he was talking about.

I killed him because of my family? Because he was Evil?

Now that I think about it, there might be another reason.

Because I didnt like that dark feeling in my chest. It was annoying, but when I killed him, that annoying feeling went away.

I am myself, why should the only reason I protect them is because of my family?

He started to open his eyes slowly.

I am Tian Yi! I will do everything for myself starting now!

I felt sad when I heard about these people being killed!

I felt bad, but its not my fault! Its yours!

Youre the reason my heart feels like shit!

And thatll be my reason for killing all of you! Not for my mother, not for my family, but for myself!

Am I selfish by thinking that? Yes! But I dont care!

His eyes were no longer black; it was a golden color.

His Aura, from unclear to domineering like a God.

His face no longer looked like an ordinary mortal, but the most handsome male in this world.

He no longer had that peaceful expression, but a face full of anger!


As if lightning had struck everybodys mind, they all fell on their knees and choked on their own saliva.

The Driver and the Guards immediately lost conscious.

Xiao Fang and Xiao Chen were also kneeling on the floor, accidentally peeing in their pants.

Lao Bai, immediately kowtowed, not even daring to look at him.

That was the face of that Emperor sitting on his throne during the Heavenly Illusion! It was actually his Young Masters real face!

Xiao Hai and Xiao Ying had their souls taken away from them.

The bandits couldnt even register it into their minds, and some even fell unconscious!

The boss started to shiver like never before as if he was hearing the devil call for him, and his jaw was clanking nonstop from fear.

I will kill you because of my selfishness!



Before he could even beg, ripples appeared in the air with Tian Yi in the middle.

It swept past everybody, and the entire place instantly turned quiet!

Every single bandit had died!

A blood fog covers the entire area!

Tian Yi flicked his sleeves, and the blood fog got swept away, staining the trees around them blood red.

All of this takes some time to describe but actually happened in an Instant.

* * * * *


Sorry mother, but dont blame me for acting selfishly from this point on.

Tian Yi sighed and once again, returned to looking like an ordinary young man.

Everybody could only stay kneeling on the ground, staring at him like he was a monster!

Even Lao Bai was no exception.

He looked at them and said in an apologizing voice, Im sorry you all had to witness that scene.

Looks like I need to be tempering myself more

He felt like he had matured a bit more from that experience.

Even his ignorant aura had started to transform into a more mature one, becoming even more attractive.

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