Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 20: Perfect Grade Pill

Chapter 20: Perfect Grade Pill

It is always very busy at the market area in Jin Long Continent. This marketplace was called the Dragons Treasury. You can find almost everything in here, from sunflower seeds to Spirit Weapons, but these who sell Spirit Weapons are as rare as Phoenix Feathers.

Spirit Weapons are treasures with an Element in them, such as water and fire.

There are three types of Spirit Weapons.

The first type is just a regular Spirit Weapon.

Sharp, Strong and has its own aura to it.

This type of Spirit Weapon is made by using treasure materials to make it from scratch. Spirit Realm experts most commonly employ this method.

The second being the enhanced type, where a Magic Weapon or regular Spirit Weapon is enhanced with a type of Element Treasure, upgrading it into a Spirit Weapon with an Element to it.

This type of Spirit Weapon is pretty rare due to its cost and rarity of Element Treasures.

Magic Weapons is a tier lower than Spirit Weapons, with no Elements and used by Cultivators at the True Qi Realm and Profound True Qi Realm.

The third type, Natures Blessing Spirit Weapons, are the rarest.

It is when nature bears a Spirit Weapon with the Element already in it.

This can only happen in scenarios where a colossal amount of Spirit Power gathers, to form into a Spirit Weapon.

The Element of Natures Blessing Spirit Weapon differs by the location they were born in. If it were to born in a cold place, it would have a cold Element to it.

Immortal and Sovereign Treasures are also Spirit Weapons, but with a different Realm of power.

* * * *

In a particular area, an old man is sitting down in the lotus position, with a sign next to him saying Buying all the Profound True Qi Cultivation Pills you have, the better quality, the better.

Someone asked, Elder Zhou, how much are you paying for a Middle-grade Profound True Qi Pill?

Three Spirit Stones. Elder Zhou said nonchalantly.

T-three? He examined.

You stingy old man, even a Low-grade Profound True Qi Pill is only 3 Spirit Stones. But you want to buy a Middle grade with the same price? The seller cursed this Elder Zhou in his heart.

Elder Zhou, I need to feed my family, why not make it 5 Spirit Stones? He tried to raise the price.

Three or get the hell out. Do you think you are the only one in this world to have a family? Elder Zhou replied in a cold tone.

The seller almost coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Fucking swindling old bastard, a Middle grade already cost at least 6 Spirit Stones, but you cant even pay 5 Spirit Stones?

He kept on cursing him in his heart, but he did not dare to actually curse him out loud.

Are you selling or not? I have a Sect to feed! Elder Zhou said in an impatient tone.

Sell, sell, of course, I will sell. He cried.

Since he had already asked him for a price, he didnt want to offend this Elder Zhou by just leaving.

He smiled bitterly when he traded his Middle-grade Profound True Qi Pill for 3 Spirit Stones.

Im never selling anything to you again, you fucking swindler. If it werent for your background, I wouldve already pounded you down to the ground!

Thinking that he left with large strides.

Hmph, trying to haggle with me? Youre still 100 years too young! Elder Zhou was proud of himself.

Hmm? He looked up, and a young man was watching him.

* * * *

How many Profound True Qi Pills are you buying? Tian Yi asked.

Are you blind? Look at the sign! Elder Zhou didnt even bother looking at him anymore.

I have already read it. But since I do not have any on me right now, I will make as much as you need in a moment. Tian Yi still had a calm face.

Elder Zhou had a surprised face when he heard that.

Then he started laughing like a crazy old man.

Hahahaha, you can make Profound True Qi Pills?

This is a good one! I have not laughed so hard in a while.

A young man like him can make Profound True Qi Pills only Pill Masters at the Realm of Pill Scholar can make?

Good, since you made me laugh, if you can make some in front of me, Ill call you grandfather! He said.

No. Tian Yi refused instantly.

Elder Zhou didnt think that he would refuse so quickly. He couldve at least tried to make an excuse.

What? You realized that you farted too loud?

No, I dont want an old man going around calling me a grandfather.

I am only 18 years old, and I do not want people to misunderstand. He said with a calm face.

Elder Zhous eyes twitched.

Didnt that mean he was confident in winning?

Good! Then how about this. If you can do it, Ill be your servant!

And if you lose, youll be my servant!

He was also confident that this kid was bullshitting.

No. He instantly refused again.

What is it this time? Whats wrong with me being a servant?

I just dont want someone like you as my servant; itll just make me lose face. He said nonchalantly.

Y-you! He almost coughed up blood.

Who is he?

He is a respected Elder in the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect, yet this brat said hell lose face with him as a servant?!

Face? What face! You are just a brat, why are you even worried about face?!

Good, good, good! You are really good for a little brat!

Since you have so much confidence in your ability, if you win, Ill be your dog! If you want me to bark, Ill bark, if you tell me to go right, I will definitely not go left!

But, what will happen if you lose?! Are you willing to give me your head?! He was genuinely furious this time.

No. He said.

Fuck you!

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This one word made Elder Zhou so angry he stood up and raised his hand, preparing to slap the shit out of this shitty brat.

But the next second, something made him freeze on the spot.

* * * *

Why should I even bet with you?

People will just curse at me for taking advantage of an old man Here, let me just show it to you.

Right as he finished speaking, he gracefully lifted his hand into the air.


A golden colored flame floated on his palm.

This flame was extremely peerless, beautiful and pure.

But the moment it appeared, every single Medicine in the Dragons Treasury started to tremble.

It didnt matter if they were Spirit Medicines, Ingredients, and even Pills.

They all trembled like something was calling to them.

Everybody in Dragons Treasury was bewildered as they watch their Medicines tremble with excitement.

What the hell is going on?!

Ahhhh, something is pulling my 100 Years Old Ginseng away!!!

A-ah! My Pill is trying to get out of the Pill Bottle!!!

Nobody knew what the hell was going on.

Tian Yi was still standing there with the Golden Flame dancing on his palm.

He waved his hand, and as if the flame had come to life, it started dancing in the air.

Not even a few seconds later, the Golden Flames disappeared, replaced with a snow white Pill floating in the air until he grabbed it.

Here, a Profound True Qi Pill. He handed it to the frozen Elder Zhou.

But Elder Zhou was way too shocked to even grab it!

Lao Bai was right behind him with his jaw kissing the floor.

What the fuck just happened?!

They were both shocked speechless.

The other people were too busy trying to control their Medicine and didnt even see what happened.

Did he just concoct a Pill out of thin air?!

Wheres the Pill Cauldron?!

Wheres the Ingredients?!

Where did the steps go?!

How can he just skip the process in conducting Pills?!?

Elder Zhou had never imagined that this was even possible, let alone see it!

What he had seen just now blew away his 100 Years of Pill Conducting knowledge away.

Lao Bai knew more than Elder Zhou, but that meant he was bewildered even more.

Creating something from nothing! He screamed in his heart.

This is basically the Realm of Creations but many Realms more powerful.

The differences are so far that you cant even compare the two!

One can only solidify Spirit Power and use it for awhile before it turns back into Spirit Power.

Meanwhile, the other one can actually make life from nothing but Spirit Power!

Did that mean his Young Master can even make Spirit Weapons come out of thin air?!?!?!?

That is only what he had thought in theory, but had no proof.

Pills were made from living ingredients such as plants, so they are considered living.

Even some Heavenly Pills in the Higher Realms had Pills with their own wisdom.

* * * *

So are you going to buy this or not?

Tian Yis question woke Elder Zhou up.

C-can I see it?

Sure, here. He threw the Pill to him again.

Elder Zhou had a scare and grabbed it. He was throwing around something so Heaven Defying!?!

He took a close look at it, and his hands started to tremble.

P-P-Perfect Grade! He shouted with disbelieve.

A Perfect Grade Pill is a Pill with no Impurities in it.

When Pill Masters conduct their Pills, impurities will get into it no matter wat, unless theyre an extremely skilled Pill Master.

A Low-grade Pill has 75% Impurities in it.

A Middle-grade Pill has 50%.

A High-grade Pill only has 25%.

And the highest grade, Perfect Grade has none at all!

If you eat a Low-grade Pill, you will only get 25% of its full effect, maybe even less.

But if you eat a Perfect Grade Pill, you will be able to use it to the fullest of its capabilities!

However, a Perfect Grade Pill is extremely hard to make. Not only do you need skills, but you also need luck!

Even Jin Long Continents number one Pill Master only has a 10% chance of success.

And thats only if he conducts a low-rank Pill like the Profound True Qi Pill!

If he tries to conduct a higher rank Pill, his chances are even slimmer.

But only Strengthening and Cultivation Pills have various grades. Higher Realm Pills with Special Effects only had one grade.

So, how much? Tian Yi asked again.

H-how about 110 Spirit Stones?

Elder Zhou, who is always known for being stingy is actually willing to pay a higher price than usual.

A Low-Grade Profound True Qi Pill is only around 3 Spirit Stones.

A Middle Grade is only worth 6 to 10.

A High Grade is around 20 to 30 Spirit Stones.

But the Perfect Grade skyrockets to 80 to 100 Spirit Stones!

Even if someone had one, they might not even be willing to sell it.

Un. Sounds good. How many do you want? Tian Yi didnt care. He can make as many as he needs to.

Uhh. can you make five more? If not, as much as you can do.

He had no idea that he is still underestimating Tian Yi.

Five? So little? And you even put up a sign that says as much as you have.' He frowned.

Elder Zhou was at lost.

T-then, how many can this Young Master here make? He even started to call him Young Master.

How many do you want? 100? 1,000? 10,000? 100,000? Ah, even a million is fine.

The more, the better. I need some fast money. Tian Yi said nonchalantly.

Elder Zhous eyes popped out when he heard the numbers.

A million?!? What the fuck?! Are you a Perfect Grade Pill Making Fountain? He cried in his heart.

1-10,000 would be nice Even he was scared by saying the numbers!

10,000? Although its a bit low, okay! Let me make it right now. He lifted his hand again.

WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!!!! Elder Zhou screamed with sweat pouring down his forehead.

Everybody around him jumped from being frightened and cursed at him in their hearts.

Fuck! What are you screaming for!

I almost died from a heart attack!

Tian Yi also had a fright.

What? Do you want to change your mind about the amount you want to buy?

Elder Zhou was almost scared to death. Was he really going to make 10,000 Perfect Grade Pills appear here?

Is he trying to destroy the entire Jin Long Continent?!

N-no Young Master, I just wanted us to change locations. There are too many people here He said.

Oh, is that so Where do you want to go? He was a bit disappointed that he didnt get to sell more.

How about you come to my Sect? I can even talk to the Sect Master and see if he wants to buy more

No, Im sure hell buy as many as he can!

If the Sect Master didnt, he was an idiot. A big one at that.

Tian Yis eyes lit up.

Youll buy more? Sure! Lets go. He smiled.

Yes Young Master, please follow me. He started leaving without even putting away his stuff.

The other people watched him leave it there and cursed.

Fuck you! Are you trying to save this spot for tomorrow? Next week too?


Not only is he stingy, but hes also shameless!

* * * *

In the Jin Long Pagoda, two figures were sitting next to each other.

Long Zhong, are you sure youre not trying to prevent my Xiao Family from growing? Xiao Fang said in a cold tone as he sipped on tea.

What the hell are you talking about?! So youre allowed to make trouble, but I am not?! Long Zhong screamed.

You caused such a scene at the entrance gate and youre here talking about some bullshit?!

Xiao Fang slammed his teacup on the table.

Long Zhong! What do you know?! You just ruined my plans! What are you going to do if my family does not grow anymore?!

What the fuck are you even talking about?!?! Long Zhong screamed back.

They were both good friends, so this was normal.

I am talking about- He suddenly stopped talking and blanked out.

Oi! What happened to you?

Long Zhong had a scare and started to wave his hand left and right in front of Xiao Fangs face.

Xiao Fang finally woke up and said, Huh? What was I talking about again? Hey, Brother Zhong, whatre you doing here?

Long Zhong almost coughed up blood.

Fuck! You forced your way in here talking about how I messed up your plans!

And now youre here asking me what I am doing?! Are you fucking with me?!

Xiao Fang had a bewildered face.

What? I only remember that I was preparing to head to Jin Long Continent. What are you doing in my Xiao Province?

You have turned retarded! This is my Jin Long Pagoda! You are already in Jin Long Continent!

I am what?! Xiao Fang was shocked again.

How come he has no memories of doing this?!

* * * *

Tian Yi was currently following Elder Zhou to the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect.

But he suddenly stopped his steps.

He looked into the distance and sighed.

Young Master Yi, what is it? Lao Bai asked.

Nothing, I just thought that it was about time. He smiled.

About time? About time for what? Lao Bai asked.

Youll find out soon. He continued walking.

Lao Bai was confused.

Tian Yi thought to himself.

I will admit that I am naive about many things

But being naive does not mean I am stupid

Dont worry Xiao Family; Ill keep my promise and see you in two days.

Smiling to himself, he quietly followed Elder Zhou.

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