Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 82: Returning to the Sect

Chapter 82: Returning to the Sect

More than an hour had passed after Tian Yi stirred up the entire Xiangliu Continent with his domineering appearance at the Guo Family. Nobody knew where he came from or who he really was. But they do know that he had enough power to toy around with the Guo Family like babies. Not even the head of the Family who was a Sky Realm Expert could do anything in front of him and got handled like a Mortal with no power. However, not long later, even more news came out about him. He was apparently also at the Pill Contest where this mysterious Senior got angry at watching the scene of people disdaining the nameless girl from the Guo Family.

The situation in the Guo Family right now was dark and heavy. People walked around relentlessly cleaning up the mess, and not one person had spoken a word since an hour ago. Guo Dai had gone into closed Cultivation the moment Tian Yi left, leaving his concubines to clean up the mess. Guo Bao, on the other hand, was currently sitting on a large rock mindlessly staring at the pond in their backyard.

What have I been doing with my life? She asked herself in a low whisper. Where did I go wrong in my life? What did I do to deserve such an experience?

The more Guo Bao thought about it the more guilt she felt. After quietly thinking about the horrendous things she has done in the past, she no longer felt that what had just happened was unfair. Instead, she knew that she deserved it, every single moment of that hell.

Haaaa--- I am lucky to be alive right now She sighed.

After staying there for many more hours, Guo Bao finally stood up with a face that showed resolution and change. Her unconsciously made ugly face was no longer there. Instead, a face that showed repentance was there. I am no longer a Cultivator, nor will I ever walk that path again. Instead, I will live the rest of my life as a Mortal helping others as a punishment--- No, this is not a punishment, this is my will. Ah, I wonder if he will come out before I die of old age? I have so much to say to him. And so much to apologize about, she wondered. And she stared off into the distance where Guo Dai was currently in Closed Cultivation.

Back at the hotel, Tian Yi was also staring off into the distance. Was it worth it? Although I can clean the surface of a Soul, the inside will remain the same and even I cannot fully clean it. Will she change Or will she continue walking down that dark path? I have already done what I can by building another bridge for her to walk on. Whether she crosses it or ignores it, that is not something I can decide

Ahhh, I really am too nice. Is this what my Father call being too soft? He closes his eyes and wandered off into his memories.


Tian Yi! You are too nice! How will you be able to uphold the image of an Emperor when it comes time for you to take my spot?! His father was lecturing him as usual.

Who said anything about wanting to be the Emperor? You can keep doing that forever. I want to travel the Universe, so I will not have time to play Emperor, said Tian Yi, who was only 13 at that time--- which was also around the time where his rebellious stage kicked in.

Tian Qiangs face turned red from rage and started yelling even louder. Ridiculous! This is something every generation since the beginning has done! Although we are Immortal, that does not mean we can keep the title to ourselves forever! Your grandfather is still alive and kicking, yet I am still the Celestial Emperor! You will uphold the Family Tradition and become the Celestial Emperor once you are one million years old, and there is no way out!

Thats even more ridiculous! Grandfather had been the Celestial Emperor for more than a billion years before handing it over to you, yet you are giving it to me at one million years?! You are clearly trying to give me that responsibility as soon as possible!

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Tian Qiangs mouth twitched once he heard that.

Tian Yi narrowed his eyes and smirked. I was right, eh?

You---! Tian Qiang could no longer hold back and Spirit Power erupted out of him.

You wanna fight?! Bring it on, you bag old bones! Spirit Power also gushed out of Tian Yi. His long hair violently danced behind him, and his eyes started shining like the stars in the starry sky. The Spirit Power coming out of him did not lose to his father, the Celestial Emperor!

Tian Qiang eyes twitched, and he started to hesitate. Hes only 13 Years Old and he can already rival me. If he was at my age, would it even be possible for me to touch him? The reason he wanted to give Tian Yi the throne so early was because of this problem. Tian Yi was truly too strong for someone at his age, and he will only continue to grow. Tian Qiang was already at what they call the Apex of Cultivation, yet his son was already there at such a young age. What kind of Celestial Emperor would he be if there was someone miles ahead of him? And his own son at that? Forget about one million years, whos to say Tian Yi cant surpass him within the next one hundred years?

Haaaa, lets just stop here. Its not worth it, sighed Tian Qiang. And he retrieved his Spirit Power.

What? Scared that youll get beaten by your own son and lose face? Tian Yi laughed.

Tian Qiang shook his head and said, Scared of being beaten? You are right about that---- but not by you. He turned around with a smile on his face. All of his previous anger and popping veins disappeared without a trace. Ah, honey, you came at the right time. I was just teaching this little brat how to control his Spirit Power.

Tian Yi shivered once he heard that, and he also retrieved his Spirit Power. Mother! You really came at the right time! Father has been trying to teach me how to control my Spirit Power, but I cannot understand his teachings no matter what. I think there is something wrong with him, so can you take his place and teach me instead?

Tian Qiang glared at Tian Yi and his cheeky face. This brat

Feng Li, his Mother, sighed. The two of you will destroy this entire palace one day, she said.

Hahaha. Nonsense, that will never happen... Right, what are you doing here? Tian Qiang changed the subject.

Tian Yi--- She looked at him and hesitated for a bit.


Mother? Tian Yi tilted his head and looked at her with an innocent look--- one that was devastatingly handsome.

Upon seeing his face that was illegal for anybody to have, she hardened her heart, and said, Tian Yi! You are now 13 Years Old, so you are already considered an adult! As an adult, you can no longer stay around females like you did when you were younger! So starting now, you will only have male servants around you!

Eh? Thats it? Tian Yi accepted it without any complaints. He wondered what his Mother had wanted to tell him with such a serious face, thinking that he might have gotten in trouble for stirring up things with his Father again. But no more females as servants? Although he didnt mind it, what was the point? Wont having males be the same thing?

Tian Qiang almost burst out laughing, but after thinking about it, he had this feeling of defeat inside his stomach. I knew this would happen sooner or later. Who knows how many girls hell turn pregnant just by looking at them?! Good Heavens, and hes only 13! Him not accepting the responsibilities as the next Celestial Emperor is the least of my worries

Feng Li also had similar thoughts. We cannot keep him in the palace forever, but if we let him out I do not want something like that to happen again She thinks back to the endless line of girls asking to join the family and shivers. Not only did she have to deal with an endless river of marriage proposals, she even had to deal with her own female servants crying to her about how they are at their limit in restraining themselves. All of them were the most powerful, professional, prideful, and pure Gods in this Universe. Any one of them can affect the World on a major scale, yet a mere glance by Tian Yi had turned them into shy little girls!

Of course, Feng Li had tried many different methods, such as changing Tian Yis appearance. But when that happened, instead of getting the results she wanted, she got even more complaints saying how it was a blasphemy to cover his face! She had almost flipped her switch for the first time in her life, and it was because of her beloved son who was born with such a face. However, even with all the headaches he unconsciously gave her, she still loved him with all her heart.

Feng Li finally snapped out of her thoughts and said, Tian Yi, come with me. I will introduce you to your new servants now.

Yes, Mother. Tian Yi followed her obediently.

Tian Qiang watched them leave and silently thought, I heard that the Su Family also gave birth to a child with a face so beautiful it was illegal? I wonder if they have the same problem as us. I should go visit them and see how they handle it And a few weeks later, Tian Qiang shocked everyone at the Su Family with his unexpected and unannounced visit.


Master. A sweet voice called out from behind, waking Tian Yi up from his memories.

Are we ready? He turned around to ask Yu Yue.

Yes, she said.

Good. Then let us head back to the Jin Long Continent, and back to the Sect.

Masters Sect Yu Yue was excited to see for the first time what a Mortals Sect would look like.

They both walked out and headed to the front of the hotel where a large carriage was waiting. The carriage was large enough to fit more than ten people in it.

Tian Yi, lets go. The Dragon Head Airship will leave in a few hours. Xian Wanshan called out to him from inside the carriage.

Coming! Tian Yi took one last look at the Xiangliu Continent and walked towards the carriage, leaving the City.

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