Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 83: Miracle Pill

Chapter 83: Miracle Pill


With her shoulders shrugged, legs sticking to each other, hands shivering, and head lowered, Han Yixue sat inside the carriage anxiously.

Little girl, what is there to be nervous about? Relax a bit, said Xuan Cheung, who was sitting next to her.

Y-Yes, P-Pill G-Grandmaster Xuan! Cried Han Yixue in a nerve-wracking voice. She would have never expected to be surrounded by the Xuan Family, not even in her imaginations! The shock she received when she found out that Xuan Wanshan was also Tian Yis Disciple was immense. However, it was not really that weird after she thought about it. He was able to totally dominate the Guo Family, so why would it be weird for him to have someone like Xuan Wanshan to be his Disciple? It wouldnt be weird even if Xuan Cheung was his Disciple, let alone her.

While Han Yixue was still being anxious, Xuan Yuming spoke up, To think my little ShanShan turned from being the Master to the Disciple after all that talk we had TianTian---- No, Senior Yi, please take care of our daughter.

Xuan Wanshan blushed after hearing her mothers words. She was already feeling awkward around him, yet her mother had to make her feel even more awkward around Tian Yi.

Senior, Tian Yi is fine. No matter who I am, you are still my Seniors, he said.

I felt that it was weird for ShanShan to be your Master after seeing your power at the Pill Contest. I am actually glad that the positions switched, or else it would have been awkward for me, said Xuan Cheung.

Xuan Wanshan could not hold it in anymore and said, Ahem. Tian Yi, what do you plan to do after returning to the Sect? And how are we going to explain our situation to the Sect Master?

Just tell him the truth. Theres nothing to hide. As for what Ill be doing Relax, I guess, he said.


Mhm. I will be staying in the Sect for some time. As for the Sect Missions, Ill do the minor ones that do not require me to go anywhere far, he said.

Ah. Tian Yi suddenly remembered something and turned to face Han Yixue. Theres something I want to talk to you about. What do you want to do with your eyesight?

Eh? Surprised at the sudden and unexpected question, Han Yixue sat there with an open mouth, unable to reply.

What I mean is--- I can recover your eyes, allowing you to see again, said Tian Yi.

?!?! Han Yixue almost jumped up from her seat. You can do that?! She asked.

Its only a minor injury, so a Pill will suffice, said Tian Yi, and he pulls out a transparent Pill with two little Silver Dragons flying in circles inside the Pill. The Pill itself was not of any color, and it only had a silver outline, but inside the Pill was two clear, life-like Silver Dragons dancing nonstop.

T-T-Thats--- Xuan Cheung stuttered nonstop as he pointed at the life-like Pill with his entire body trembling along.

Oh? Senior, you know of this Pill? Tian Yi was a bit surprised. The Pill in his hand was not something that could be obtained even in the Immortal Realm, so how could someone from the Mortal Realm be able to recognize it?

I-I h-have read about it in a few Ancient Scrolls, b-but there were no images, and only a short description was available. T-The Two Silver Dragon Miracle Pill, one of the three Miracle Pills in this World! Legend has it that whoever consumes the Pill will gain eternal life and the power of the two Silver Dragon that dwells within the Pill! Another Legend also states that whoever wields the power of the two Silver Dragon will be able to reach the Apex of Cultivation within 100 Years with ease! Said Xuan Cheung.

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M-Miracle Pill? Everybody inside the carriage---- besides Yu Yue and Yan Yan was shocked at Xuan Cheungs words. Eternal life? Power to reach the Apex of Cultivation with ease? Just by eating one Pill? How is that even possible?!

Han Yixue began tearing up after knowing that her Master was willing to give her such a Pill just to heal her eyesight. M-Master, it is fine. You do not need to waste such a precious treasure on someone like me. I have pretty much lived my entire life blind. It wouldnt affect me even if I continue living like this, she said.

Tian Yi lifted an eyebrow after hearing that, and chuckled, Although there is some truth to that Legend, it is a bit over-exaggerated. Yes, it will increase your longevity, but it will not give you an eternal life. It will also increase your talents, but not to such an extent. If it was so easy to reach the Apex of Cultivation, it wouldnt be called the Apex, right?

Eh? So its not a Miracle Pill? Xuan Cheung felt like his reality was shattered right there and then. The Pill that he cannot see even in his dreams was not as good as he thought it was?

Actually, it is a Miracle Pill, at least in Mortal standards, said Tian Yi. Eating this can indeed help you reach the Apex of Cultivation with ease--- in Mortal standards, that is. Also, I never planned on letting her swallow this Pill whole. Just a lick will heal her eyesight. If she swallowed the entire thing, her body would not be able to take it and Explode.

Mortal standards? What do you mean? Asked Xuan Cheung.

Do you think Spirit Realm Cultivators and Sky Realm Cultivators sees the same sky? The higher you go, the more knowledge you gain, and ultimately, the higher your standards increase. To a Cultivator at the True Qi Realm, the Spirit Realm may be the Apex, but to those who are at the Spirit Realm, what they see as the Apex of Cultivation will be somewhere higher--- way higher than any of these who are at True Qi Realm can see. Tian Yi explained to Xuan Cheung, but it was noted by everybody inside the carriage. He is right, they all thought. Would a King have the same view as a beggar? Would a King value his money the same way someone who does not have any money values it?

The carriage suddenly stopped, and a voice called out, Senior Xuan, we have arrived.



Yixue, we will continue this once we return to the Sect, said Tian Yi, and he puts away the Pill.

Yes, Master, she nodded with a smile on her face.

Xuan Cheung, on the other hand, had a horrified look on his face as if someone had kidnapped his most beloved daughter when he saw that the Pill was being taken back! However, no matter how much he wanted that Pill, he bit his tongue and stayed quiet. He had already received a priceless treasure, one of the three Ancient Divine Cauldron, the Taintless Jade Cauldron. He does not have enough face and thick skin to ask for more.

Although our meeting was short, it is one that I will never forget. And the next time we meet again, I hope you will finally be able to call me Mother, said Xuan Yuming with a half joking tone and the other half serious.

Tian Yi did not know how to reply, so he just smiled in return.

Xuan Wanshan had her mouth sealed shut due to embarrassment.

Tian Yi, little Meng Xiang, I would like to thank you again for the gift. I will treasure it dearly, said Xuan Cheung, bowing.

Tian Yi nodded, Then, Seniors, I would like to thank you for keeping me company during my stay. It has been a very enjoyable experience. The next time we meet, I will give you an even better gift, he said, with a mysterious smile on his face.

Good! Then I will be waiting!

Tian Yi nodded and turned around to walk towards the airship.

Xuan Wanshan gave her parents one last hug before following Tian Yi.

If I do not see my grandchild by our next meeting, we will have a family meeting, got it? Xuan Cheung whispered into Xuan Wanshans ear with a serious tone as they hugged.

..... Xuan Wanshan turned speechless by her Fathers serious tone and could only smile wryly.

Shanshan, you are a big girl now. If you need me to guide you, then you might as well give up and let me have him Xuan Wanshan turned speechless once again, and it was because of her Mothers words! Did she make the wrong choice by letting her parents meet Tian Yi so early?!

T-Then, Bye.

After quickly saying her goodbyes, she flew towards the Dragon Head Airship without looking behind, it was as if she did not want her parents to notice her bright red face.


A few hundred miles away from the Celestial Emperors Realm there is a Minor World. This Minor World had no name ever since it was born many billion years ago, and would at most have a few visitors every few millions of years. The reason being was because it was an empty World. There was nothing but grass and a flat terrain. Forget about treasures, not even ant holes were ever found there, so other than taking a break here, there were no other good reasons why anybody would want to go here. However, at this moment, this always empty Minor World was so crowded with people that it looked like a black sea from the sky! There are currently hundreds of thousands if not millions of people gathered at this Minor World, mostly females, and it was still increasing at a tremendous rate.

Somewhere in the Starry Sky, a handsome middle aged man dressed in white watched the crowd gather with a wide smug on his face. Thats right.... Keep gathering The more the better! Ahhh, I cannot even imagine the amount of money that will be flying towards me today! Hahahahaha!

The people gathering noticed that handsome middle-aged man and frowned. This bastard. I cannot imagine the money he is about to make!

Fuck! Because of him, I had a huge fight with my wife!

Me too! Is he not the God of--- No, is he not a man?! How could he even imagine creating such a disastrous art piece?! Is he even a man?!

I truly pity the family here that has both money and a daughter! One of the family here is about to lose their entire fortune by the end of the day!

The males who were the minority there were chatting with each other while giving dangerous glances at the smug looking handsome middle-aged man in the Starry Sky.

The females, on the other hand, were all looking at him with expressions that screamed Hurry up and start this thing already!.

This asshole... To make this many ladies wait an entire week for him, no wonder why hes still single.

All he cares is about money, isnt that something everybody already knows about?

But no matter what, we still need him Well, his talent to be exact.

Hmph. Anyways, forget about the spending limit your family gave you and go all out! We need to win this war no matter what!

Un. We have 23 families in this together, our chances of winning are very high!

As long you all keep your promises, I will give it my all.

Do you even need to remind us? All of us sisters have the same goal, there is no reason for any of us to go back on our promises!

One of the girls raised her fist in the air and shouted, Good! For the painting! And 22 more fist near her raised. For the painting! They all shouted.

A few feet away from these girls a petite figure was staring at them through a silver mask. Naive, the figure thought.

Next to the petite figure with the silver mask was a maid. She looked around with a nervous expression. Ahhh, with these many people here, the fight for that painting will surely be brutal Knowing Young Lady and her obsession, I can only pray to the Heavens asking for the price to not get too high She cried to herself.

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