Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 94: Celestial Gate of Heavenly Knowledge

Chapter 94: Celestial Gate of Heavenly Knowledge

A note from BaiSiwa

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Sitting on the soft grass in the backyard, Tian Yi and Han Yixue watched the midnight stars with the moonlight bathing their figures. This place was also where Tian Yi had revealed his real face to Xuan Wanshan when he was her disciple, and now hes back here again with his own disciple.

Master Sorry and thank you Han Yixue spoke in a low voice.

Tian Yi looked down at his chest where half of it was wet in tears. You must have held these in for a long time, he said.


Hearing his tender voice that sounded as if he was coaxing a crying baby, Han Yixue began blushing.

Its okay to cry. I used to do it often going to my mother with teary eyes because my father would not let me outside to play, he said.

Master, what kind of family did you grow up in---- Ah, ignore that question Han Yixue did not know why she asked that question, but she regretted it instantly.

Its fine, I can tell you a few things about my family. I grew up in a household where Cultivation was of the most important. Most people here start Cultivating at the age of 10, correct?

Yes, I started Cultivating around that age too, she replied.

Well, I started Cultivating before I could even walk

Han Yixue looked at him with wide eyes. Was that even possible? If so, then what is his Cultivation right now? No wonder why he could single handily storm into the Guo Family and come out unharmed.

If you want to be exact, then I started Cultivating before I was even born voiced Tian Yi inside his head.

And during the times where I was not cultivating, I would be studying Cultivation Techniques. And if not that, then I would be learning how to make pills. I would always be learning one thing if not another. Let alone playing, there was barely any time to play, and I hated that, which is why I would go crying to my mother. The time I would spend with her is my break and playtime, so I would often abuse it to the point of fake crying hahaha, he accidentally laughed after remember such times.

My parents do not know this even up to this date, but I would often sneak out during my closed cultivation and play. Every so often I would meet a new face and we would get along, but because I did not want to get caught, I limited the times we could see each other. However, now that I am all grown up, I can finally see them without being in the shadows

A warm smile appeared on his face thinking of the good times.


Han Yixue silently listened to him, and only when he stopped talking did she begin speaking. Master, although I cannot say for sure, it sounds like your family loves you very much. If not, then they would not have bothered to teach you anything, like me.

You are right, and I am aware of that. I do not hate them, but I do find them a bit too overprotective. I have only left the house once with my fathers permission, and even that did not last long before shutting me in even harder than before.

If my familys over-protectiveness was even a tenth of yours, I would be satisfied The only thing I ever learned from my mother before she died was to love myself and those who truly love you. I know, it may sound weird and may be something stupid, but that is something I will be teaching my disciples once I am capable enough.

Tian Yi looked at her and said, Now that you mention it I know I already accepted you as my disciple and all, but what do you want me to teach you? And if you dont mind me asking, what is your dream?

Master, my dream is to be a Master like you someday she said.

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What? But I have not taught you anything yet.

No, Master, you have already given me many things to learn about. One thing Master has taught me so far is what hope means, and that is what I want to teach to my future disciples, she said with a bright smile on her face.

Is that so Tian Yi closed his eyes as if he was trying to decide something, and he stood up a minute later.

Then I will teach you even more things starting now. Pills, Cultivation, and everything I know! I will pass all of my knowledge to you, making sure that you will be this Universes best Master!

Han Yixue watched with wide eyes as Tian Yi spread his arms out wide, shouting, Celestial Gate of Heavenly Knowledge, with my authority, I order you, reveal yourself!


Han Yixue felt the entire world tremble at that moment, and before she knows it, her view had suddenly changed!

The midnight sky had changed colors, the houses and grass had disappeared, and she was surrounded by cloud.

She looked around with a bewildered face. It looked like she was somewhere in the sky surrounded by white clouds and a golden sky. She looked down, but there was nothing insight. It was as if she had entered another dimension with nothing but clouds and a golden sky!

Yixue, a voice called out to her.

Han Yixue looked at the direction of the voice to see Tian Yi standing in front of a massive gate. The gate itself was at least 50 feet tall with tons of ancient beasts engraved on it. She has never heard of anything this grand let alone seeing it.

M-Master, this is?

This is the Celestial Gate of Heavenly Knowledge, he said as he gently touches the gate, Inside, there is every Cultivation Technique and Pill Recipes you can think of.

Han Yixue did not know how to react, so she stood there like a statue.

Come over here, I will give you a guide inside, he waved at her.

Han Yixues legs began moving before she realized. It was as if there was some hypnotizing effect, making her move.


The massive gate opened slightly, creating a crack with a path big enough for two people to walk in. Golden lights radiate out of the crack, so Han Yixue was unable to see the inside of that gate, making her nervous.

Tian Yi walked beside her and grabbed her hands, giving her another feeling of nervousness. But when she soon calmed down after seeing his smile that told her to trust him.

Tian Yi began walking, pulling her with him into the path. I know you have a lot of questions, but they will be answered with time, so do not worry about it, he spoke to her as they walk down the path blinded by the golden light.

The Celestial Gate of Heavenly Knowledge is only a seal for the inside. There are many names for where we are heading, but most people call it the Supreme Library of the Heavenly God.

Master why do you have something like this?

Do not be mistaken. I do not own this place, and as a matter of fact, nobody under Heaven owns this place--- well, at least not the entire thing to be exact. Nobody owns this place, but there is one family under Heaven that governs over it.

Which family is that? she asked with curiosity.

The number one family under Heaven who rules every corner of this universe, he said while leaving out the details.

Amazing There is one family who rules the entire universe? What kind of family would that be?

Han Yixu was no longer as shocked as before. After seeing and hearing so many shocking things, such a family would not be odd.

A slight smile appeared on Tian Yis face. What kind of family would that be, huh... You just heard the answer a few moments ago,' he chuckled inside his mind.

Master, how do you know so many weird things? she asked him.

I told you that I was from a higher realm, right? I did learn a thing or two before coming down.

Un, but why did Master decide to come down here? Wouldnt it be better to just stay there? I am sure that they would have better Cultivation resources than where we are right now; it is a higher realm after all.

I did tell you about my family, right? Just like you, I wanted to run away from home, and I did, his face had turned somewhat sad after saying that.

Ah. Han Yixue did not know what to say to make him feel better, so she held his hand a bit tighter.

Thank you, but I am not sad. I have not regretted it even for a second since I arrived here. I just feel guilty for leaving my mother like that; she must be worrying a lot...

Han Yixue looked at his face which seemed a lot brighter and nodded with a smile.

Look, we are already here, said Tian Yi.

Han Yixue turned her head to look ahead, and the golden light was gone. So beautiful... she accidentally spoke what was meant to be in her mind.

In front of her was an enormous room with shelves upon shelves of scrolls. And each scroll had a different aura, making them all unique. It was a massive library all right but

Master we are not the only ones here? she asked while looking at the thousands of people walking around with these unique scrolls in their hand.

I never said we would be alone here. This place is a private place, yet it is also public.

I do not understand said Han Yixue.

This place cannot be accessed through normal means, and only those who have some sort of relationship with the family that governs over this can enter, making this a private yet public place.


Han Yixue looked around with curiosity. Each individual here had an overbearing pressure surround them, making her nervousness come right back out. Fancy clothing, handsome and beautiful faces, and even children could be seen in this place. It was truly an odd place.

Come. Lets just ignore them and continue our guide. You will be coming here often, so you wont have to worry about missing this place, said Tian Yi.

Ill be coming here often? Han Yixue was both surprised and confused at his words.

Of course. Anything and everything here will help you with becoming this universes most recognized Master. From Cultivation Techniques to Pill Recipes, everything can be found here. Although the majority of them are too complicated for someone at your Cultivation, it will not be long before you will be able to read them. I am here to guide you after all.

Han Yixue looked at the hundreds of thousands of scrolls and her eyes sparkled like never before. Thank you, Master! she bowed to him with her most sincere feelings. She wanted to say more than just thank you, but she had a feeling that any more than that would ruin it.

Tian Yi could feel her sincerity and showed her a warm smile. There is no need to thank me. This is my responsibility as your Master after all. Come, we have been standing at the door for too long, let me show you around, said Tian Yi as he began walking.

A note from BaiSiwa

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