Ocean Master

Chapter 174 - The Hawk Eagle; A Cornered Shark!

Eagles are some of the largest birds ever known to man. They are at the top of the food chain, the bigshots of the wild air. Their most dangerous feature was their amazing eyesight, they could see up to 2 miles away.

Another fact about them was that they were birds of prey, they were never known to live on water. Well, in Oceania, this was different.

This dangerous Hawk Eagle that appeared was 3 meters long. It was smaller than all the other purple tier predators on this battlefield, but this did not lower its lethality in the slightest.

Clearly, this was a predator that focused on compact strength.

The powerful muscly legs of its 3 meters long body, powerful talons that could grab and tear flesh into pieces, a large hooked beak that could rip flesh apart, and its enormous powerful wings for swimming kept it at the top of the food chain.

Yes, powerful wings for swimming. Unlike the conventional flying wings of a Hawk-Eagle, this eagle's wings were adapted to look like enormous thin tails that each flap could propel the eagle meters ahead.

Its terrifying eyesight meant that it almost always saw opponents first before it was discovered. And this time again, it was indeed the case.

On earth, it could see up to 2 miles away but here in Oceania, with the help of magic and as a purple tier predator, it could see over dozens of miles away.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It saw the commotion of this chase from 12 miles away. What first attracted its attention was the bright green eye-catching streak left by Sebastian as he escaped with his supersonic speed skill.

First, it didn't pay attention to Sebastian and the chase, its decision was more influenced by the fact that 3 other purple tier predators were involved in the chase.

But just a few seconds later, its eyes adaptation discovered treasure!

Unlike Sebastian who had a system, the old toad and the other predators did not know the real name of the Origin Fish. They pursued it because their primordial instincts told them that eating it was good.

Other prey attracted them, their instincts telling them that eating them was good which in this term was the skill and adaptation points.

But for the Origin Fish, the attractive feeling was explosive, almost like their thought process was hacked. Of course, this was because longevity was far more precious, important, and valuable than skill points.

Immediately after seeing the fish, they resolved to settle for nothing less than killing it and taking every valuable thing in it.

Of the 3 purple tier predators, only the old toad knew exactly what the Origin Fish was, having seen another of its species decades ago when he was younger. Then, he could only watch as a bystander as other powerful predators took it.

And the purple tier predator who took it then already advanced, now being the predator overlord of this ocean volcano region.

The value of the Origin Fish was exactly what the Hawk Eagle saw through its eye adaptation, not its name or its features. 

The adaptation had a feature that could help it deduce the value of prey, and what was displayed to this Hawk-Eagle was so high that it attracted greed in its heart the next moment.

Birds die for food, humans die for wealth, while creatures in Oceania die for experience and the 2 different kinds of points.

The high evaluation in value displayed of Sebastian to the eagle was not just because of the Origin Fish that he just ate that was yet to be digested, it was also because of his system.

Instantly, the Hawk Eagle went in pursuit in a frenzied manner. It was getting Sebastian and nothing else, it was not settling for less. 5 minutes later, it finally arrived at the location where Sebastian was escaping from the 3 predators' pursuit.

Without wasting time, it pounced on the enormous shark. 

One of them was a 15 meters long predator while the other was just 3 meters long. This scenario was like a bicycle rushing towards a truck to topple the truck, it looked ridiculous but Sebastian did not dare to take the risk.

After the struggle with the predators, despite his health recovery mechanism, Sebastian had less than 100 of his health points remaining, he did not dare take the risk of colliding with the hawk.

As someone interested in marine creatures in his previous life, he also knew a bit about birds of prey. He was absolutely sure that if he collided with this Hawk-Eagle, then it was over for his life in Oceania.

Facing this life and death situation, adrenaline flowed through Sebastian's body like bolts of lightning as his brain seemed to start glowing in a fiery manner as his thought process was set ablaze.

If before, he could think of 100 things in a second, his brain activity was so high now that this figure rapidly increased to a million things in a second.

He felt a painful burst of headache in his brain as this happened but he did not care, all his attention was on how to stop this upcoming disaster.

As his brain experienced this unique state, his perception of his surrounding changed. Suddenly, it looked like he was living in a black and white world before but finally evolved into a world of colorful pictures and sounds.

The world turned slow, everything started playing for him in slow motion.

The squeaking sound of the Hawk Eagle as it approached its prey became louder, the croaks of the old toad and the 2 other predators also became louder, the ripples and waves formed in the water became slower and gentler.

In this peculiar state, Sebastian was exposed to things that he did not notice before. His world seemed to have changed.

This was when he noticed the large scar on the eagle's face, and it's injured right-wing, which was probably due to a recent battle. 

He also deduced the degree of injury that the right-wing suffered, and that one perfectly timed narrow attack could slice it off.

Also, he noticed the deep injury on the old toad's belly which was inflicted by the Praying Mantis's sharp hands.

One heavy and precise strike could widen the injury, causing all its bowels to pour out but this was in the case that it did not defend on time.

Sebastian similarly saw weak points on the Praying Mantis and the Devouring Cobra's bodies that he could take advantage of though they were milder than the previous 2, the problem was that he could not act.

His mana was cut off by the old toad's magic weapon, he had no access to magic at this moment and even his health points were dangerously low too, any risky action could easily lead to his death.

In normal circumstances, taking advantage of these weak points could have given him a chance of escaping but these circumstances were not ideal at all.

Sebastian looked and looked, trying to find loopholes that his extremely weakened self could take advantage of but he saw none.

Seeing this, he laughed bitterly. "Am I dying today?"

He had a row of grievances in his mind to complain of, he had a ton of objectives that he had not accomplished yet, dying now was not what he wanted.

As time ticked by at a super slow pace, Sebastian felt his headache increasing, he knew that his brain would probably shut down if he did not think of a solution.

In his dilemma and under the pressure of life and death, his thought process speed increased even more, now with a speed akin to that of a supercomputer.

In this manner, a light of inspiration flashed.

Sebastian saw a small crack on the cliff wall. This crack was unlike the others, it looked peculiar in a way that could be taken advantage of.

In normal circumstances, he would have ignored it immediately, referring to the thought in his head as too dangerous but at this moment, he was a beggar and a beggar was not a chooser.

[You have activated skill: Advanced Dash!]

At the last moment, he twisted his enormous body at an abnormal angle that defied gravity, narrowly dodging the Hawk Eagle's talons as he rapidly accelerated towards the crack on the cliff wall.

This decision may save him or ruthlessly kill him.

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