Ocean Master

Chapter 204 - Escape [6].

Sebastian felt goosebumps filling his body, he was in danger!

As soon as Sergeant Barnes arrived, he was furious seeing the number of his subordinates that floated in the water dead. Despite this, he did not act impulsively, this scene only increased his apprehension against these predators.

Like a mantis stalking the Cicada, this powerful Atlantian hid his presence and observed from the dark.

In just a few seconds of observation, he knew that despite the purple tier Toad being the strongest of the 5, the Megalodon was actually the real menace. Instantly, he decided on his target then he erupted.

Unlike predators who get magic domains after evolution, variant humans had to work hard themselves to deduce and harness the power of the origin magic.

Due to this, variant humans also had various areas of focus in magic. Just like strength practitioners, mages were also practitioners in either sound, fire, ice, or others. For Sergeant Barnes, he was a thunder practitioner.

And anywhere there was thunder, there is lightning.

Lightning crackled fiercely in the water like snake water dragons, engulfing the Sergeant in his magic armor as his already white eyes focused on the huge Megalodon while his body rapidly launched forward like a canon.

His speed was so fast that he left a blur. With his hands tightly clenching his magic Trident, thunder boomed as what seemed like a black cloud with heavenly tribulations in it shrouded the ceiling of this armory.

He got close in seconds, then he struck.


Sebastian felt his body tense up, he was in mortal danger but his mind was calm. This was because he already expected this, and it was already taken note of when he made his plans.

While he fought, he was secretly waiting for Sergeant Barnes. And now that he was here, it was time to switch to plan B.

After staying in this military base for over a month, he already knew what the Atlantians were after thanks to the 5 blabbering guards. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

They were after him, they were after his reincarnation form of a Mjolnir, they were after his Water Transmutation unique skill.

Though he knew this, he was not about to cripple himself just to keep this a secret which would severely affect his plan and decrease their escape chances. 

He planned that after Sergeant Barnes arrived, he would surprise the motherf*ckers with this gift to injure the most pivotal Atlantian soldiers here.

That way, their escape chances would instantly increase by 20%.

He was the one who started the activation of plan B, he would take the lead as an example for his other crew members to follow.

[You have activated unique skill: Water Transmutation!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: Tower Shield!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: Ice Spears!]

Sergeant Barnes' eyes suddenly widened, first he saw a huge pitch-black heavy shield appear out of nowhere, then his highly sensitive mage body suddenly started feeling the temperature dropping rapidly.

Something was wrong!

He stopped his attack and tried to retreat but it was too late.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Under Sebastian's meticulous control, the ice spears flew out like spikes that were released by an Ancient Ice Dragon. They left no time for the Sergeant to react as they all impaled him squarely on the chest.

A loud metallic ringing sound reverberated, the Sergeant's magic armor acted up, erecting a brown magic shield but it only stopped 2 ice spears.

The others ruthlessly impaled Sergeant Barnes.


The Sergeant coughed blood as he felt his bodily functions rapidly being suppressed by the invasive ice magic power. A part of his abdomen froze before he could react, and the Megalodon was coming after him again.

[You have created a magic manifestation: Flaming Sword!]

[You have created a magic manifestation: War Hammer!]

[You have created…]

[You have created…]

Instantly after Sebastian erupted with his full power, this powerful Atlantian Sergeant was suppressed despite all his magic weapons and gadgets, before finally being thrashed like a ragdoll.

Sebastian did not leave any holes behind, he attacked with his all, straining his mind to the limits to give this Sergeant the beating of his life. 

Almost immediately after he attacked, the other predators under Tonado's leadership also erupted with even more power.

Previously, they were bulldozing through the ranks of the Atlantians, but if that was all that Tonado was capable of, then his status as a centuries-old monster and a terrifying purple tier Toad would be a farce.

He was extremely powerful; he was capable of much more than this.

Boom! Boom!

His tongue adaptation shot out again, but this time with almost as much as 2 times the force and speed propelling it. Like a sickle, this deadly whip-like tongue reaped the harvest that was obstructing it clean without any leftovers.

Over 8 unlucky Atlantian soldiers died from this one blow.

And at the same time that the old toad moved, the shadow domain Python and the 2 sharks also moved. With the fire domain shark starting it, they put in their all to wreak havoc without caring about their injuries.

Despite the despairing amount of strength that was shown by the Old Toad, despite the sudden attack intensity from the predators, the Atlantian soldiers did not pay attention to all those, all their attention was on the Megalodon.

"Ocean King's inheritance? The Legendary Water Transmutation?!"

Every Atlantian soldier was shocked, including Sergeant Barnes who was at the receiving end of Sebastians' attack barrage. Instantly, scenes from a month ago when Queen Auralis addressed them emerged.

This was the main mission target that was given to every Atlantian fleet, find the shark and retrieve the water transmutation unique skill.

Now this shark, this priceless treasure, this thing that could decide the fate of their race was here. Of course, they became frenzied immediately.

The predators disregarded defense to attack rampantly, but theirs was even more extreme, they disregarded everything to attack even more rampantly.

This was the Crimson Fleet's main armory in the first place. In here, there was no lack of ammunition, weapons, mage bombs, and other accessories. An armory was a war resources storage, this was the perfect battlefield for them.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Instantly, every Atlantian soldier changed his/her target. Their weapons released gunshot after gunshot, others laser shot after laser shot, with others releasing bullets with various strange effects all at the enormous Megalodon.

Suddenly, they felt like gym freaks who had just taken 10,000mg of the legendary Tramadol, their eyes were red, their breathing was rapid, their heartbeat was super-fast, and their energy levels were at a hyperactive level.

Suddenly, they no longer felt like elite soldiers, but they now felt like super soldiers instead. They felt like super soldiers who took the super serum.

Of course, Sebastian was not omnipotent in his planning, he underestimated the Atlantians' resolve. He did not expect them to leave everything to attack him so rampantly, but fortunately, during his speculations, he once arrived at this.

Then, he felt that it was unlikely but he still created a contingency for it. Contingency plans were now his second nature going into any battle.

Instantly after the Atlantian soldiers all changed targets, the old toad and the others intensified their attacks. They didn't rush to reinforce Sebastian, they rather focused on dealing even more astronomical damage to the Atlantian soldiers.

As for Sebastian, of course, facing so many attacks from enemies was strenuous but he was up for the task. While maintaining his offensive against the Atlantian Sergeant, he activated his most mana-draining magic manifestation.

[You have created a magic manifestation: Heavy Armor!]

As soon as this pitch-black armor covered Sebastian's enormous body, he saw his mana points visibly decreasing at the rate of a running tap.

He and his predator crew were now in a race against time.

With this armor, he ignored defense, none of these Atlantians, not even Sergeant Barnes with his full-powered attack could breach this armor. He was like an Ancient Dragon that was finally let loose to spread destruction, and he did.

Sebastian focused his all on Sergeant Barnes, battering him to the extent where the Sergeant now seemed like a helpless ping pong ball, while the Atlantian soldiers focused on him, helplessly attacking without any meaningful result.

While this happened, Tonado and the remaining 2 predators focused on the Atlantian soldiers, wreaking havoc across their ranks. 

In a few seconds, blood submerged this armory like a river.

In just about 2 minutes, Sebastian's mana points were already getting low but the Atlantians suffered worse. Over 100 soldiers already died, their leader was in a pathetic state, and Sebastian was still firmly protected in his armor.

Seeing this, Sergeant Barnes finally knew that he screwed up.

"Retreat! Defend yourself!" The Sergeant roared indignantly.

The soldiers were unwilling but the reality in front of them was painful. With indignant hearts and furious minds, they started retreating in shame.

Sebastian also felt that it was a shame, a real painful shame because despite all his efforts, in the end, he could not kill the Sergeant. 

Sergeant Barnes was a veteran Atlantian fleet leader. He was gouged full with magic weapons and gadgets; he could not be so easily taken down.

Though this was the case, he was satisfied, his plan here was a massive success. He moved as soon as the Atlantian soldiers started retreating.

With the layout of the military base still in his head, Sebastian rapidly swam away with speed, leading his companions in the direction that lead to the next chamber of this military base.

About a minute later, they arrived at the Leaders Sleeping Quarters.

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