Ocean Master

Chapter 222 - Back To The Shark Clan.

'Octumpedam Seamount…'

This word kept on reverberating in Sebastian's mind like the echoes of a legendary singer, this name was too familiar to him, his heart and soul felt full and excited as he wildly let out his emotions inwardly. 

Finally! I found it!

These were the best exclamations to describe his current feelings, after a lot of thinking and planning behind the scenes, he succeeded in getting the location of the inheritance ground ahead of time.

After getting the system's unique clue about the extremely rare chance of getting another unique skill at his current low level, no day went by without him secretly thinking about it.

The anticipation in his mind could not be expressed with words.

Though he never truly expressed his feelings outwardly, he always thought of ways to plan and make sure that he never missed out on this opportunity to get strong in one swoop.

After enjoying the conveniences that his first unique skill made available to him, the prospect of getting a second one was too alluring to miss.

Now, with the location of the inheritance ground confirmed, things became a lot easier for him and he could better plan ahead.

Also, the fact that the location was the Octumpedam Seamount which he was extremely familiar with left him feeling that the goddess of luck was finally shining her luck halo at him for the first time.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The location being this seamount alone simplified a lot of things for him. In the probable upcoming battle, fighting in this seamount would be like his home ground which also translated to the Atlantians' away ground.

While Sebastian went through this cycle of emotions ranging from surprise to amazement, to the excitement, Old Mak and the other Great White Sharks, including Tonado watched silently.

In their perspective, after Sebastian opened the box, he took his time before suddenly starting to shake excitedly the next moment. It felt weird.

"So?" Old Mak could not help but ask as Sebastian's shenanigans were becoming too awkward to ignore.

This was when Sebastian was finally extricated from his inner world. He turned to face his comrades with a wide predatory smile on his face, the kind that could send chills down any variant human's spine.

An Atlantian indeed felt a chill go down her spine, this was Doctor Mrs. Josephine who watched all the happenings from a hidden location of this cave.

Sebastian ignored her and focused on his comrades. "I already got what I wanted. At least, for now, we don't need to seek them out".

"So, what next?" Old Mak asked.

"We go to the clan cave". Sebastian smiled again. "Our work here is done, all there is to do now is to get back to the cave and start preparations".

Old Mak looked at him for a few seconds before he gave his consent. "Ok".

As soon as Old Mak gave his consent, Elder Shine swam to the middle of the group before bringing a familiar magic device that looked like an old typewriter with a large circle at its middle. This was a long-range teleportation device.

Sebastian was already familiar with this device after he saw it in action previously, so he was not startled, neither was Tonado nor the female Doctor but she said something that made him pause.

"Please, put me inside the magic manifestation you called airbag again. Without special resistant clothing, my fragile body cannot resist the tearing power of space through a teleportation portal".

After such a long time, and even after an elite team arrived but she could not be rescued, she already resigned to her situation completely.

If she died now, she would only feel a little regret since there was nothing more that she could do with her own power to escape.

She didn't know why she was not dead yet; she didn't know why this strange Megalodon still kept her but at any opportunity possible, she would try her very best to at least stay alive and to keep hope alive also.

By the time that the airbag magic manifestation wrapped around her body, the teleportation portal already appeared fully as the surrounding water space visibly contracted.

With a flash of bright light, they were all enveloped by the raging space power that came out of the device.


They were gone.


Sebastian simulated a blinking sensation in his mind as he tried to acclimatize his eyes to his new surroundings. Unlike what he expected, teleportation was not so complicated, it happened before he could realize it.

All he felt apart from his closed eyes was a dizzy feeling and a feeling like he wanted to throw up. The experience was so similar to what he felt when he first used an elevator. 

As soon as his eyes recovered completely, he immediately recognized his surroundings. This was the familiar territory of the Old Mak shark clan, this was exactly where he gave a speech to his team members before going out to their extremely long hunt.

For some reason, on coming back to this territory, he experienced a feeling that he's only experienced in his 2-bedroom apartment back on earth and in the Leroy clan lair.

This was a feeling of home.

Unknowingly to him, though he spent only a little time here, probably because he was surrounded by predators of the same species always and the friends that he made here, he already developed a sense of belonging here.

"Welcome home, Sebastian". 

Surprisingly, it was the biggest Old Mak who kept on acting strangely cold since they reunited was the one to make this invitation.

Sebastian understood immediately. Old Mak was suspicious of him previously which led to the cold reception, but after he explained and clarified things, this powerful predator reverted to his normal self.

For some reason, Sebastian felt cheesy all of a sudden because of this. This was home, this was one of the few places where he could confidently call a haven, where everyone was not his enemy.

[You have activated skill: Triple Reverse Swim.]

Sebastian flapped his enormous tail as he swaggered his way into the clan cave alongside the 3 elders, Queen Heareth, and Clan Head Old Mak.

Both Tonado and the Atlantian Doctor were not allowed in, Sebastian knew the laws of the clan so he understood, and he already explained to Tonado beforehand which made things easier. 

Tonado had no problems with it. He was a lone predator, he hardly ever lived with any other predator, he preferred this decision the best.

Now, he simply took on the role of protecting the Atlantian Doctor.

He looked on from a distance as Sebastian and the other sharks slowly disappeared through the entrance into the shark clan cave.

[You have activated skill: Advanced Electroreceptors.]

As Sebastian swam deeper into the cave, memories were relived as he greeted every shark that he met on the way. After over a month in captivity, meeting comrades again left him feeling peaceful.

The shark clan didn't change, everything was the same up to the Main Staying Chamber. Like always, this chamber of the clan was filled with sharks.

The emergence of the 5 most important sharks of the clan would obviously attract attention, and this also attracted attention to Sebastian.

As the sharks greeted the elders, the queen, and the clan head, Sebastian suddenly heard a familiar voice that made his heart beam happily with joy.

"Big bro…, you are back?"

Sebastian turned his head only to see a huge Great White Shark that stood out from the others, who were now trembling with excitement all over. The sight alone made his heart feel cushy all over.

"Verni!" He called back.

Before Sebastian could swim closer and reunite properly with this shark though, he was rudely interrupted.

"Damn! Seba bro, you survived?!"

Sebastian's face turned livid immediately. "TOSH!!!"

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