Ocean Master

Chapter 226 - Meeting The Lizard Lord.

"You made some very good sensible choices in there".

Old Mak commented calmly as he gave the young Megalodon a good look while also scrutinizing him with his electroreceptors. The calmness that Sebastian displayed in the armory surprised even a veteran like him.

Sebastian was not the first young shark to enter the armory. Other young sharks already entered before him, with prominent examples being Tungsten, Torpedum, and Strong.

The one constant between all these sharks was that after they entered the armory, the awesome magic weapons and gadgets on display immediately blinded their judgment.

Most of the time, they all ended up taking the strongest magic weapon in their opinion that they could afford even if they could not use the said magic weapon. They only came to a realization after leaving the armory.

Despite the flashy magic weapons that were on display, the fact that Sebastian took none was commendable already. 

And the fact that he was sensible enough to take a mana box showed his level of maturity already at such a young age.

If he was still doubting it before, now Old Mak no longer doubted it. Sebastian was definitely a genius shark with a talent that was rarely seen even in millennials.

"Thanks for the compliment, clan head".

Sebastian was not overly proud nor was he pretentiously modest either, him not emphasizing how good his judgment was showed his modesty.

After he received another round of complimentary comments from the other sharks who praised his intelligence and talent, they finally became serious and went to business.

Surprisingly, the originally silent Elder Marble was the one who spoke this time while Old Mak kept quiet.

"We already went through the plan that you proposed in detail, and all that we can say is that you are indeed a genius".

"There are no problems with the plan, we give our approval. But there are a few places in the detailed plan where we find the need to make some changes, and we already made the relevant changes".

"About the preparation stage of your plan, we tweaked the clan preparation a little and added our own personal touch".

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"We also made some changes in the little details of the scouting preparation phase of the preparation stage of your plan".

"In your opinion, the action stage of the plan is the most important part, but in our opinion, the insertion stage of the plan is the most important part".

"The insertion stage is very crucial and therefore needs a lot of carefulness in decision making. It will solely dictate if we would run into death straight in this endeavor or if we would come out successful".

"There is a term that you like using, improvisation".

"We want to be the ones responsible for improvisation in the insertion stage of the plan. With our knowledge about this region, I believe that we are more than capable of taking on this task".

Elder Marble kept silent after this and simply stared at Sebastian. Seeing no reaction or objection from him, he continued.

"The first improvisation in the insertion stage of the plan that we made is this. We'll be dividing the clan into 2, the elite squad and the normal squad".

"The elite squad's leader is the clan head, and it comprises of Elder Dangle, Elder Shine, Queen Heareth, and you, making it 5".

"The 5 of you will be the vanguard force".

"I will be the leader of the normal squad, and the 3 young prodigies will be my assistants. We improvised the plan so that we would not be placing all our cards in one basket. We decided on a 2-pronged approach".

"For the third stage of the plan, we leave that to you".

"According to you, the day of the inheritance's appearance is a week and 2 days from now. I want us to go visit the Lizard Lord today, and when you're back, you'll also visit the 3 young prodigies of the clan".

"If you're ready, the clan head is ready to go visit Tundra, the Lizard Lord".

"I am ready".

"Good!" Old Mak finally took over. "Then off we go".

As expected, Old Mak used the teleportation magic device again as both he and Sebastian disappeared from the throne chamber the next moment.

Silence descended back inside the clan's throne chamber.


The water space squeezed and contracted a bit before expanding the next moment as a teleportation portal was opened at a certain Seamount. Out of this portal swam out 2 enormous sharks.

On regaining his orientation, Sebastian experienced a feeling of nostalgia as he looked down on the solid ground of this seamount that was before him.

This was a region of water that he spent his first meaningful month after Leroy's clan lair since his transmigration into this world. 

Also, he made a friend here and also had a fierce battle here which was enough to create unforgettable memories.

  All these were the reasons for his special feelings about this seamount.

After just a few months, there were few changes in the seamount. Everything was more or less the same as he left it.

Old Mak was very precise in his teleportation, they appeared just a few meters away from the boundary that separated the poisonous kingdom of the Draconic Crocodiles.

Before they could swim forward, they both heard a familiar voice followed by a huge shadow swimming in their direction.

"To what do I owe this sudden visitation, Old Mak?"

"It is a friendly invitation". Old Mak replied calmly as he looked at the huge Draconic Lizard that was swimming in his direction.

Both parties looked at each other for a few seconds before they averted their gazes, then the Lizard Lord finally turned to look at Sebastian with a smile.

"Long time no see, Shameless Lord, it seems that you haven't changed a bit".

"Haha, you too". Sebastian laughed which at this moment was just him shining his deadly rows of teeth. "I thought you already escaped the confines of this seamount considering your fearsome ambitions".

The Draconic Lizard directed a disdainful glare at Sebastian before asking. "So, about my friend, the motherf*cker Lord, any word from him?"

"No, but I think he'll contact me soon enough".

"Humph! You better inform me when he contacts you".


"Ahem…, we came here for a friendly invitation". On seeing the trajectory that this conversation was taking, Old Mak had no choice but to interrupt as his face was already turning slightly livid.


Sebastian simulated a cough in his mind as he peeked at the clan head. "Sorry, clan head".

"Old friend, sorry, please come in".

"A Sea King inheritance?" The Lizard Lord was confused.

"Please bring your voice down".

"What's a Sea King inheritance?"


[You have activated skill: Sound Control.]

[You have created a sound construct: Sound Barrier.]

It seems that the Lizard Lord didn't feel Sebastian's glare, it was until Old Mak glared at him coldly that he realized the repercussions of his actions.

"Umm, sorry, but what does this sea king…"

"Be quiet and listen". Old Mak said coldly. "I believe that you know who Atlantians are. Sebastian was taken captive by Atlantians for one month, that is where he got the news about the inheritance".

"A Sea King inheritance is…"

A few minutes later, the Lizard Lord finally understood. "Does that mean that this seamount is about to get dangerously turbulent soon?"



"That is why we came to ask you and your clan to become allies with us. Together, we can survive the upcoming turbulent times and also benefit".

The Lizard Lord fell into a deep contemplative silence. "The benefits may be huge, but against Atlantians, I'm not sure if my clan is up to the task. Perhaps, participating in this may smell the annihilation of my clan".

"Such a thing is abominable to me. I'm not outrightly rejecting you, but all I'm saying is that you give me time to think through this".

"That is reasonable". Old Mak agreed. "When do you want us to return? We have only a week till the deadline, and before then, I believe that this seamount would have turned turbulent and inhabitable to you already".

The Lizard Lord thought before replying. "Please give me time to think".

Sebastian suddenly interrupted. "For something this big, there is a high chance that the motherf*cker Lord would come. Even if she doesn't come, if you ally with us, I promise that I would find a way for you to meet her in the future".

This was when the Lizard Lord really fell into a dilemma. He gritted his teeth audibly, in the end, he still gave the same answer.

"Please, give me time to think".

"Ok, we await your allegiance".

With that, both sharks left.

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