Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 132: Experts Summit

Chapter 132: Experts Summit

Li Mo just got home and the Experts Alliance informed him that he was to leave for Shenjing immediately and attend an emergency meeting soon in effect.

What took you so long? Come on, pick up the pace. It will spell trouble if we arent there to receive the mission.

Yang Hongying stood at his gate, hurrying him. She also received the order.

Through completing the alliances missions, its members earned alliance points. The use of these points was to exchange them for rare items in the Experts Alliance.

Li Mo stepped out of his house and Yang Hongying walked over, Did you take that soul power boosting item as well?


Yang Hongying stared a hole in Li Mo.

What is that item called?

Dont know.

At least tell me something

Li Mo was tight-lipped.

Hey, dont leave me hanging! Lets go together!

Yang Hongying caught up.

The meeting of the Experts Alliance this time was held with the experts from the Shenjing Provinces base as well as the capitals. It was ample in scale and had many rules. All alliance operatives in Shenjing Province were hereby compelled to attend the meeting in three days. Fail to do so and they would be removed from the alliance. 

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Li Mo and Yang Hongying were on a train to Shenjing.

Since this is your first time participating, there are a few things you need to know that arent written in the guidebook.

The Experts Alliance has a base in each province across the country. The Shenjing Provinces base has two people in charge. The first you already know who it is, Auntie Lan. As for the second, I am sure youve heard of him, but never realized hed have such a status. Our second leader is Zhang Jingshen, a wildly known appraiser. He is a qi user and in mid third level!

Li Mo oh-ed.

W-whats with that reaction? Hearing Mister Zhang being a base leader should have you shocked!

I am.

You humph!

There are always two leaders in every province base. But some base leaders are strong while others are weak. Our Shenjing Provinces base leaders are the weakest.

In the Experts Alliance, might gives right. Without power, all you can do is obey. Why do you think I want to be the first soul cultivator in Shenjing Province? For the exact same reason. The higher ones ranking is, the better you are treated!

Experts Alliances headquarters offers rewards to every province based on the completed mission and power ranking. Shenjing Province has always been dead last year after year. This makes it so that even a strong provinces member has more right to speak than even our two leaders. As for us, we need to reign in our emotions and keep our mouth shut or the consequences will be dire.

Hey, did you hear a word I said?

Yang Hongying was irked finding Li Mo sightseeing out the window.

I did.

You arent even paying attention!

I am, continue.

Yang Hongying gnashed her teeth.

Every emergency meeting implies something serious must have happened. Hence, missions related to it are issued. Just like strength, missions fall into levels. Since Shenjing Provinces leaders are in the third level, we will also receive missions in the third level. That isnt to say there arent fourth level mission, just that is recommended we dont take them. A missions level speaks of its danger level as well. The higher the level the higher the danger. Completing fourth level and up missions is difficult for someone in the third level.

You are free to take on a harder mission, of course. As the saying goes, fortune favors the bold. If you finish it, you will not only receive the missions reward but also increase your status level. But if you fail, you will be demoted, or worse, expelled.

Yang Hongying batted her eyes at Li Mo, There is an unwritten rule when it comes to taking on missions. Do you want to hear it?


Let me have a look at that soul power boosting item and Ill tell you.

Nevermind then. Li Mo turned his head to look out the window.

Only allowed on


Weve talked for so long yet you wont even tell me its name?

Yang Hongying was brooding, thinking of letting Li Mo suffer for a change. After seeing his test, she was sure Li Mo would suffer. Not for his strength, mind you, but because he used a powerful soul item.

She was now relishing the thought of getting her hands on Li Mos soul item.

When the hard and cold truth was that Li Mo never had such a toy to begin with. His soul was just dreadfully stable was all.

Goddamn it! Everyone calls me Yang clans freak when you are the real freak here. Ive been talking myself hoarse and theres not so much as a twitch from you!

Nevermind. Im not going to bicker with you and just tell you. When you take on a mission, its best you wait for those stronger than to go first.

Experts Alliance prizes power above all else. If you started taking missions on a whim, you will provoke someone you shouldnt. At best, youll only be a punching bag, while at worse, death.

Hey, are you paying attention?

Li Mo had a dead expression looking out the window and Yang Hongying popped a vein. 

Feng City and Shenjing werent far from each other, needing only an hour by train.

The two were soon outside the train station, with Yang Hongying hailing a cab.

The emergency meeting was held in an event hall of the Grand Hotels loft. The alliance members only had to flash their badge and they were in.

Li Mo and Yang Hongying were checking in when she whispered, Do you know who owns this restaurant?

Li Mo said, Su clan.

Yang Hongying nodded.

The Grand Hotel was part of the Su clans businesses. If Yang Hongying knew, so did Li Mo.

Sir, lady, these are the keys to your rooms.

I only stay in 107. Clear it out for me!

As Yang Hongying and Li Mo received the room cards, a cold voice reached them.

It belonged to a blue-faced man. His face was blue, and his skin blue also, as if he laid frozen for a few days. His looks unnerved everyone.

The clerk lady was most courteous, I am sorry sir, but room 107 is taken.

The blue-faced man turned to violence, I will only stay in 107! It is my lucky number. I dont care who has it, just throw him out!

I am sorry sir, but the 107 room has been booked by this sir. If you want it, you will have to consult with him.

Li Mo took a gander at his room card and there was the 107 number clearly written on it.

The blue man turned to Li Mo and stuck out his hand, Hand it over.

Yang Hongying whispered to Li Mo, He is Frozone Sun Wei, the only one in Shenjing Province who is a third level besides our leaders. Dont pick a fight and just give him the room card.

Li Mo eyed Sun Wei, but his next words made Yang Hongying stumble.

Have some manners. This isnt your backyard.

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