Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 151: Inferno

Chapter 151: Inferno

Eternal life had been a hot topic on everyones minds since antiquity. Who in this world didnt want everlasting life? But had anyone achieved it?

Money, fame, what were they in the face of eternal life?

Xin Xiaowei said, Leader Lei Tian, your son said the same thing last time, but weve never seen one longevity pill since.

Yeah, wheres what we were promised?

Lei Tian chuckled and clapped. Five people brought five cases with cold air drifting from within before everyone.

People, this is the longevity pill. It will maintain your youth for a full extra decade.

A decade? You serious?

Lei Tian took one from the case, Any volunteers? This one is free!

The vial contained a small blue and average pill.

I will!

A grizzled old man went to Lei Tian with purpose. 

He is Iron Fist Qian Changjiang. His 80th birthday will be in a few days.

So thats why hes in such a hurry.

Helping a terminal person is the best to check its effect.

Qian Changjiang swallowed without hesitation.

Blue light flashed all over him along with a scream. He held his head as he rolled around for five minutes before calming down.

Now, Qian Changjiangs face had fewer wrinkles, his skin stretched back, and age spots vanished.

I feel younger, and my power grew. I feel so alive. Qian Changjiang cried in joy.

It really works? The crowd was astonished.

Can I try?

A woman in her thirties stepped out. She was pretty, but crows feet began to make itself noticed.

Qian Changjiangs result isnt clear. I will try and prove if its real!

Ha-ha, madam Ning, of course you can.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lei Tian laughed, presenting another dose to her.

Madam Ning shined blue as well, and wailed about five minutes from pain just the same.

After that, her wrinkles receded, her skin smoothened and shined like a teenagers. Even the white strands of hair became black.

It really works Madam Ning was overjoyed.

It is real. Such skin, she is indeed younger. Madam Nings husband held her hand and was moved.

Lei Tian crisp voice came, Are there any problems?


Then begin the test.

What is money when you can become ten years younger.

True. Leader Lei, how many can we have? My wife is forty and one dose isnt enough.

Just change your wife altogether.

How could I? I love her dearly.

Lei Tian saw the worked-up crowd and his heart swell. He lifted a longevity dose.

They all calmed down.

If there are no objections, I declare Starscapes final in-house testing open!

Lets do it, everyone! Qian Changjiang was the first to go in.

After the three hundred went inside, Lei Tian was the last to follow. 

In a red sky and on a red ground, the air was shimmering from the blazing heat.


A bird no bigger than a palm was flying about in flames. 

I-I cant breathe.

I-I cant take it.

I want out

Leader Lei, I cant bear it. Let me go

Half of the crowd that just entered the fire world collapsed on the ground with ragged breaths.

Lei Tian stood at the exit, ready to burn to ashes anyone who dared come near.

In this world, Lei Tians fire art was greatly boosted!

Lei Tian barked, No one is allowed to leave until we kill that firebird!

What rewards? It was all a lie cooked up by Thunderstruck Enterprise to find many testers and conquer this time-space rupture.

Lei Tian released a hundred-meter fire dragon to coil the exit. The way was shut, and the only choice was to go through the firebird to get out.

Ten meters away, Qian Changjiang jumped as he struck the firebird with his palm.


A horrifying sight was shown. Before Qian Changjiang could even touch it, his body burst into flames ten meters away. He ended up scattering to ashes just as he reached the firebird.

What monster is this? How is it so terrifying?

Damn it, this is no Thunderstruck Enterprise researched boss, this is an ancient sacred beast, Vermilion Bird!

Vermilion Bird?

And how are we supposed to defeat this creature?

How can mortals have the power to face a sacred beast?

F*** Thunderstruck Enterprise, f*** Lei Tian. Do you see anyone other than Lei Tian holding the exit?

We were conned.


Forget the bird and kill Lei Tian!

Yeah, kill Lei Tian.

We can still live if we waste him!

Kill him! There are cases of longevity pills outside.


The crowd turned on Lei Tian.

A pile of useless garbage!

Lei Tian mocked and punched behind him.


The time-space rupture burst.

The time-space rupture wasnt stable and a bit of spiritual qi was enough to destroy it.

Lei Tian turned into a hundred-meter fire dragon and fled.

Lei Tian, I spit on your ancestors!

Lei Tian, you son of a bitch!

Thunderstruck Enterprise has no shame!

The crowd watched dumbly as the exit was blown away.

Lei Tian roared, With the exit gone, your only way out is to kill the Vermilion Bird!

Ill kill you first!

Son of she-dog, dont you dare run!

Their hatred for Lei Tian had seeped into their bones, ignoring anything he said as they gave chase.

Lei Tian turned and went after the Vermilion Bird.

He passed Vermilion Bird yet no harm came to him as he stood on the opposite side.

His rare Fire Physique allowed him to turn his body into flames. As long as the Vermilion Bird didnt attack him, the fires of this world were harmless.

Only allowed on


It burns

Too hot, I cant take it.




People dropped like flies. Without the Fire Physique, they couldnt keep up for long in this wretched place.

Du Fei wasnt among them, going at the edge of the world and sat.

As more and more testers hit the ground, Vermilion Birds fire dimmed.

Indeed, using them as sacrificial lambs could weaken the Vermilion Bird!

Ha-ha-ha, die, die! The more the better!

Lei Tian cackled seeing so many corpses.

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