Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 155: The End of the Immortal Path

Chapter 155: The End of the Immortal Path

Every Bone Devouring Bug was a prison holding a wraith captive, feeding into their grief. This in turn affected the bug and turned it into a demented creature of slaughter. 

He once stumbled upon this in the Heaven Way Galaxy. The Bone Devouring Bugs had evolved into God Devouring Bugs, swallowing the billions of lives in that galaxy. If not for the insane behavior of the God Devouring Bugs, going inside the Life and Death Danger Zone, itd be unknown how far this plague might have spread.

The fifty wraiths floated around the study.

Li Mo used his spiritual qi to bring them peace.

Ye Xiaolu was curious, Why arent you letting them stay? Didnt you say the more grief the better it is for warding the house?

They are different from you. Their grief is regarding depression, only used in making a special item. Anything else would just disappear at some point.

I am just dissolving their grief so they could disappear on their own. I am giving them a thread of hope.

What hope?


Youre saying they can be reborn in this world?

Li Mo nodded, then shook his head.

Reincarnation is spoken of since antiquity. As fo whether such a thing is possible, no one is certain.

Perhaps its real, or perhaps its fake. Li Mo was vague.

It is or it isnt. Being so cryptic about it is no different than not saying anything at all.

You dont understand. Li Mo said, What of the soul art I taught you?

I can practice it.

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Really? Li Mo was amazed.

Ye Xiaolu sent a soul attack with a raise of her hand. If she did that with her two hands, she could unleash tens of attacks like nothing.

What do you think?

Pretty good.

Compared to Su Qingyi, Ye Xiaolus talent was monstrous. Su Qingyi trained months to unleash a single soul strike once in a while, while Ye Xiaolu sent them out in waves.

Although, it also had something to do with how well she matched the Nine Yin Body.

I dont know many soul arts, but each of them is a good choice in raising your soul power.

Use the Nine Yin Body as a cauldron and cultivate Exalted Profound Mystery Art.

Is this art great?


Can I smack you if I completely cultivate it?

What do you mean?


The Exalted Profound Mystery Art is in ancient text. First, try it out and see if you understand it.

Li Mo imparted the art to Ye Xiaolu.

What is this? Jibber jabber? What does it even mean Ye Xiaolu was confused.

Its up to you if you can understand it. I dont have a Nine Yin Body and cant cultivate it. I cant help you with this art.

Legend says that training it to completion will allow ones soul to survive for a hundred thousand years. But theres no clue if its real or not.

A hundred thousand years?

Li Mo nodded, Rare are soul cultivators that can hold on for even ten thousand years. As for those surviving for a hundred thousand, they are few and far in between.

Ye Xiaolus eyes bulged, Y-you mean to tell me I will die?

Is that so strange? Not only you, but for me as well. It is unknown if well be able to live forever.

Li Mo sighed, Perhaps theres no one in this universe who can live forever.

Strong ones, like sovereigns, half-emperor, even immortal emperor, may live a glorious life for tens of thousands of years. But in the end, theyd all succumb to the test of time. 

Only allowed on

The next morning, Li Mo woke up at the sound of Du Feis call.

Bro Mo, something huge happened? Du Fei yelled.

Whats wrong?

I-I dreamed I was another person?


Last night I went to bed and had a strange dream. In it I was a simple Daoist becoming the disciple of someone called Profound North Sect, learning their arts. I kept breaking through until I became immortal. Many people died and a queen saved me by taking a sword hit with her body. I held her dead body, crying as I killed everyone I saw 

I lived for a hundred million years, yet cant help but ask. Does immortality exist? Cang Qing regrets his life. Ahhh, its unbearable! My head hurts like hell

Li Mo was shell-shocked.

If anyone else heard Du Fei, theyd think he was speaking nonsense. But Li Mo had his past six centuries of knowledge to refute such shallow thinking.

The Profound North Sect was an ancient immortal cultivating sect. Its name was heard high and low. Because of their sect treasure, Heavens Ruler vanished into thin air, the Profound North Sect declined sharply. In less than a thousand years, it was reduced from being an outstanding immortal sect, into a bellow average group. 

The Profound North Sect still lived today, but they had only a couple hundred disciples and barely scraped a living. 

I lived for a hundred million years, yet cant help but ask. Does immortality exist? Cang Qing regrets his life! Bro Mo, Im going insane.

Meditate and recite the Grand Light Sutra I taught you.

Du Fei did what he said and soon replied, Bro Mo, it doesnt work.

Li Mo frowned.

This never happened before.

Is the Seven Star Immortal Sword and the Immortal Killing Array with you?

Yes, bro Mo. This is freaky. I dont know any way to control them, but they listen to all I say.

Come to my place and get the All-defending Immortal robe.

You got the immortal robe back? Owww, ahh, not again. I will call you back in a bit. Ahh, ugh. I lived for

Du Fei hung up.

Du Fei showed up at noon, with another person.

It was Madam Ning.

Madam Nings eyes were dull, just like a puppets. Du Fei carried her here.

She lost her husband in the Mystical Firebirds world. I felt sorry for her and saved her. She used to scream and struggle but turned like this once she left the Mystical Firebirds world.

Was the shock too great that it scarred her mind?

Li Mo used Celestial Eye on her.

Bone Devouring Bug, living zombie, these two evil practices appeared at the same time. This is no coincidence. By the looks of it, Earths invasion isnt just the eleven alien races on the surface.

Bro Mo, what do you mean? Ahh. Du Fei held his head.

She didnt become like this because of shock. She ingested Soul Scattering Pill.

Soul Scattering Pill? I remember she took Lei Tians longevity pill yesterday!

Longevity pill? Did she become younger after taking it?


That was no longevity pill, but Soul Scattering Pill.

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