Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 163: The Girl in White

Chapter 163: The Girl in White

Li Mo carried the girl in white on his back when, at some point, he had a strange feeling he couldnt quite put his finger on it.

It was this particular feeling that told Li Mo that they may not know each other, but they were without a doubt not enemies.

The gang took three days to scour the lands of Heavenly Court, except the flying palace of course. The only thing they found besides broken weapons, were more broken weapons.

The girl woke somewhere around two days in. But this time she looked at Li Mo with suspicion.

She remained silent on his back, sleeping when others did, walking after them when they started going. While any question directed at her was met with utter silence.

The group left through the Western Heavenly Gate, bumping into the same storm after just half a mile.

Whitey, who was already back in her fox form, ran at Li Mos feet and whined.

Li Mo said, This planet is dead. Only the lands of Heavenly Court have received some protection. Your sisters sole chance of surviving is if they used the top earth qi jade to return to Earth.

But that does no longer concern me when they have stopped being my comrades. In betrayal, one time is already more than enough leniency.

Het went to set up a Stellar Orientation Array with earth qi jade.

This place was filled with secrets, and they hadnt gotten to look at the floating palace yet.

Li Mo asked the girl in white, We are returning. Do you wish to come with us?

The girl looked back at Heavenly Court with a long look.

You can follow if you want.

Li Mo entered the Stellar Orientation Array first.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The girl watched them disappear one after the other and her eyes were perplexed. She was hesitating, but still decided to go into the Stellar Orientation Array.

Master, youre finally back!

Li Mo just came and the snow people came to give a warm welcome.

Despite having gone for days, there was no speck of dust around. The floor was even buffed to a shine.

There was no such thing as slacking snow people. They kept to their work even when their master was away.

Whitey went on the second floor, but could not find her sisters no matter how much she looked.

They hadnt returned.


A white figure appeared in the living room.

For some odd reason, Li Mos heart eased at the sight of her.

Ye Xiaolu scooched over, Gorgeous, not talking is fine, but can you at least tell us your name? How will we call you then?

Also, it was I who found you. Without me, youd be stuck in there forever. Its only fitting to consider me your savior.

The girl in white was unconcerned.

To be clear, the only one capable of getting any reaction out of her was Li Mo.

Prettier than a fox, but dumb as wood. Boring.

Ye Xiaolu went upstairs.

Du Fei had gone home with Madam Ning.

The panda, Su Qingyi, Mite Snow and Millie Snow minded their own business, leaving Li and the girl the only ones in the living room.

They were their first moment alone.

The girl came closer and watched his face intently before shaking her head, You are not him.


The girl woke from the divine root vessel and her first words when seeing Li Mo were You came. Now she contradicted herself, leaving Li Mo perplexed.

He is The girl furrowed her brows then held her head in pain.

How odd. Very odd. Why do I feel so ill when I think of his name. Why cant I say it

The girl shuddered and sweated.

Only allowed on

Li Mo placed his hand on her head and supplied her with spiritual qi. He felt just like last time, feeding a bottomless pit. No matter how much he gave, there was no effect.

Li Mo used Fortune of Heaven and Earth Arts body refining method to complete the Body Tempering Stage. His body was strong, and spiritual qi reserves aplenty, so much so it was inconceivable. Yet this much refining didnt seem to hold a candle to how much this girl could take.

Li Mo shouted, If its painful, then dont say it!

But I want to know if you are indeed him!

I am me and no one else!

The girl raised her eyes at him.

Youre called Li Mo? The girl in whites voice was recovering. It was so soft and enticing that ill-thoughts would brood in any who heard it.

Yes, that is my name.

The girl nodded.

What about your name? Its fine if you dont want to say it.

Its not that. Just I cant recall my name.

The girls cheeks flushed a hint.

Cant remember? Did you lose your memories?

Many things I cant remember. It must be because I stayed in there for so long.

Li Mo suddenly realized.

How would one feel being trapped for ages in a world of darkness and without room to even move? What memories were to remain after eons?

Forget about remaining with anything when theres plenty of things I cant recall in those six centuries of war.

You never slept inside the divine root? I heard that when strong beings seal themselves, they use some art to enter deep sleep. The only way for them to survive such endless loneliness.

The girl grimaced, That man who I cant recall his name sealed me. The situation was urgent, but all that I could remember is him promising me that he will come for me no matter how long it takes.

You and he look identical. Just that you dont feel like him. The girl was downcast.

Li Mo was also shocked.

Li Mo called for Millie Snow to settle her in the left room upstairs. 

Li Mo went to his study and found his phone bombarded by a thousand missed calls.

And nine hundred were from that Yang freak.

But Yang Hongying didnt just stop at nine hundred calls, sending dozens of messages as well.

If it wasnt about the soul item, then it was regarding Experts Alliance. The yearly Expert Testing Grounds was fast approaching and Yang Hongying was trying to get Li Mo in.

Experts Alliance was holding a yearly Expert Testing Grounds to pick three elites from every base to compete in the capital. The final winner would enter the ruling class of the Experts Alliance, while the second and third place would return to their province base as leaders.

Expert Testing Grounds was a very important event for the organization. Li Mo saw that he only had two days left to sign up.


Li Mos phone rang again, Yang Hongying.

Hey, these days

Sign me up. And hanged up.

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